View Full Version : A strange phenomena regarding doppelgangers (mind-split?)

27th February 2010, 11:34 AM
Dear Robert.

I have been a practicing occultist for over sixteen years now so I do have my own experiences of the strange and fantastical flukes that sometimes creep into and affect even the physical world.

Astral Projection is of course one of the cornerstones of mystical works and it is something I still need to master myself. However, without real active astral experience some people constantly report my presence

in the astral planes. I was wondering about how common this phenomena is and it seems no one really knows the exact explanation. I was wondering if your mind-split idea could possibly shed light on such

occurences and that one may have projections unknowingly. Though these cases are still strange.

A witch I was working with and helped with training constantly claimed I would visit her and she would see me standing in her room and appearing to her at night. Though I had no knowledge of ever even trying

something like this. She also attended a large ritual once with others and claimed they saw me manifest in one of the priests almost to a physical degree and changing facial features and such. These are not the

only examples of this happening neither did it involve just this one person. I used to have this elderly neighbour on my street who moved away to another city. We did not have that much contact really but we

knew each other. I later heard that she went for a operation on a brain tumour and I am not sure if it was during this operation or during other operations due to complications. Though she had a NDE. Saw her

body being operated on and the hospital around her etc. The strange thing is she claims she saw me. But as an actual physician moving around and helping people. I have no idea why exactly her mind would

think of me and neither have I ever been near that hospital or know anything about being a medical doctor. We never really shared such a close tie that I would think she should see me during her NDE.

I thought these may be interesting and I am wondering what you think about them. I have considered the rational part about a suggestible student and her teacher or an old woman having hallucinations due to

drugs, a tumour or the operation.

Thank you

Hi Daedralord.
I will leave this post here (and make a copy for the Down Under forum) because you clearly asked for Robert's opinion- however the theme has been discussed before (by Robert and others) and I would like to offer at least an initial reply- CF.

Robert Bruce
8th March 2010, 03:08 AM

The subtle bodies often have a life of their own.

As you suspect, you can be unaware of what your astral or mental bodies are doing.

This happens to me all the time. Sometimes I remember fragments.

Little is known about this, or how far it extends.

Mind you, at the top end, everything is one, and that's one heck of a mind split...the universe.

Keep smiling, pretend you know what you are doing, and just go with the flow. If it works, it works.

Some of these things are beyond human understanding.
