View Full Version : Sleep paralysis effect, considering book defenition.

5th February 2010, 10:18 AM
Hello Robert. This is my first post.
I have one question about sleep paralysis:
In your book, you said, that sleep paralysis appears when astral body is situated away from physical body, so they "feel" each other, sending signals between them(which can bring some terrific feelings, aka panic).
But when I(to avoid this feeling) wake up physically for some minutes(during which i can drink some water), when i come back to bed, then this feeling can return just immediately. So, by you sleep paralysis definition, astral body still were away, even when i went to drink some water? I ask it, because it's really strange that sleep paralysis starts just right after i laid on the bed and not got any dream yet. I think this thing can prove, that during sleep paralysis, astral body is still inside the physical body or very very near of it. Thanks.

Robert Bruce
18th March 2010, 05:19 AM

When this happens, its best to get up for at least 20 minutes, or it will often happen again a soon as you get back into bed.

You are correct that there is more to this. There are some variations as to cause.

The first factor is that the physical body mind is close to sleep, and when you return to bed the astral body slips out unnoticed. You remain awake in physical body mind and experience paralysis.

The Astral Wind may play a part in this. When this powerful force is active, there is a lot of pressure on the astral body to exit. So, if you are deeply relaxed at this time and lay down in bed, the astral body is quickly drawn out of body, resulting in paralysis to the still awake physical body mind.

there are other variations and causes.

The bottom line here is that the underlying mechanism involved with awake sleep paralysis is that an OBE is in progress. This experience on its own is not fear inducing, with no sense of presence or dread per se. But when the projected real time astral body is nearby, this can cause complications, eg, sense of presence, fear, dread, etc.

What works, again, is to get out of bed for at least 20 minutes, have a snack, then return to bed. If it happens again, repeat.

However, if no sense of dread or presence is involved, this would be a good time for an obe exit session, to take advantage of the Astral Wind for a conscious OBE.

Much more research and experimentation is needed on this.
