View Full Version : Crazy stalker ex-boyfriend dream

27th February 2010, 03:12 AM
I had a "crazy stalker ex-boyfriend" dream, but, interestingly, it was NOT the usual crazy stalker of more than a decade of nightmares, namely, my ex. It seems that after the last dream I had of him (http://www.apexhost.com.au/default.aspx?content=co-location-servers&sub=co-lo&tag=co-lo.inc), when I finally realised what was going on and acknowledged what I need to acknowledge, it has been resolved. In the dream I had last night (this morning, to be precise), the "crazy stalker ex-boyfriend" was not someone I know in waking life. Looking at him from a waking perspective, I can see that the dream figure had a few qualities of various former boyfriends, but he was just a dream figure.

In the dream, I went to some sort of event, held in a large public venue. For some reason, the ex-boyfriend knew I'd be there, and showed up to harass me. At one point, he took my mobile phone from me and was trying to delete my address book, but I grabbed it back and said, "What do you think you're doing? I need those contacts! I've got my kids' schools in there! And my doctor's office!" Interestingly, that actually worked (he didn't take it back again), and I went off into the big hall where there a bunch of people, hoping to get away from the ex-bf.

He sat there at the doorway glowering at me. I felt really upset and wanted him to leave. I went to a sort of snack bar area and tried to talk to the staff about calling the police, but I couldn't seem to make them understand what I needed. One of the people on the desk was Rose Tyler (one of the Dr Who companions), but she just looked at me blankly and didn't understand what I wanted.

Then I realised that I had my phone, so I thought I'd call for the police, mysef, but I had to be covert, because I knew that if the crazy ex-bf saw me on the phone, he'd come after me (or something). I also found that I couldn't remember the emergency number. I could only remember 911, which is the American one. I knew it was a three number combination, that it wasn't 911, but I just could not recall what I was supposed to dial. I tried a random number (828, I think) and got connected to a wrong number. Eventually, I remembered that it's 000 and I called that, but when they answered and I said I needed the police, I was unable to explain what was happening and the person on the other end of the line was very vague and the line kept cutting out.

So I wandered around in this big venue for a while, went into another room where there was a buffet (didn't eat), tried to figure out a way to leave that wouldn't involve my having to go past the crazy ex-bf who was sitting by the exit. Eventually, after wasting a lot of time being somewhere I didn't really want to be, I realised that he had apparently left (I had the impression he got bored), and I was able to leave. I woke up just as I was passing through the exit (which was through a kind of gift shop), and I was so intrigued by the dream that I tried to go back to sleep to pick it up again, but I wasn't able to do that.

I'm pretty sure that "crazy stalker ex-bf" equals something from the past, maybe something that I once loved and discarded, but which keeps coming back to hassle me. I did manage to overcome him, even snatching back my phone from him, so whatever it is, it's not something that I'm unable to handle. Eventually, it went away on its own, too, which is interesting. Not sure about the rest of the symbols, though, so any thoughts are welcome. ;)

27th February 2010, 03:46 AM
At one point, he took my mobile phone from me and was trying to delete my address book, but I grabbed it back and said, "What do you think you're doing? I need those contacts! I've got my kids' schools in there! And my doctor's office!" Interestingly, that actually worked (he didn't take it back again), and I went off into the big hall where there a bunch of people, hoping to get away from the ex-bf.

To me, and I'm not really any great interpretor, but here goes, this shows me that whatever 'he' represents could potentially affect the other areas of your life, but you are able to contain the damage, so to speak. You were able to keep whatever this guy represents from infiltrating the rest of your life, so maybe the issue is compartmentalized, which is one reason it can come out in dreams and maybe less obvious in your waking world. Also could represent a foiled attempt by an infiltrator to get to your loved ones. Good job, either way!!!!

One of the people on the desk was Rose Tyler (one of the Dr Who companions), but she just looked at me blankly and didn't understand what I wanted. love love love Dr. Who....

Then I realised that I had my phone, so I thought I'd call for the police, mysef, but I had to be covert, because I knew that if the crazy ex-bf saw me on the phone, he'd come after me (or something). I also found that I couldn't remember the emergency number. I could only remember 911, which is the American one. I knew it was a three number combination, that it wasn't 911, but I just could not recall what I was supposed to dial. I tried a random number (828, I think) and got connected to a wrong number. Eventually, I remembered that it's 000 and I called that, but when they answered and I said I needed the police, I was unable to explain what was happening and the person on the other end of the line was very vague and the line kept cutting out.

Is this an internal struggle between seeking external assistance and your sense of not wanting to rock the boat or bother people with things you think they think you should be able to handle without them? I could be SO wrong and projecting my own issues here, just flying off the seat of my pants...

So I wandered around in this big venue for a while, went into another room where there was a buffet (didn't eat), tried to figure out a way to leave that wouldn't involve my having to go past the crazy ex-bf who was sitting by the exit. Eventually, after wasting a lot of time being somewhere I didn't really want to be, I realised that he had apparently left (I had the impression he got bored), and I was able to leave. I woke up just as I was passing through the exit (which was through a kind of gift shop), and I was so intrigued by the dream that I tried to go back to sleep to pick it up again, but I wasn't able to do that.

Insert issue in the place of 'ex bf'. What does exit mean? Are you done with a particular segment of your life but this 'issue'/ex bf is blocking the exit? Wasting a lot of time where you didn't want to be, you didn't leave because he was by the exit, when he was no longer there, you were fine to leave... hmmm.....

I'm pretty sure that "crazy stalker ex-bf" equals something from the past, maybe something that I once loved and discarded, but which keeps coming back to hassle me. I did manage to overcome him, even snatching back my phone from him, so whatever it is, it's not something that I'm unable to handle. Eventually, it went away on its own, too, which is interesting. Not sure about the rest of the symbols, though, so any thoughts are welcome. ;)

What internal stuff did this and other dysfunctional relationships dredge up? I still have nightmares about my ex and his sister - the dreams are all about personal space and safety, which actually dates back to my childhood. For me, it's about exposure, safety and shame. I don't know you very well so I can't say what your gig is.

Good luck though, something is really trying to bubble up for healing maybe. :)