View Full Version : strange dream

25th February 2010, 01:07 PM
I had a very strange dream last night, I was standing near some buildings, one of which is where my mum used to work. They were going to destroy the building but it made a kind of domino effect and all the buildings were collapings one onto the next one etc...
I was at the train station opposite these buildings and wanted to get my mum's file to keep it before they destroy that particular building. there was not a general panic at all, people were watching but because people were scared to get ill from the dust they all came in the hall of the station and tried to exit from a door were there was a chinese girl asking for our money if we wanted to get out. I got angry at her but we didn't fight... and I gave nothing !
earlier in the dream I was in a bus with some people I don't know, we were travelling god knows where (I think that the buildings were a stopping point but I cannot remember precisely if it is from the same dream !)
I had a sore throat in the dream and I couldn't speak and this girl kept asking me to go out with her, I kept trying to tell her that I just wanted to go to bed to rest !!
this really makes no sense to me, I read that collapsing buildings is a warning to say that we're doing something wrong or going to take a wrong turn or stop a bad relationship.
The thing is, I am not conscious at all that I'm doing anything wrong ! I have no relationship and I am not looking for one, I have quite a great time at work, I don't feel any pressure (except to obe, you know exactly what I mean I'm sure..it's a rather positive feeling)
is it really worth trying to analyze all our dreams ?
I must say, I got a very bad idea in my mind about 10 days ago to achieve a successful astral projection, I will achieve it with this stupid idea but it's not the best solution and I'm wondering if it has anything to do with this... I
The money thing could be explained by a stupid thing which happened to me yesterday, I had coffee with a colleague who kind of reminded me that I should pay him for half of the parking fee he paid when we once went out together 5 months ago. It really shocked me because I always happily invite and pay for people without counting, I even paid the guy many restaurants etc.. and the guy is asking me to repay a pathetic 10 euros or so.....I'm flabbergasted really (and no, he doesn't need them !, it's not as if he were starving or living on subsidies that's why I'm sooo shocked !)

25th February 2010, 02:58 PM
Yep, sometimes dreams are just dreams, but in this case it may be related to your fears....