View Full Version : Beyond words for help with K awakening
8th February 2010, 01:51 AM
Hi Im Josey and new to this forum. I was wondering if anyone has heard or experienced Kundalini awakening as unprepared as myself. I did not set out to have this experience due to the zero knowledge of it's existence. The zero knowledge of OBEs, chakras, meditation,Yoga, energy workings, or "spontaneous" anything ..... Im embarrassed to say that up until 2 years ago the only thing I read was People magazine. Never a great student, did not attend college I have since broadened my reading materials and websites in order to find out what was happening to me.
It happened in reverse, first having an energy surge in SP so scary I thought I was being taken out. Then 2 nights later spontaneously just rolled out and started flying thru the house. I am forever changed. I have learned alot since then. My question is I know OBEs often happen spontaneously with maybe no prior knowledge? But Kundalini? I feel very grateful for these experiences and it's a wonder how I got so fortunate. Has anyone had this happen in this way?
My final concern is about 3-4 months after this started I developed chronic body pain. I'm managing my illness now but of course in the back of my mind I wonder if my K awakening has caused the pain. The most fantastic experiences and the worst thing ever (pain). I would love my health back to where it was while I pursue my OBE experiences. Counting on it. Thanks for reading and for any input.
8th February 2010, 02:54 AM
Well Josey, I have never had one of those, but I have read about a few people who have, and thought they were going nuts. So yes, it has happened, even to some people here (eventually they'll read this and talk about it).
I do know also that sometimes body pain is part of the equation, and can be very disrupting. I recall Robert mentioning this some time ago (years ago in a workshop I attended) pain being part of the process. I have no real answers as to what to do. I'm almost sure he mentioned doing energy work helped with the pain, but I could be making this up in my mind.
8th February 2010, 09:17 AM
Josey, Gabriel Morris offers a free copy of his book here ( . The book does offer some advice which I'll mention when I post in the book review section. You can also read the stickied topics in this forum.
8th February 2010, 12:27 PM
I was wondering if anyone has heard or experienced Kundalini awakening as unprepared as myself. I did not set out to have this experience due to the zero knowledge of it's existence. The zero knowledge of OBEs, chakras, meditation,Yoga, energy workings, or "spontaneous" anything .....
Yup. Been there, done that. Well, as it happens, I did practice a kind of meditation (meditative prayer), but I didn't know it was meditation, and I'm not sure in what way it contributed.
But, yeah, I had no clue. I just had a meltdown. Ended up lasting several years and landed me in the psych ward.
My question is I know OBEs often happen spontaneously with maybe no prior knowledge? But Kundalini? I feel very grateful for these experiences and it's a wonder how I got so fortunate. Has anyone had this happen in this way?
Yup. And if you do a Google search on "spontaneous kundalini awakening" or "spontaneous kundalini rising" you'll find plenty of other stories of people who experienced it that way.
Mind you, I don't think it's especially common, but it certainly does happen.
My final concern is about 3-4 months after this started I developed chronic body pain. I'm managing my illness now but of course in the back of my mind I wonder if my K awakening has caused the pain.
I went through a period of chronic pain and fatigue. I'm not sure at this time if it was the house we lived in (symptoms have improved greatly since moving, so I'm thinking maybe some sort of mould infestation) or if it was one of the aftermaths of Kundalini awakening (I've read from several sources that this certainly can be a symptom; some people feel that Kundalini can and does sort of "rewire" your system, and that's what's causing the pain), or some of both. I think it probably was at least somewhat related to my spiritual transformation, though. Pretty much everything is.
It took Robert Bruce years to get stable again after he awakened Kundalini. It's taken me years, as well. I don't want to be all scary or anything, because it doesn't always happen that way, but it can. The good news is that it does get progressively and subjectively better, and then you move into whole new areas of clarity on lots of levels. And, yes, my health has improved, as well.
8th February 2010, 03:35 PM
Thanks CFTraveler,Beekeeper and CaterpillarWoman, Yeah what I've read so far is a bit disturbing. I felt invaded that night, that something much higher than me wanted to blow my socks off! From what Robert Bruce said my experience was not even a "rising" Thank the Lord!
CaterpillarWoman, you have gone thru alot, If you detailed your experience I would like to read that. I'm glad to hear your doing better. I have tried Reiki and of course endless Doctors. I never even used my health insurance in 33 years other than an annual GYN visit. Something drastically changed 2 years ago, I've met wonderful people and had positive change for the better and then theres the flip side. I REALLY HATE that side! Im happy to hear change for the better IS possible. I will look into the recommended reading from Beekeeper.
8th February 2010, 11:21 PM
If you detailed your experience I would like to read that.
Well, we're talking about fifteen or more years here, and a lot of it is kind of "water under the bridge" so I've forgotten it. To be honest, I don't know if I even could detail everything.
Essentially, I just had a meltdown. All this repressed stuff from my rather crappy childhood started to surface, and, simultaneously, my ability to keep it repressed went away. All my inner walls started to fall down, and so all this stuff was present in my conscious awareness and I had to deal with it.
Mind you, at the time I wouldn't have used a phrase like "conscious awareness". :)
I just worked through it, one thing at a time. At times, I sincerely thought that I was going to die. Not physically (I would have welcomed that), but that which I thought of as "me". As it happens, that's exactly what did happen. After several very intense years, I came to a point where I understood that "I" didn't really exist, that this thing I called "me" was just a collection of abilities, thoughts, ideas, etc. I told a couple of people close to me about that, and they were pretty horrified and tried to talk me out of it. I stopped talking about it, but I never forgot.
Years later, I've found that this is actually a huge deal and it's something people on certain "spiritual paths" actively seek and work for. And there I was, just falling into it...
Basically, everything that happened to me felt like it was entirely out of my control and the best I could do was just "cope". Had I known more, I also would have done my best not to fight or resist the process, which I believe now just made it that much worse.
Mental/emotional anguish for several years (hence the psych ward; I certainly looked - and felt- crazy), then slowly that eased up and I started to heal, in the same way that when you've had the flu, you kind of know when you've had the "turning point" and you're getting better. Then began the physical stuff, lots of chronic pain, chronic fatigue, lots of completely unexplainable pain (looked and acted exactly like Fibromyalgia, and I got a diagnosis of that, but then, I also had a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, and that's completely gone, so...). Now the physical stuff is easing up slowly, though I'm still not in top form, but as these things clear up and go away, I find my consciousness and awareness expanding greatly. That's actually an understatement. To compare my level of awareness now to that which I had in the early nineties (when this all started up in earnest) is like comparing a PhD to a pre-schooler. (Not trying to brag here, by the way. I know it can sound that way. It's just that by comparison, well, there is no comparison.)
I've met wonderful people and had positive change for the better and then theres the flip side.
That's not a very helpful way to look at it. Sometimes pain and difficulty are unavoidable in order to fix something. It's like a bone that broke and was set poorly. In order to fix it, it has to be rebroken and reset, but after that, it heals straight and strong and is much more functional. Yes, the process can be painful, but sometimes it's necessary.
I REALLY HATE that side!
Try not to fight or resist. I'm absolutely earnest here. The more you fight, the more you resist, the worse it will be. I can pretty much guarantee that. I know it's hard to just go, "Yeah, okay, I'm in a lot of pain, whatever," but using energy to dislike the situation or fight it or struggle against it is not only a waste of energy, the resistance will prolong the process. Just do your best to learn to let it flow.
I do recommend taking up meditation, by the way. It's very, very helpful for learning to be centered and learning how to allow things to just flow around and through you, without resisting. It also has measurable physical benefits (areas of the brain actually change in positive ways), emotional benefits, and other good stuff. Well worth learning it.
9th February 2010, 02:34 AM
You need to take silicon, magnesium, Omega 3 and lecithin for the nerves. Kundalini - with increased nerve energy and free radicals means you have to get serious about detox and regeneration like never before. Olive leaf stopped my nerve pain/rawness within days.
The second half of the Exhaustion Phase goes over the nerve care protocol. ... stionPhase (
10th February 2010, 02:29 PM
Thank you for the details and the supplement info. I'm already on many of those you mentioned. There's so much out there to read on K and the more I read the more it adds up. My Rheumy would not get this but my Primary certainly would. CaterpillarWoman I don't want you to think Im sitting home having a pity party. I did at first, but now I do what I love and manage thru the pain. It's difficult because my work is very physical (color consult, faux finisher) At some point I will need to let this passion go and move on. I'm guilty of longing for the comfort of a pain free body (my past) but I focus more on what I accomplish.
I appreciate all your correspondence, knowing I'm not alone.
16th March 2010, 06:06 AM
I found olive leaf ( to be the premo healer of pain due to inflammation of the nerves as energy rises in our inflammatory western bodies. Pine extract and grape seed also help reduce inflammation, but the main thing is the building of high integrity nerve sheaths.
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