View Full Version : Some problems...

31st January 2010, 08:56 PM
Okay this is what happens, I get in bed start relaxing in every way possibly. My body is comfy, my mind settling down, after about an hour my body is numb from not moving and that's as far as I get. I feel I'm clearing my mind pretty well, but can't really get into that deep trance, not even when It's time for bed and I'm sleepy. I'm not sure what to do, I've tried ,Melatonin, warm milk, hot showers,running in the freezing cold.Finally I'm to this brainwave generator thing, which I didn't expect to work, but it made me start yawning using the builtin sleep induction. If anyone could help, with anything, maybe some sort of ring, that magically put's you in a trance! it would be nice thanks!

31st January 2010, 09:42 PM
How far have you gone in the program?
Please describe your routine.

1st February 2010, 03:07 AM
I almost finished the Astral Dynamics book, I first relax my body through a variety of ways, that's the easy part, because I get comfy quick. Then, I relax my mind, which is somewhat harder, but I can get it pretty quiet in the noggin. Then I start a Full body circuit and body bounce to try to deepen myself, but I can't seem to get any sort of trance state. I just want to get in, at least, some sort of trance.

1st February 2010, 02:49 PM
So, you do physical relaxation, then mental relaxation and energy raising, and more energy raising?
This is what I recommend-
Do your physical relaxation, then energy raising. Then do some sort of energy breathing (pranayama) counting, etc. Then go into a series of trance exercises (falling, floating, etc.) Then do some contemplation (that is, mind quieting- as long as possible. Then do energy body loosening- you mentioned bouncing, but I'm not sure if you meant energy raising-bouncing or energy loosening-bouncing. I recommend the loosening- if bouncing is too 'energizing', do expansion (balloon expansion breathing, side to side rolling.) If you are still not in trance (that is, your perceptions are the same) go back to 'noticing', and combine 'noticing' with 'passive listening'. If at some point you begin to have any kind of exit sensations (that is, hypnagogics, astral sight, or vibrations) then start on an exit technique.

1st February 2010, 09:35 PM
Thanks Ill try that out, btw what do you mean by ,"perception being the same", what should my perception be exactly?

1st February 2010, 10:22 PM
Sometimes there is a subtle change in how you think while you're in trance- you just feel 'different'- it's hard to describe, other than you realize that your thought processes are different, although your lucidity remains 'normal'. Sometimes you realize you 'know' something, but that's sometimes so subtle that you may realize this in retrospect.

3rd February 2010, 01:10 PM
I seem to have had some success, though, I've been falling asleep to soon, but at least now I know I can actually fall asleep, or in some trance. I also used the Brainwave generator, Boxed Nirvana, I it may have helped, thanks!