View Full Version : Q regarding "God Field"

22nd February 2010, 05:33 AM
In your "the God Field" post (under the teaching NEW topic), you mention that one simply has to "tune in" with It. What does that look like? How is that accomplished? I have gotten there once shortly after a significant spiritual shift, but I have not been able to experience it again, although I have tried and really really really really want to get back. It is my ultimate goal in using the tool of OBEs. And in my physical life too, actually.

And thank you for sharing that post. Very profound.

Robert Bruce
18th March 2010, 03:34 PM

As you might be aware, given that you have experienced this, it is difficult to describe.

Tuning into this, is a way of describing this.

To accomplish this, you need to let go and 'get yourself out of the way'.

there is a particular focus of mind involved, that is difficult to describe. This also applies to the act of manifestation through verbal affirmations; you may say an affirmation countless times and get no result, then when you are in tune you say it once and it manifests immediately.

This can also be called 'a state of grace' or 'being in the flow'.

Again, relax and get your self out of the way. This is a matter of 'allowing' something to happen, or to exist, or to manifest.

Relaxed observer mind, watching without judging or acting, relates to this.
