View Full Version : the great escape.

Neil Templar
26th January 2010, 03:15 PM
two days ago i spent about 4 hours of my morning enjoying this experience. i woke several times, and even got up to use the bathroom once, each time falling right back in where i'd left off. much of the detail has been forgotten, but here's the jist of it -

i was captured, along with a couple of friends, by 'Nazis'. we were kept in a concentration camp (that's how my mind interpreted it anyway).
the 3 of us were in a room together. it wasn't particularly nasty, like a real concentration camp would have been. we each had separate beds, and our room was quite clean. white walls were bare, in fact, it was almost like a sterile environment. perhaps more akin to a laboratory than a camp.

the 'camp' was way out in the country somewhere, surrounded by water. there were guards everywhere, it seemed.
we weren't being treated particularly badly, yet we knew if we stepped out of line, things might turn ugly.

we were made to wear white hospital gowns, and then taken into labs where we'd be physically inspected by doctor types. i remember the 'inspection' not really being traumatic, just a little undignified. :roll:

one night, myself and one of my room-mates sneaked out, and managed to avoid the guards. we got out to the edge of the grounds, and quietly got into the water. the other edge of the water wasn't too far away, in the distance i could see fields and trees we could take cover in.
we swam as quietly as we could toward the far bank, but about half-way across, were surprised to bump into a heavy curtain. a 'veil' at the edge of this reality!
it was like that moment in the Truman show where he sails into the wall and discovers the truth of his reality.

we lifted up the veil, it was nothing more than a heavy curtain that came down to rest on the surface of the water, and swam under.
on the other side, we found ourselves in what seemed to be some kind of water feature in a city centre. :shock: it was daytime on this side!
we swam back, deciding to organise a large scale break-out, taking as many others with us as we could...

the next night, we were getting ready in our room, putting on dark clothes so we could blend in with the bushes outside. the others were ready, waiting for us to come and lead them out.
then a guard appeared at the window of our room door, looking in. he spotted us moving around, when we should've been asleep, and raised the alarm.
we were taken to the lab rooms where we'd been inspected, and shown these instruments of torture. kinda like tongs, with electric currents going thru them, which were to be attached to our ears if we didn't tell them what we were doing.
while i was initially fearful of this, i soon got the feeling they were only really to create fear in me. i din't believe they'd actually torture us.
i was right, just as they told me to turn my head to the side, so they could attach them to my ears,, the 'tongs' electric current switched off.

just then, some lights started flashing. it seemed like there was some sort of emergency.

soon, we were told to assemble at what looked like a car-park, out in the grounds.
there were many 'captives' there. most of them had bags with their belongings with them.
myself and my room-mate, who'd been getting interrogated, didn't have ours, so we ran back to our rooms to get them.
we went to the assembly point, only to find that there was limited transport available for us, so some were being left behind.
a small group of us decided to get out our own way. with everyone in a state of almost panic, it was easy to sneak away unnoticed.

we got out the way we had discovered, when we went under the veil, it was daytime on the other side again. we made our way carefully out of the city. keeping to alleyways and the shadows, in fear of being noticed.
at the edge of the city, by a hedge, a friend of mine was waiting with a tractor to give some of us a ride to the next town, so we could get on a train.
the tractor was brand-new looking. the cleanest tractor you ever saw. it was his parents tractor, and he wasn't allowed to get it dirty! :lol:
i found this ridiculous, and climbed in standing on the seats and getting muddy footprints all over.
he started telling me off, and wiping the seats.
i laughed and told him "it's a tractor! don't be stupid." he wasn't having any of it.
then all of a sudden i had some take-away food in my hands, which i managed to spill onto the seats, getting onions and sauce all over the place. i tried to wipe it up before he saw, but once again he was bitching at me about the mess.
"it's a freakin tractor man!!"
he wasn't happy.

when a bunch of us were all seated, we made our way along the road to the next town, where he dropped us off by the train station. the language on the signs wasn't English, but i could understand it.
just as we were going into the station, i saw a car coming up the road - the 'nazis'.
we didn't have time to go buy tickets, they'd have seen us, so we ran onto the train without any...
on the train we all sat separately.
it reminded me of that scene in the great escape,. where they all get on the train...

i woke up.