View Full Version : Peter Rabbit

3rd February 2010, 11:53 PM
Last night i had a dream where i was giving my grandmother a tea kettle as a present and on this tea kettle was pictures of the cartoon peter rabbit. The tea kettle triggered good memories of when i was younger singing the little peter rabbit song so i started singing it and it would make me happier and happier the more i sung it, however i then became lucid as i felt something evil in my dream and whatever this thing was gave me chills all over and scared me so much that i woke up out of my dream, it was like watever it was didnt want me to be happy.

Any ideas on what this could mean?


4th February 2010, 11:40 AM
Hello, XxrickyxX.

The feeling of an evil presence, especially when lucid, is tricky. People have reacted this way to their own projected double, to what seems to be their soul/Higher Self, etc. Initially there's often very little difference between "feels alien/unknown" and "feels evil" - usually in our common everyday lives we rarely encounter anything that is alien to our usual way of interpreting the world. So we interpret such a thing a disruptive, evil, alien, etc. - out of a gut feeling. Call it astral xenophobia.

Having said that, with what you mentioned it's hard to know what it really was. Could have been a negative aspect of yourself, any kind of presence, who knows?


4th February 2010, 12:11 PM
i rarely become lucid in my dreams unless something significant happens it felt like watever it was made me become lucid just so it could scare me also would u have any idea wat the dream ment as a whole?

Thanks :)