View Full Version : Crossing 3 Streams

2nd February 2010, 06:32 AM
I had a very symbolic dream just before another attack of hemiplegic migraine this weekend: First, I was travelling along a dusty mountain pass with some unknown companion. There were several groups of wild 'elephants around, all very much more agile & fast-moving than normal elephants. We were advised by travellers coming the other way, to shelter over the edge of the cliff as the elephants were dangerous, so we climbed down a fair way & peched precariously on rocks overlooking a magnificent green, misty valley. Then I felt somethng touch my right shoulder - it was the trunk of one of the elephants; it rested its trunk gently on me , & I plucked up courage to stroke it - it was soft as a horse's muzzle & I felt deeply honoured.

I carried on my journey alone, now traversing the steep mountainside, & had to cross 3 streams - the first was reddish, evidently from the red rocks that it flowed over; the 2nd was bright green, clogged with "sea lettuce" & I could hardly wade across; the 3rd was awful, it was crammed along its full length & breadth with dead geese (geese are always one of my main dream subjects) who had their heads hanging down under the water . . . I could sea the ocean far below, also bright green & slow, clogged with some sort of plant, like "sea lettuce".

I then had to make my way across a sheer part of the cliff face, & as I reached out to grab hold of a rock, I saw it was loose - I moved it out of the way, & reached for a pink quartz handhold, only to realize I would not make it. Clinging to the rock face with my bare toes, I realised this was the end , & called out to someone (unseen) far below, "This is the end of me". I woke before I fell, afraid but accepting the inevitablity of it.

(Sorry it is so lengthy!!)

It was all terribly vivid, slow motion & had an "astral" feel to it - I have not been able to shake the dream or make sense of it, & wonder whether anyone has any insights to share?

Namaste all!

2nd February 2010, 09:09 AM
As for the colors in the later half of the dream:

Rose quartz is an excellent heart-healing gemstone. It is a nature remedy that can be used for treating any issue that needs emotional healing. Rose quartz is a pink-colored crystal that carries a very gentle and soothing energy and gives comfort to anyone whose heart has been wounded.

So, the remedy to healing here is out of reach. Green again is also both the color of the heart chakra and healing, and note the color of the second stream - green. More interestingly, the color results from being clogged - denoting blockages in the flow (of energy). At the same time you have a clear red - physical - flow, so this is not a physical problem, but more a problem of the heart energy or the heart chakra maybe.

The ocean might be a hint to the energy potential, but here I would think this is a rather direct reference to the Middle Dantien - the Dantiens are sometimes referred to as "Sea of Chi" - sea of energy. So, you have energy flows and one big sea of energy. I can also tell from one experience that the Dantien can feel like a wide sea of energy to the inner perception. So, this clogging could pertain to the whole emotional energy system - the flows and the "elixir field" they connect to (the Middle Dantien located near the heart center).


PS - geese are fowl. Dead fowl = foul fowl? Maybe a pun, a double emphasis, that the third flow is very heavily blocked by something "foul." Since you gave no color, by inference it is maybe a more mental aspect (after physical and heart/emotional)?

2nd February 2010, 09:36 AM
Thanks, Oliver - that is most intersting, I will meditate on your insights!

2nd February 2010, 10:41 AM
First, I was travelling along a dusty mountain pass with some unknown companion.

The unknown companion is often thought to be a guide but I generally see it as an aspect of the dreamer of which he or she isn't fully consciously aware. The dusty path suggests a difficult journey where there may be a metaphorical thirsting and times where vision can be obscured.

There were several groups of wild 'elephants around, all very much more agile & fast-moving than normal elephants. We were advised by travellers coming the other way, to shelter over the edge of the cliff as the elephants were dangerous, so we climbed down a fair way & peched precariously on rocks overlooking a magnificent green, misty valley.

These travellers probably represent previous experiences you have had and how these predispose you to react in your current circumstances. The elephants are something very powerful and because they are identified as wild, agile, fast-moving and dangerous I would suggest they represent some type of feeling or emotions that you felt (before the dream) posed a threat if not suppressed, feelings that could quickly overtake you. Since elephants are said to never forget, these emotions my be linked to some deep emotion emanating from the past.

In consequence of the way you were choosing to react to the feelings, you found yourself in the precarious position of being between a rock and a hard place.

Then I felt somethng touch my right shoulder - it was the trunk of one of the elephants; it rested its trunk gently on me , & I plucked up courage to stroke it - it was soft as a horse's muzzle & I felt deeply honoured.

The dream message is clear: confront the feelings that you feel will overpower you. By doing so, you integrate them and honour yourself.

When you think of 3, do you think of mind, body, spirit or id, ego superego or something else, maybe a situation in your life that represents three paths, 3 streams of thought?

What do geese symbolise for you? What saying immediately comes to mind when you think goose? When you meditate,considering asking the geese what they are representing in your dreams.

Sea lettuce could be a rebus for "Let us see."

2nd February 2010, 10:50 AM
Thank you, too Beekeeper - I think you hit on some very important issues in my life. . . .amazing how insightful the members of this forum have proved to be! BTW, Korpo, the geese were grey (greylag geese?)

2nd February 2010, 10:57 AM
I added a couple of thoughts while you were replying. I feel your dream has an urgent message for you about some choices you are able to make now. I'm thinking the fall is not necessarily a bad thing, however, it may just be the falling away of a certain habitual way of behaving in a particular circumstance.

2nd February 2010, 02:29 PM
Man, BeeK, I love this - "Sea lettuce" - "Let us see!" I was wondering about the sound of the words, but couldn't come up with one. Wonderful! 8)

Hey, sono, I agree with BeeK here - this could be about something vital. I find dreams and experiences with such strong symbolism always to be very important. It sounds like a very powerful dream just from reading it.
