View Full Version : dual-perspectives, cats and BIG buildings

27th January 2010, 11:12 AM
All of the dreams I had last night seemed to flow together. Even though they are all completely different, I think they need to be interpreted as one dream.

I was in a large building, surrounded by a large parking lot. The parking lot was empty and seemed like it had been unused for quite a long time as there were weeds growing up through the cracks in the pavement.

The building seemed just as deserted. It was full of small empty rooms. The hallways were very long and narrow with many sharp turns, which means the rooms were not all the same size or in a row like in most buildings. I managed to find my way to the room I wanted. As far as I could tell it was the only occupied room in the building. The door to the room said Tattoos and Piercing, what I was looking for. But when I entered the room it was set up for facials and make-up. Not what I came for, but I went ahead.

There was some sort of commotion, and the person doing my make-up was told that there was a serial killer in the building. We evacuated quickly.

Once outside, I noticed that my car was the only one in the parking lot. It was down at the far end, parked under a small tree, the only tree in the parking lot. The car was BIG. Like an old Ford or Chevy from the late 70s maybe. It was brown in color. Nothing my family or I have ever owned in RL. I opened the car door and was blasted by a wave of heat. At this point in the dream, I was standing outside the car, opening the door, and also sitting in the passenger seat watching it happen. The me in the passenger seat opened up the glove box and pulled out my wallet. The other me tried to roll down the window but it was stuck, so I waved the car door open and shut to get air moving through.

Then I woke up.

When I fell back asleep my best friend and I were in the car. She was driving. We were on a very narrow street, almost like an alley. The car was big and hard to maneuver. She was trying to turn around, but was finding it difficult. We found a driveway to turn around in, but half way into it we saw there was a cat and a bunch of kittens in the way. We were stuck again.

Woke up again.

This time the dream started with me and the same friend walking. We were in the country, near the highway that leads into the town where I grew up. We were going the direction of leaving town. As we were walking we saw a HUGE wild cat. It was nearly the size of a house. In the back of my mind, someone said “mountain lion”, but it was much much bigger and looked more like a giant gold tabby, but ferocious. It saw us and started chasing us. We ran like mad to the first house we came to. An old man opened the door and we ran in. His wife was sitting in a comfy-looking chair watching a game show.

At this point my perspective switched to that of the cat. I jumped at the man and scratched him on the back with one of my giant paws. Then I scratched him on the back of the head.

Then I was me again and grabbed the man by the arm and pulled him into the house and locked the door. My friend went to find something so that we could take care of his wounds.

Next time I fell asleep I dreamed this, which also seemed like a continuation of the previous dream.

I was with my sister in a house in the town where I grew up. In RL it is just around the corner from the first apartment we rented when we moved out of our mother’s house. It seemed like there was some preparation being done for a group that was going to be meeting there later in the day. Religious in nature, I think. A lot of people from my past were there.

My son comes up to me and I see that he is carrying a baby. It is very small, the size of a doll. I take the baby and head in the direction he came from, the back of the house. There is an enclosed back porch and I see that there is a cubby-hole in one of the walls. It has an open door on it. I also notice that there are several of these dollish-sized babies.

I look at the baby I’m holding and see that it is not a baby after all, it’s just a doll. The other babies are just dolls too. Then I see that the door to the cubby-hole is shut. I think the two things must be related, and when I open the door to see if I am right, the babies come back to life.

This next dream seemed to be at the beginning and also the end of this series of dreams. Makes me wonder if it was another circle of dreams that repeated through the night.

I was in a foreign city, visiting friends, but the “friends” were not present in the dream. I remember standing on the front step, drenched in rain. Then I was in the apartment having tea and I decided to go to a theater. When I enter the theater, I see that it is at least 4 times bigger than it is from the outside (or in RL for that matter). There is a rehearsal going on, and so I sit down in the back. After a while I realize that I have forgotten my passport at the apartment. I jump up and go back to get it, but I go a different route from the one I took to get to the theater. This one is mostly unfamiliar and seemed to be subway tunnels. I wondered if I should be scared, but decided that since the place seemed deserted there was no point.

It really seems that there is a message in these dreams for me, so if some of you have ideas, that would be great. Thanks.

27th January 2010, 02:47 PM
This next dream seemed to be at the beginning and also the end of this series of dreams. Makes me wonder if it was another circle of dreams that repeated through the night.

I wonder if that happens to all of us and you stumbled over it? I mean, that we have a sequence of dreams repeating all night and fail to notice because we remember so little.

I was in a foreign city, visiting friends, but the “friends” were not present in the dream. I remember standing on the front step, drenched in rain. Then I was in the apartment having tea and I decided to go to a theater. When I enter the theater, I see that it is at least 4 times bigger than it is from the outside (or in RL for that matter). There is a rehearsal going on, and so I sit down in the back. After a while I realize that I have forgotten my passport at the apartment. I jump up and go back to get it, but I go a different route from the one I took to get to the theater. This one is mostly unfamiliar and seemed to be subway tunnels. I wondered if I should be scared, but decided that since the place seemed deserted there was no point.

Theater and rehearsal and a play in general can be symbolic of life in general - how will everything play out? What will be the effect of the choices I made? What happens if I do this? So, this is kind of like practice, but also a reference to the "drama of life" quite literally unfolding in front of us. Sitting in the back and looking at the rehearsal is you reviewing possible outcomes, for example.

The theater looking bigger from the inside might indicate that an issue looks bigger "from the inside" - when you look closer at it, it is more complex, a bigger issue, a bigger thing than you might have realised before.

Passports have to do with identity. So, if you have to look for your identity or forgot your passport you might be asking yourself if your identity is strong enough for this. (Especially since passports or ID cards are not usually required to be carried around all the time in the English speaking cultures, so the passport is usually an emphasis.)

Taking a different route back... One possible interpretation would be that you have trouble "retracing your steps" that lead you to where you are (the current issue, the issue at hand, the current challenge as exemplified by the theater). Maybe the subway tunnels mean that there are sub-conscious aspects to how you "chose your way." Maybe it's unfamiliar because you try to look at it from a new angle. Just one of many possible interpretations, though.

Deserted places are places people left behind. The past is quite literally deserted, it just remains, it is no longer populated by life force or changing. There is no reason to be afraid because the past will no longer change or throw new things at you. So, stepping back in the past could be scary for some, but you realise that there is no harm coming to you from the past, that nothing new can happen from there.

So, maybe this means you are trying to figure out subconscious forces at work in your current situation, tracing them back to their origin (where you started in the dream) as part of strengthening your identity (finding your passport) for the upcoming challenges (which you are rehearsing to establish a course of action).


27th January 2010, 03:20 PM
Passports have to do with identity.
I'll agree to that much.

So, if you have to look for your identity or forgot your passport you might be asking yourself if your identity is strong enough for this.
"strong enough" for what? how does "strong enough" come into play?

(Especially since passports or ID cards are not usually required to be carried around all the time in the English speaking cultures, so the passport is usually an emphasis.)
I don't think this is true. At least in the States anyway. IDs are required to be with you at all times.

27th January 2010, 03:26 PM
"strong enough" for what? how does "strong enough" come into play?

Like - feeling strong enough. Self-assured. Feeling capable, maybe.

I don't think this is true. At least in the States anyway. IDs are required to be with you at all times.

Yes, but not passports, right? Most people don't even have passports in the states, I thought. Then again, if you are required to have ID on you on all occasions and you feel you left it at another place, then this is basically the same.

I was in a large building, surrounded by a large parking lot. The parking lot was empty and seemed like it had been unused for quite a long time as there were weeds growing up through the cracks in the pavement.

The building seemed just as deserted. It was full of small empty rooms. The hallways were very long and narrow with many sharp turns, which means the rooms were not all the same size or in a row like in most buildings. I managed to find my way to the room I wanted. As far as I could tell it was the only occupied room in the building. The door to the room said Tattoos and Piercing, what I was looking for. But when I entered the room it was set up for facials and make-up. Not what I came for, but I went ahead.

There was some sort of commotion, and the person doing my make-up was told that there was a serial killer in the building. We evacuated quickly.

Once outside, I noticed that my car was the only one in the parking lot. It was down at the far end, parked under a small tree, the only tree in the parking lot. The car was BIG. Like an old Ford or Chevy from the late 70s maybe. It was brown in color. Nothing my family or I have ever owned in RL. I opened the car door and was blasted by a wave of heat. At this point in the dream, I was standing outside the car, opening the door, and also sitting in the passenger seat watching it happen. The me in the passenger seat opened up the glove box and pulled out my wallet. The other me tried to roll down the window but it was stuck, so I waved the car door open and shut to get air moving through.

The desertedness could mean "abandoned," the weeds cracking through that growth still is possible, so this could be going back to an abandoned growth process. The building sounds a bit like a maze, so maybe you already have a good idea of what you have to do, since you manage to find your way.

Where you arrive is mislabeled - your idea of what to expect might differ from what you find there. Tattoos, piercing, facials and makeup are only different ways to change your appearance. So it's the same issue - outer appearance maybe or status in the world - just somewhat different. The fact that you do not stick with your expectations but go ahead with what you find shows that you are ready to go forward with this regardless of what you originally expected.

The serial killer could be a consistent threat to your growth, "killing" (growth) "over and over again."

A car can mean mobility. A big car could mean a big move. It is parked next to a tree, so there's (small = some) growth for you there. Some aspect of you is already there (but stuck finding a solution) while another aspect is trying to get there (and able to solve the problem like magic - waving your hand). Maybe you're trying to align different aspects of your being to make this happen, to move forward - big time. ;) The wallet in the glove box could be an emphasis that there is indeed "value" there for you.


27th January 2010, 03:43 PM
This time the dream started with me and the same friend walking. We were in the country, near the highway that leads into the town where I grew up. We were going the direction of leaving town. As we were walking we saw a HUGE wild cat. It was nearly the size of a house. In the back of my mind, someone said “mountain lion”, but it was much much bigger and looked more like a giant gold tabby, but ferocious. It saw us and started chasing us. We ran like mad to the first house we came to. An old man opened the door and we ran in. His wife was sitting in a comfy-looking chair watching a game show.

At this point my perspective switched to that of the cat. I jumped at the man and scratched him on the back with one of my giant paws. Then I scratched him on the back of the head.

Then I was me again and grabbed the man by the arm and pulled him into the house and locked the door. My friend went to find something so that we could take care of his wounds.

The fact that you switched consciousness between the cat and your body could denote that both are aspects of your own consciousness. So the cat is lashing out, and you are trying to prevent further damage. So, maybe this is about self-healing, and maybe the mountain lion is even representing something shamanic or something to do with the body (animal aspect).

The issue seems to be huge, so maybe there is a lot of energy behind it, and it might stem from early on (close to your childhood home). You're also leaving town, so maybe you try to leave something from childhood behind.

There is also the possibility that you try to run from an issue and look for security (the house saving you from the cat) and comfort (the scene with the comfy-looking chair you find). Maybe the issue has grown (a domestic tabby turning huge and wild).


27th January 2010, 03:50 PM
I was with my sister in a house in the town where I grew up. In RL it is just around the corner from the first apartment we rented when we moved out of our mother’s house. It seemed like there was some preparation being done for a group that was going to be meeting there later in the day. Religious in nature, I think. A lot of people from my past were there.

My son comes up to me and I see that he is carrying a baby. It is very small, the size of a doll. I take the baby and head in the direction he came from, the back of the house. There is an enclosed back porch and I see that there is a cubby-hole in one of the walls. It has an open door on it. I also notice that there are several of these dollish-sized babies.

I look at the baby I’m holding and see that it is not a baby after all, it’s just a doll. The other babies are just dolls too. Then I see that the door to the cubby-hole is shut. I think the two things must be related, and when I open the door to see if I am right, the babies come back to life.

If you shut the door, they are dolls. If you open it, they become real. This seems to put you into control of their reality. Your son brought it to you - he is real now. Maybe it means that whether you have further children is up to you as a choice (opening or closing the door on it), whether they "become real" or not.

Babies in a cubby hole with a door of course is also a possible reference to the womb.

The setting at the beginning might indicate something to do with your upbringing and past relating to this - always a safe bet for dreams anyway. ;)


27th January 2010, 04:33 PM
The fact that you switched consciousness between the cat and your body could denote that both are aspects of your own consciousness. So the cat is lashing out, and you are trying to prevent further damage. So, maybe this is about self-healing, and maybe the mountain lion is even representing something shamanic or something to do with the body (animal aspect).

I was looking at this website the other day actually, and that night I asked to have a dream telling me what my new animal totem is... Nothing happened. :wink:




This is a very powerful, but very difficult totem.
Cougar medicine is the lesson of the use of power,
how to be an effective, fair leader and not abuse power.
This totem’s gift is how to balance power, intention, strength and grace.
It is the balance of body, mind and spirit.
The first responsibility of leadership is truth.
Remember: Responsibility is no more than the ability to respond to any situation.
Cougar can teach you how to bring out your power
and fill your heart with it that will enable you to take charge of your life.
You can use Cougar power to defend yourself or to attack.

28th January 2010, 09:43 AM
When I fell back asleep my best friend and I were in the car. She was driving. We were on a very narrow street, almost like an alley. The car was big and hard to maneuver. She was trying to turn around, but was finding it difficult. We found a driveway to turn around in, but half way into it we saw there was a cat and a bunch of kittens in the way. We were stuck again.

Again, car as "moving forward." You feel like you don't have much option or choice in how to move forward, just one road to go ahead on, no turning sideways, no turning around. This results in a feeling of being stuck.

Your choices are "narrow"ed down, and maybe the friend as a driver means that you feel others are setting the direction of your life now, even if they mean well.

No idea what the cat and kittens mean.
