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View Full Version : Is anything special supposed to happen with meditation?

6th February 2010, 11:55 AM
Could you say that meditation is same thing as doing a successful mind taming technique, since the goal is to keep the mind quit right?
I´ve started up meditation again, but I´ve never considered it meditation, but just as a mind taming technique that will take me into a trance state, which in turn will turn to an obe.

Some say that meditation is good for dealing with repressed emotions or other problems, but this seems counter produce in keeping the mind quit, if you want to keep the mind quit,
is there something I have missunderstood?


6th February 2010, 12:38 PM
Could you say that meditation is same thing as doing a successful mind taming technique, since the goal is to keep the mind quit right?
Well, it actually depends. There are different forms of meditation. One form, yes, the goal is to quiet your mind completely. Other forms, you choose a topic and contemplate that, keeping your mind focussed on that specific thing, with the goal of gaining new insight. Other forms, you concentrate on a specific idea, such as compassion, and narrow your focus to that one thing, intending to radiate that. There's also general mindfulness, which is a kind of expanded awareness, where you deliberately become aware of everything around you and within you, as much as possible.

Some say that meditation is good for dealing with repressed emotions or other problems, but this seems counter produce in keeping the mind quit, if you want to keep the mind quit,
is there something I have missunderstood?
Yes. You think there's only one kind of meditation. :)

7th February 2010, 11:43 AM
Concentration is the skill to keep the mind focussed on an object of your choice continuously. This includes learning to ignore distractions, outwards and inwards, but also keeping the focus on that specific object. This skill is also often called "one-pointedness" or "one-pointed concentration."

"Mind Taming" is a very specific variation of this that aims primarily at eliminating the influence of distraction.

There are many schools that say that concentration is not meditation. There would be many, however, that would say it is the preliminary skill for the later.

A very succinct introduction to concentration, meditation and contemplation is given in Arthur E. Powell's theosophic book "The Mental Body" - find it freely available online here: http://hpb.narod.ru/MentalBodyA.htm and http://hpb.narod.ru/MentalBodyB.htm .


7th February 2010, 01:00 PM
Perhaps if you tell us what you want to get from meditation that would help. There really are a lot of ways to work toward a specific goal, and meditation is just one of them.

8th February 2010, 04:12 AM
The two types of meditation are interrelated. Your goal is to tame the mind to learn to quiet the mind, but you can't because of a repressed emotion. Therefore, one should learn to deal with the repression first.

In fact, this is where the heart sutra comes into play. The essence of the sutra is a means to neutralize emotions, and therefore allow the mind to reach a quiet state.

8th February 2010, 08:45 PM
How then, with a goal mind set, is the mind thus set, expected to quiet?

Certainly a transmission in neutral is neither mechanically contriving to go forward or in reverse.

These cogs that wheel in their turns are not "I", though in their turning is myself as me coming and going hither and yonder. This while "I" have never to step from my centered being.

It may be seen as this:


yet, on that, I cannot remain to be; for who can walk a self appointed razors edge?

It may be re-membered as this:


and, in that, I ever am within.

It is taught that from 22 that there came 5 more as last, these five being called Sofit.

Yet, it is remembered that from these five having been first, that twenty two expressively arose as eleven to the right and eleven to the left.

They as eleven pairs reflectively expressive of our dual nature mirrored.

Misunderstanding that, or being either right or left of it thought to limitedly be, the lower more numbered realms make of themselves that which they are disposed to as your misguided off centered and non-present self/selves.

This be-cause, You are the Angel of the Presence that is never not the center solar being; that Solar Angel of Light in emission of a self/selves to be; a Star unbeknownst to It's ever present life giving light living. *

Ergo, You are that which within this IS.

Just Be!

Let go of that which goes, it having come from that which has gone.

You are the present which is ever gifted by Your True Self unbeknownst to It's Self.

It (You) ever as the child Christmas morning, unwrapping that which is by your request given to you.

In other words, You are the 'anything' which is always special; which is ever happening in the unwrapping of your unique being.

But, if we must go, then let's go skinny dippin and celebrate our god given nakedness; unwrapped, unashamed, unguilty....'un' to the UTter most, for from our own mouths are we babes founded in our own truths and collective truth. Never in Human Nature is Truth unfounded.

Silence is the noisiest residence/resonance of all, for there high pitching children play undaunted in their coalescense of innocense by concerns and worrisome goals.


* reminds me of the tale of the shoe maker. he overwhelmed at all the shoes to make. he having procrastinated in their making while making wooden elves. Yet, what 'elf', or 'elves' are not mischiefly created by the "S" of us, both tempted of It's Being and tempting in It's Doing. let's not forget, that in that tale, it were the 'elves' which saved the shoemaker from his own self/mind set demise. 'goals'

The mind knows the Who of It, is why the mind takes It to the very brink of destruction, that It too might rememeber the Who in creation of It.

Who are You? well...you are you. most unique you are, the 'u' in the nick/niche/nique of time.

8th February 2010, 09:30 PM
Thanks for that link, Korpo, I found the sections on Concentration and Meditation to be very good reading. I'll have to check out the rest of the writings as I have more time.

10th February 2010, 01:33 AM
hehe I like your new signature Ouro.

For the topic, I just would like to put my humble little thing out. different things are worked on during meditation. Sometimes it is good to think. Sometimes its good to concentrate. Sometimes good to speak (in your mind). Sometimes good to create emotion. Sometimes its good to just observe the darkness. There are multiple bodies to work on, mental, astral, etc. like Oliver says. If the only meditation you ever did was holding a blank mind, I think you wouldnt accomplish as much.
The only thing I dont find helpfull is letting attachments go round and round in your mind during meditation without attempting to resolve them. Or meditating with a bad mood or idea you cant resolve during meditation. Thinking about balancing your checkbook during meditation is no good, on the other hand thinking about why you have compassion for everyone can be good.

[Edit: oops, didnt realize this thread is 2 years old :oops: ]

10th February 2010, 03:58 AM
It's the gift that keeps on giving.

10th February 2010, 04:17 AM
No, the thread is going on 4 days old. It is not 2 years old.

10th February 2010, 10:10 AM
If the only meditation you ever did was holding a blank mind, I think you wouldnt accomplish as much.

Totally agreed. It certainly is good to have a clean slate to create on, but if you never go beyond that, what is gained?

On the other hand, a mind that has been taught to concentrate on something to the exclusion of all other things ("samadhi with a seed") is said to be capable of concentrating on nothing at all ("samadhi without a seed") - that's way beyond the quiet or blank mind, but I see it confused a lot.


10th February 2010, 01:28 PM
On the other hand, a mind that has been taught to concentrate on something to the exclusion of all other things ("samadhi with a seed") is said to be capable of concentrating on nothing at all ("samadhi without a seed") - that's way beyond the quiet or blank mind, but I see it confused a lot.

That actually got me exited :lol: It is true, nothingness and the absence of cares and intention is actually something. Nothing IS something. Intention has abscence of intention (anti-intention) wich IS an intention. I forgot about that.
Intense concentrated observation on one hypnogenic at a time into deeper and deeper 'empty space' (wich is not empty till very deep) seems quite bennificial, especially for tuning extra senses. But I wouldnt poopoo any kind of meditation, they each have perks, for instance 'empty head' gets us to a nice calm place.
For a couple years now I've been trying to swap my sleeping with meditating. Its an enticing idea. Could you immagine the bennifits? Baggy eyes, stiff cramped legs, beet red buttocks. I done it a few times (like tonight) working out the kinks.

I want to mention http://www.srichinmoycentre.org/meditat%20...%20yes_closed There is a notable difference in bennifit between a good sit and one where your basicly sleeping.

No, the thread is going on 4 days old. It is not 2 years old.
Good, I can always use some humbling. :)

26th February 2010, 04:54 PM
Life is ever a "Catch 22"

A "Catch 22 situation" is one in which: no matter which way you go, there is an undesired result or outcome. A perfect example, would be that to find out about an afterlife, you would need to die. Therefore, you either cannot find out, or you have to die to find out, which in turn defines "hindsight is 20/20", for the answer is everafter, happily so.

so, stop going hither and yonder in your personal queries. stand in your self and be. if you think meditation is quest-ionable then meditate to find your 20/20 resolve. but, always remember that no matter the direction it is a catch 22 situation.

but, that's a good rule, because one would be hard put to have reached the last step within what is them living life, and need be in the being that requires yet something else to experientially realize yet another 20/20 "been there done that".

we all seek a physician who is going to prescribe the fix for our discomforts, or dis-ease, or ill at ease feelings. but, we have to call on our very own self to stand up and be that physician that prescribes the fixedy of a custom fixing of what ails the personally confined self which confusedly sits in unmovability.

this puts the 'self' where it belongs, as that vehicle which within we may pursue our true being freely without that thinking falsely identifying it's being as the doing vehicle.

i am not my tractor, but because i am, also is my tractor sexy.

gotta love country music, otherwise ya just hate it.