View Full Version : Dream-induced WILD, very strange

Kevin Bridges
2nd February 2010, 03:47 PM
I posted this in the Ask Robert Bruce section simply because I never heard of a lucid-dream induced WILD in his book that I'm reading, and I understand that he's recently come up with some new theories about lucid dreams. I imagine that any new type of experience will help him with his research in lucid dreams, which may not be as comprehensive as his research about OBEs.

I just read the section in your revised AD about WILDS, and took the time to get up at 5 this morning, take a bath, do primary-center work, and give myself affirmations about what a natural I am at WILDs.

I went back to bed, and (by holding my arm up) judged when I was about to fall asleep, and then started visualising a shopping mall. It didn't work that time, and I fell asleep, and during my dream, found myself lucid. I've been a natural LDer my whole life.

I was flying around in the dream, and I figured I'd try to induce a WILD from there. I can't recall if I just said, "Give me a WILD now," or if I actually pictured a scene, but the affect was pronounced. I felt heavy pressure on the side of my face (in retrospect, this may have been the pillow with my physical body) build up, and then I saw a scene with a man standing by a wall. As a feeling of vertigo built up, the visible scene started "flipping" back and forth, between what I was seeing, and the man by the wall. It got faster and faster (maybe with a sound, not sure) until I felt myself thrown from my bed, landing perfectly on my feet.

I was in my bedroom, but it looked completely unfamiliar. Everything was so solid and real, though, that I found it hard to convince myself I wasn't in solid reality. What finally convinced me was that, in this bedroom, the bed was in that corner, and where I'd been thrown off was in a different corner. I interacted with the people in the house in a number of ways, and then closed my eyes, and held the picture of the shopping mall. I was taken there, and it was a rather small shopping mall. I ran around and ate some food, and then decided I wanted to meet with a "copy" of a person I'd like to meet in real life, so I tried to hold that intention, but it didn't work, and the shopping mall scene was gone. Then I woke up.

P.S. Thinking about it, the "scene with the man" and the flipping may have occurred between the two wild scenes, and not between the original LD and the WILD. The feeling of pressure on my face happened both times, though.

Robert Bruce
18th March 2010, 03:33 AM

Awesome experience. Well done.

This is a WILD (mental projection).

There is a Real Time aspect of WILD, but this has the same reality fluctuation anomaly problem as does astral projection into Real Time Zone.

This approach is very new and exciting. Little to no exploration has been done in this area. This has to be considered as a type of real time OBE (mental level) before you can get anywhere and start making observations.

Keep up the good work.
