View Full Version : Physical Body and Dream Connection

3rd February 2010, 04:58 AM
So a friend has been practicing astralling and dream recall, but had a dream where they were hugging someone in the dream, the person who they were lying next to in real life says the during sleep they were actually hugging them, apart from during a sleep disorder, what is the likely hood of this happening? I know that usually the other way around people's dreams are influenced by the real time zone, things like alarms or dream masks or any other disturbance or cues. I once knew someone who broke their arm whilst asleep and I have sisters who sometimes talk in their sleep, but has anyone had any experience with this sort of thing - a dream influencing your real time zone actions if not related to sleep disorders or sleep walking?

3rd February 2010, 02:12 PM
It is related to sleep walking. Some people have the propensity to not be completely paralyzed, and it may be a familial thing. In my family all of us have done things like this one time or another- I often get up (and once punched my hubby) while asleep, my son gets up and talks gibberish (he doesn't do it as often as when younger, but it still happens occasionally) and my brother used to sleepwalk. So even though it may not be illness related, it certainly seems genetic.

3rd February 2010, 02:59 PM
has anyone had any experience with this sort of thing - a dream influencing your real time zone actions if not related to sleep disorders or sleep walking?
A few times in my life, I've dreamed I was going to the toilet, when I wasn't. Once as a child, I actually went in a dresser drawer. :oops:

I also remember at least once "waking up" in the kitchen downstairs from my bedroom, with a drink of water in my hand, and no memory of how I got there. Why I went all the way downstairs when there was a bathroom with a drinking glass a few steps from my room I have no idea.

I've also had a lot of instances of external things influencing my dreams, such as me dreaming about whatever music was on the clock radio, not realising it was actually the alarm going off, but that's not quite the same thing (rather the inverse).

I'm a much lighter sleeper now than I used to be (since I had kids), so I'm much more likely to completely wake up.

3rd February 2010, 05:12 PM
I had forgotten about the TV thing- I can dream of a show if it's on. I'll hear it as it plays and I'll supply the visuals. It can be very entertaining but won't last long, because as soon as I realize what it is I snap out of it.

4th February 2010, 09:24 AM
Last year or the year before I leapt out of bed and found myself peering through the curtains. I have no recall of the dream at all, only the memory that something shocked me out of bed before I knew what I was doing.

A few years ago, again in a dreamless state, I became aware of hands massaging quite strongly around my nose and eyes. I gradually became aware that they were my hands but how they became involved in the activity of massaging my sinuses is totally beyond my comprehension.

Recently my husband kicked me in bed. He apologised when it woke him, saying he was trying to get a soccer ball from me and accidentally missed it, kicking the dream me and the physical me instead. :lol:

4th February 2010, 12:35 PM
Hey thanks guys these are really interesting stories :)

5th February 2010, 01:08 PM
I leapt out of bed and found myself peering through the curtains.
ROTFLMAO!!!! I read that as "peeing through the curtains" and I was trying to visualise how a woman pees through curtains.... PEERING makes so much more sense! LOL!!! :lol: :oops: