View Full Version : Need some help/advice please

8th February 2010, 11:24 PM
Hi I'm new to this board. I just did a google search on astral projection, and somehow ended up here.

The reason I wanted to research this, because two days ago I was at an event and there was an Energy reader there. She told me, that I probably have the power to astro project or make things happen.

This is what's been happening

4 months ago my twin sister passed away. We were fraternal twins but we were very close.
I had two dreams where I was aware in the dream that she was dead. The first time was about a week after her funeral. And then once more maybe a month later. Each time I wished I could talk to her and then dreamed where I knew she was dead, and was surprised to see her. In each dream we always exchange a few words, we hug (which feels very real after I woke up), and usually I wake up. The first time since it was so close to her death, I asked her if I'm next, and she laughed and said, not yet, when I asked her were she sleeps she answered with at the cemetery and when I asked her if she traveled anywhere she said she's been busy.

So yesterday at home and felt like taking a nap in the middle of the day. (Superbowl Sunday)

So then I dream that I woke up and I'm going to watch the superbowl..... and my sister is here in my house and we're going to watch it together, as if nothing happened. Although it feels kind of weird... it feels like although I'm awake I'm actually still sleeping, sort of like stuck almost between two "states" or like when a movie frames skip.. so I go back to bed (or wake up).. and then it feels like I really wake up (although I'm not sure if I did actually really wake up). And I think to myself, lets test what this woman was saying. So in the dream I think to myself.. I really want to talk to my sister, and I say her name and I love you, and she responds I love you too. Although I don't actually see her, it's as if I'm talking to a ghost. So then I start to ask her something but she says, you can't talk very long, but I want you to say hi to someone else. And as if I know, I say Hi dad... and when I do, I hear my sister giggle... and then I wake up (in my dream) and then I wake up for real. But when I woke up, I felt kind of tired, like I I had JUST lied down.

So I was a little freaked out, but it was kind of nice. It felt like I just talked to my twin.
When I was going to sleep for the night, I was a little scared of what happened. The woman told me not to think anything evil or it can manifest so I was a little freaked out. When I finally fell asleep, I had another dream where it felt like I was there. Although in this dream. a weird man was trying to rape me (by putting a plant looking tentacle through my bellybutton). So in the dream, I tried to first kill him, by stabbing him in the back of his neck first, then slitting his throat, (which did not make him die) and he still was going after me, so then I stabbed him with a long knitting needle and started to run.. but more like floating or flying away and then I woke up. And it was again a weird feeling, as if someone just threw me on my bed, it took a second to actually move.

I've had dreams that felt real like that before, although never that violent. I would like to continue having dreams about my sister, especially since it feels like we're actually meeting.
My concern is.. is any of this dangerous... and if I maybe perhaps should go see a psychologist or psychiatrist if this is not normal.

There is other stuff too.. like certain intuition. Like a year before my dad passed away I started to get scared of losing him and started being scared that he might die. When he did, I was still in high school, I was scared to tell my mom that I was having these thoughts because somehow I thought maybe my negative thoughts killed him
Also in the recent years, I've been getting scared of losing my sister. Fearing I would be called to the hospital because she was in some accident. Well I did get a call, but it was because she passed out at work from a ruptured brain aneurysm, a week later she died.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.

9th February 2010, 03:46 AM
Hi I'm new to this board. I just did a google search on astral projection, and somehow ended up here. Hi Geminitwin. First of all, I'm very sorry for your loss.

This is what's been happening

4 months ago my twin sister passed away. We were fraternal twins but we were very close.
I had two dreams where I was aware in the dream that she was dead. The first time was about a week after her funeral. And then once more maybe a month later. Each time I wished I could talk to her and then dreamed where I knew she was dead, and was surprised to see her. In each dream we always exchange a few words, we hug (which feels very real after I woke up), and usually I wake up. The first time since it was so close to her death, I asked her if I'm next, and she laughed and said, not yet, when I asked her were she sleeps she answered with at the cemetery and when I asked her if she traveled anywhere she said she's been busy. There's nothing strange or different about this. Many people report things like these when they lose a loved one, especially if they were close.
There is a theory (that I support, because my own experiences seem to validate it) that when people pass over, they go to a place in the astral that is accessible by living people, either in projection or in the dreamstate. So when you dream of a loved one they are not coming into your personal space, you are going into this area of the astral. So chances are that this is where you went, and she has indeed been busy-but that's another post. If you have the time and the inclination, I suggest you get a book called 'Otherwhere' written by Kurt Leland. It illustrates a lot of what you are experiencing, and explains in plain language what goes on, according to his own NDEs and OBEs. It is a good read.

So yesterday at home and felt like taking a nap in the middle of the day. (Superbowl Sunday)

So then I dream that I woke up and I'm going to watch the superbowl..... and my sister is here in my house and we're going to watch it together, as if nothing happened. Although it feels kind of weird... it feels like although I'm awake I'm actually still sleeping, sort of like stuck almost between two "states" or like when a movie frames skip.. so I go back to bed (or wake up).. and then it feels like I really wake up (although I'm not sure if I did actually really wake up). And I think to myself, lets test what this woman was saying. So in the dream I think to myself.. I really want to talk to my sister, and I say her name and I love you, and she responds I love you too. Although I don't actually see her, it's as if I'm talking to a ghost. So then I start to ask her something but she says, you can't talk very long, but I want you to say hi to someone else. And as if I know, I say Hi dad... and when I do, I hear my sister giggle... and then I wake up (in my dream) and then I wake up for real. But when I woke up, I felt kind of tired, like I I had JUST lied down. I think you had a spontaneous projection, and visited with your sister. The energy drain is possibly because of the combination of projecting and the emotional impact this had on you.

So I was a little freaked out, but it was kind of nice. It felt like I just talked to my twin.
When I was going to sleep for the night, I was a little scared of what happened. The woman told me not to think anything evil or it can manifest so I was a little freaked out. When I finally fell asleep, I had another dream where it felt like I was there. Although in this dream. a weird man was trying to rape me (by putting a plant looking tentacle through my bellybutton). So in the dream, I tried to first kill him, by stabbing him in the back of his neck first, then slitting his throat, (which did not make him die) and he still was going after me, so then I stabbed him with a long knitting needle and started to run.. but more like floating or flying away and then I woke up. And it was again a weird feeling, as if someone just threw me on my bed, it took a second to actually move. There are a few explanations for this, I would suggest you look up the Dweller on the Threshold explanation. There are other explanations also, but I second the suggestion to not worry, because fear and worry are magnets for problematic entities, yet they are essentially harmless. There are things you can try to protect yourself, but you are safe to begin with.

I've had dreams that felt real like that before, although never that violent. I would like to continue having dreams about my sister, especially since it feels like we're actually meeting.
My concern is.. is any of this dangerous... and if I maybe perhaps should go see a psychologist or psychiatrist if this is not normal. This is very normal, the book I recommended will probably give you statistical information, but I can tell you visitation dreams are common and extensively documented.

There is other stuff too.. like certain intuition. Like a year before my dad passed away I started to get scared of losing him and started being scared that he might die. When he did, I was still in high school, I was scared to tell my mom that I was having these thoughts because somehow I thought maybe my negative thoughts killed him
Also in the recent years, I've been getting scared of losing my sister. Fearing I would be called to the hospital because she was in some accident. Well I did get a call, but it was because she passed out at work from a ruptured brain aneurysm, a week later she died.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you. It sounds like you definitely have some natural ability, and this person was correct when she told you that you are a natural projector.

Don't let things like a Dweller experience sour you on experiencing the 'bigger picture'- it is better to arm yourself with information when you embark in this journey, although it looks like you're in it already.
Ps. the 'Dweller' topic is in the AD Pedia, or use the search button for more info.

9th February 2010, 05:21 AM
Hi. Thank you for your response.

I think I have more questions with your answers and am more confused than before. I rushed my first post, trying to sort of recount the gist of whats been happening.

For lack of a better word but is there some Astro for dummies kind of a book? Someone who is a complete beginner and has never heard of this before, knows absolutely nothing about it. I'm very curious right now and would like to learn more about it. Maybe historical references? Scientific references? Right now, all I know is that people with neurological brain defects "see" things.
I'm extremely open minded, but come from a rather scientific schooling, on top of catholic school... so everything in me is saying this is "odd", so I want to gather some info.

The book Otherwhere, is that to explain what is happening with my sister or with me?

I did ask the woman I spoke with, the energy reader, whether I should be pursuing this ability or just let it flow naturally. She told me that I'm still young (28) and that once I get to 30 it will become more intense. So my worry is, well I want to be able to control it by then. She had some cards with her, they were not Tarot cards, but the card she pulled out for me, had a lady on it with an instrument and it said Make Music. She asked if I had any musical talents but that's pretty much a big negative. I do however draw and paint, my profession is a graphic designer, so she told me to just relax and have fun. She actually told me that I need to have more fun, several times, which I do I'm not sure why she kept saying that.

She also said that there is a lot of light around me, especially on the right hand side, there is a big beam of light.

If I did spontaneously project (although I have to admit, this sounds a little "nuts" to me at the moment, .... after my initial research I found somewhere where it said to try float my energy out of my body, but nothing happened, perhaps because I'm kind of scared of what might happen if it did), so if I did "visit" my sister, does that mean I can go visit with her whenever I want? It seems like whenever I have seen her, she says there is not a lot of time... is it forbidden or weird that I'm going there? Is she doing anything to let me come to her? sorry if these questions seem strange.
Is it possible to go somewhere and not be able to come back? What is happening to my body while the energy is gone? What is going on in the brain? The brain keeps all the memories, so if I was out of my body, how is it that I remember what happened? Are there any actual clinical studies where people have been observed while their energy was traveling somewhere else?

lastly should I care that I'm able to do this? Is this like very rare and special, and what exactly would this be for?

9th February 2010, 06:32 AM
After reading your experience, I feel that you had a lucid dream and not really an astral projection, though I cannot be very sure. I do not understand the energy loss because you don't exactly lose energy for such activities as far as I know. I feel that you must read more on the subject, take the help of a teacher or instructor, or work in a group and really learn how to consciously project into the astral. I think things will be a lot better then.

9th February 2010, 06:53 AM
4 months ago my twin sister passed away. We were fraternal twins but we were very close.
I had two dreams where I was aware in the dream that she was dead. The first time was about a week after her funeral. And then once more maybe a month later. Each time I wished I could talk to her and then dreamed where I knew she was dead, and was surprised to see her. In each dream we always exchange a few words, we hug (which feels very real after I woke up), and usually I wake up. The first time since it was so close to her death, I asked her if I'm next, and she laughed and said, not yet, when I asked her were she sleeps she answered with at the cemetery and when I asked her if she traveled anywhere she said she's been busy.
I was very close to my grandmother, and when she died, she turned up in my dreams very regularly for a while. In them, I would say things like, "What are you doing here? I thought you were dead?" and she'd laugh at me. We never had a conversation about anything, but I always woke feeling that she'd really been to visit me.

As CFT noted, this kind of experience is quite common.

So then I dream that I woke up and I'm going to watch the superbowl..... and my sister is here in my house and we're going to watch it together, as if nothing happened. Although it feels kind of weird... it feels like although I'm awake I'm actually still sleeping, sort of like stuck almost between two "states" or like when a movie frames skip.. so I go back to bed (or wake up).. and then it feels like I really wake up (although I'm not sure if I did actually really wake up). And I think to myself, lets test what this woman was saying. So in the dream I think to myself.. I really want to talk to my sister, and I say her name and I love you, and she responds I love you too. Although I don't actually see her, it's as if I'm talking to a ghost. So then I start to ask her something but she says, you can't talk very long, but I want you to say hi to someone else. And as if I know, I say Hi dad... and when I do, I hear my sister giggle... and then I wake up (in my dream) and then I wake up for real. But when I woke up, I felt kind of tired, like I I had JUST lied down.

So I was a little freaked out, but it was kind of nice. It felt like I just talked to my twin.
It is nice. She's still with you, that's very special.

The woman told me not to think anything evil or it can manifest
Mmm. That's good advice. Learning to control and manage your thoughts is valuable on many levels, including things that manifest into your life experience.

I would like to continue having dreams about my sister, especially since it feels like we're actually meeting.
My concern is.. is any of this dangerous... and if I maybe perhaps should go see a psychologist or psychiatrist if this is not normal.
It's entirely normal. Even having nightmares is fairly normal (they're generally symbols of inner turmoil; in the one you described, you ended up triumphing, though, so that's a good sign). You only need to start to worry if it affects your sleep or it persists in intrusive ways when you're awake.

I thought maybe my negative thoughts killed him
Not likely. If people could actually kill others with their thoughts, there'd be nobody on the planet. It sounds like you had an actual premonition, not only about your father, but also your sister. That's not terribly uncommon, either.

9th February 2010, 02:22 PM
As for the resources, you can read the online Treatise on Astral Projection (http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/astral-projection-training/treatise-on-astral-projection.html) written by Robert Bruce, which has a lot of information, and supplement this by looking things up in the AD Pedia. (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewforum.php?f=43)

The book I suggested (Otherwhere) is a pretty comprehensive book on the afterlife and everything related to it.

10th February 2010, 02:39 AM
Thank you for all the info. I will start doing my homework, and come back once I have a better foundation on this stuff. =)