View Full Version : WILD near miss

Kevin Bridges
5th February 2010, 11:59 PM
I'm not much of a drinker (maybe two beers a month on average) but did a lot of drinking last night, at my friend's birthday party. I drank some water before I went to bed, to avoid hangover, but was still hit this morning, but not too hard.

I got up this morning to take kids to school, and when I went back to bed my stomach was a little queasy, my head was a little fuzzy. I realized that when I closed my eyes, I was seeing faint pictures of this and that, and it was a great opportunity to try and induce a WILD. I started to focus on the images, and describe them to myself in my mind (which is what I do) and then I focused on an image that was "in the back" of the rest of them. The moment I did, it jumped "forward" and got a little brighter. It was an image of a parking lot that I felt like was the parking lot by Brown Creek, where I've visited. The image was rectangular, roughly the shape of a wide-screen TV. I focused on this picture, and then my girlfriend rolled over in bed and grabbed my arm.

And that was the end of that. :x

6th February 2010, 04:15 AM
Interesting experience. Hope you can have something similar soon but without a hangover. :D