View Full Version : Heaven on Earth

20th February 2010, 06:17 PM
Good morning/afternoon/evening Mr Bruce.

First, allow me to thank you for your contributions to the global community. Your book 'Astral Dynamics', has been a definite eye opener for me, and I'm sure for many others around the world. Your works have inspired me to no end, and for that I can only extend my deepest and most sincerest gratitude.

If I may, I would like to share with you a brief and admittedly amateur perspective I have in regards to truth, dissonance and perspective. I have surmised that truth exists when all available information in relation to my perspective is gathered and assessed objectively. And because my perspective could be considered as a fractured shard of a greater perspective, I will only ever be afforded a half truth - in relation to my interpretations of the world around me as defined within the limitations of time (how much time I'm given to assess the world around me) space (the limited amount of space I'm able to perceive at said time), and the attachments I hold on to which solidify my identity and ergo my position in relation to the world around me.

Secondly, I have surmised that dissonance is an inherent and perhaps necessary cog in the wheel of this fractured perspective. When multiple individuals - grounded in truth identified through a fractured perspective and solidified through attachments gained therein - share a tumultuous environment together, dissonance becomes a high likelihood and dare I say a statistical inevitability. So through this albeit amateur understanding, I have come to entertain the possibility that suffering may be an integral part of the plane in which we inhabit given the current given perspective, and more importantly that dissonance may be a statistical inevitability.

However, If our current perspective was somehow broadened to incorporate that which cannot be equated through normal means, we would be able to move freely and unfettered through this system - riding the currents of dissonance towards a destiny of our own making. Instead of attempting to eliminate suffering, I surmise we may be able to surpass it entirely, and more importantly embrace it as an integral part of nature - illuminating the dark corners of existence in order to navigate the corridors of our fractured perspective, and bring the pieces together to form a unified whole in which we can live an existence no longer marred by attachment or bound by restrictions.

So my query is; In your opinion, is it possible a literal 'heaven on Earth' scenario may be plausible? and If so, in your opinion, would this existence rest on the foundation of the ignorance and suffering of human consciousness? I don't particularly find this hypothesis morally abhorrent, as I realise my morals are bound by attachments found within a fractured perspective and more importantly that everything that exists is, as it is - negating the refutability of both ignorance and suffering on a universal scale and accepting the inevitability of ignorance and suffering as an integral part of conscious evolution. I also believe that this hypothesis would not propogate the ideal that many must suffer in order for a select few to flourish - instead it may likely be seen as a universal state of flux, where conscious entities are being shaped and remoulded throughout each cycle, redirected as necessary through their actions and what is deemed necessary for their development at that time.

I understand that some of the concepts I am broaching may be amateur and in no way do I propose that this is a new stream of thought. This is simply a humble observation I have made recently and I would be honoured to receive your thoughts regarding this or any relating concepts you may find congruent.

Thank you very much, Mr Bruce.

Robert Bruce
18th March 2010, 08:50 AM

Well said...

To a realized person, heaven already exists on earth. It is a matter of perception, which of course means 'how something affects you'. A realized person sees the beauty, even in the ugly and painful bits, in a world full of necessary opposites.

Suffering is a necessary part of life. The underlying reason for this 'tool' is that people will suffer until they are driven within. There, they will find peace.

A fully realized person realizes this and does not interfere in any great way. Advice is given, and if listened to suffering will be eased. If not listened to, then 'more suffering required'.

There is nothing we need in this world in order for everyone to be happy. It is all here. But we do need people to think and perceive differently. To be kinder and more compassionate and loving, and fairer and more generous and sharing and giving. If people in general thought differently, there would be heaven on earth.

We cannot 'work out' the universe, or the meaning of life, without first understanding the mechanics of life. We have to understand what life is, before the why will appear. I think when this is done, the answer will become obviously.

One answer is to consider each of the cells of your body, one of some hundreds of trillions of cells. Each cell is independent, in that it can be separated into a pitri dish. There, given the correct environment, it will grow and divide and replicate/breed. Each cell perceives itself to be separate, but it is actually a part of a greater reality, a great whole. This can be compared to life, with each cell being a person, and each person perceiving themselves as being separate. But, there is a greater reality, a greater whole, that goes by many names. It does not care what it is called. It just is.

The more subtle realms and aspects of the greater reality, like the astral and mental and etc planes, are like infinite computer programs. Within these states exist exquisite sentient programs, along with a lot of less conscious bits and bytes.

The answers to the how and why of reality can be related to the big bang. Scientists know a lot about what happened 1/millionth of a second after the big bang. But they are clueless of what came before this, and from where all the energy/matter originated. It was once believed, and still is in parts, that the universe was slowing down and that one day it would collapse to create another big bang, and start all over again. But, the latest studies show that galaxies are accelerating apart. And, the universe grows to accommodate this expansion.

In truth, we probably understand about 1% of the workings of the universe. This also applies to our understanding of the greater reality.

In this sense, humanity (and whatever other races there are in our shared universe) is also expanding and growing.

Evolution and growth appear to be a common theme and if there was a 'meaning of life' it would have to be evolution in all areas. The universe grows, learns, evolves.

From whence we came, and to where we are heading, are questions beyond our ken. You might as well ask an ant to solve a calculus problem with complex variables....

Better to enjoy the view and continue the wonderment, and live your life without limits.
