View Full Version : no brain eating in 14

18th February 2010, 04:48 PM
This post was deleted when the servers crashed.

I was in this place with 3 or so aliens. I dont know what they were doing for sure, but one of them had the top of his skull cut off and his brain was showing. I'm not sure if the others were eating it or inspecting it. He didnt seem to mind, whatever they were doing. In the dream I decided they were munching on it. It got me lucid, I decided, in a rather non-biased way, that if they want to eat eachothers brains thats ok with me, but I'm not really into it myself. So I decided to leave by increasing frequency. As soon as I began the dream dissapeared and I became aware of my body (since I was phasing it or whatever). The energy kept getting more and more intense untill it was so blissfull I was a little scared to push any farther. I had arrived somewhere called '14'. I didnt bother looking to see why I didnt want to go farther, I was content to just observe the energy of '14'. I later remembered that there are 30 something focus points in the astral. And that Robert had taken some people all the way. This was amazing to me that anyone could withstand energy of that intensity within thier body. It could be that it was intense because I was in my physical body while I 'phased'.

What is at focus 14?

18th February 2010, 04:54 PM
Fascinating experience! I am glad you got away from the brain eaters. I don't much like the sound of them myself.

18th February 2010, 06:05 PM
I remember commenting on how I believed that 'brain eating' could be expressed as 'idea sharing', and that you were not interested in doing so, were beyond needing other's opinions. I also remember someone else saying something else but now I don't remember what exactly.

19th February 2010, 02:19 PM
The focus numbers are a bit arbitrary - hence no "Focus 14." There are Focus C1, 3, 10, 12, 15, 21 and only between 22 and 27 there is a full range where all numbers are assigned. It's Monroe's way to represent to himself his experience of "the M band" - the spectrum we can phase into. In Moen's 3rd book the Focus levels are described to him by a guide in a tour of Focus 27 that the focus levels are helpful because they are frequencies/states of mind relatively free of human mind noise. That would explain the "gaps" in the lower end of the scale - like a few "safe" frequencies between the noise of where most human consciousness skips back and forth. I also think anything below 21 is astral plane or lower and anything between 22-27 is mental plane, but that is just my guess.

Just yesterday I was told that experiencing an energy body just above our current level of development is like bliss. So, let's say you're currently learning about the mental body, its faculties and its use as a separate vehicle of consciousness on the lower mental plane. Now, if you were to have a glimpse of the causal body or higher you would experience that as bliss.

Just another thought about the number 14... In hypnosis people are given a range of number denoting certain states - like the North Carolina scale for self-assessing how deep in trance you are. People are told what certain numbers along the scale have for a meaning, and then are asked to tell the number they come up with. This is like a sense - people are spontaneously able to take this information and produce such a number to group themselves adequately along a continuum.

So, maybe 14 meant something to you in terms of how much bliss (higher is more) or psychological distance to Source (less is more) - which is basically the same.
