View Full Version : many questions and lack of motivation

25th January 2010, 03:28 PM
currently, iam on 30th day of map and suffering from lack of motivation.i dont seem to be making progress. the exercises seem mundane and boring. and i have many questions.
1. trance state: i get a heavy feeling of body, and loss of heat. is this a geniune trance?
2. i have a question of about what map has done for me. after beggininig map, my lucid dreams increased. and, after a lucid dream ends, i stay there without moving body and use an exit technique to get out. i can have obe this way but never had any obe consciously during the day. and i obed this way even before starting map. so, i wonder what map has done anything better to me.
3. chakra stimulation: i did extensive work on secondary centres but still i dont feel good sensations during chakra stimulation, except the base center ehich responds well. what is cause for this?
4.breath work: this is difficult for me because i cant do all these valving, color breathing, expanding breath simultaneously.
5. how much time takes for me to have a consciously induced obe considering my present progress?
6. false awakenings: are these really so called real time obes? there is a lot of differense between its constitution and my real house. i know these are reality fluctuations but there are too many of them to believe that false awakening is a real time obe

25th January 2010, 05:51 PM
currently, iam on 30th day of map and suffering from lack of motivation.i dont seem to be making progress. the exercises seem mundane and boring. and i have many questions.
I'll see what I can do to answer them.

1. trance state: i get a heavy feeling of body, and loss of heat. is this a geniune trance? Sounds like relaxation, the beginning of trance. Advice: Don't look for body sensations as symptoms of trance, look for mental changes to indicate you are in the trance state. Focusing on the body keeps your trance from getting deeper.

2. i have a question of about what map has done for me. after beggininig map, my lucid dreams increased. and, after a lucid dream ends, i stay there without moving body and use an exit technique to get out. i can have obe this way but never had any obe consciously during the day. and i obed this way even before starting map. so, i wonder what map has done anything better to me. I don't understand what you are asking. Whether an OBE happens during the day or night is irrelevant- what makes it significant is having the exit while awake and aware.

3. chakra stimulation: i did extensive work on secondary centres but still i dont feel good sensations during chakra stimulation, except the base center ehich responds well. what is cause for this? I am confused by this question. Secondary centers are not the main chakras, they are the energetic insides of your legs and other body parts (like arms or torso). If you are sponging the legs, it is expected that the base chakra would be stimulated, being directly connected to the legs- however I don't know what you consider to be 'good' sensations.
Perhaps spending some time reading the stickied topics in the Energy Work forum may be beneficial to you, some questions may be answered.

4.breath work: this is difficult for me because i cant do all these valving, color breathing, expanding breath simultaneously. I don't recall anywhere in MAP that requires you to do these things simultaneously- there are parts in which you do color breathing, there are others in which you do other things. But simultaneously? No, the only techniques that combine disciplines are optional.

5. how much time takes for me to have a consciously induced obe considering my present progress? You haven't actually described your present progress, so it's hard to tell.

6. false awakenings: are these really so called real time obes? there is a lot of differense between its constitution and my real house. i know these are reality fluctuations but there are too many of them to believe that false awakening is a real time obe False awakening are real-time short and not often lucid OBEs, and in a classic false awakening you usually realize you're not awake when you try to work something (for example, I tried to turn the toaster on, and my hand went right through it). So whether they 'look' like your house or not depends on your level of lucidity. So if you are not lucid they are better described as short astral projections, because your subconscious is somewhat in charge, but your conscious mind is starting to become aware.

26th January 2010, 05:23 AM
Sounds like relaxation, the beginning of trance. Advice: Don't look for body sensations as symptoms of trance, look for mental changes to indicate you are in the trance state. Focusing on the body keeps your trance from getting deeper
what kind of mental changes happen in trance? i am wide awake, even when my body feels heavy. i think robert decribed mostly about body sensations while explaining trance like heaviness, loss of heat. after waking up from a dream, my mind is in a different state compared to the one in which i am during the trance induced during the day.after waking up from dream, mind activity seems to slow down, how to induce this during trance practice?

I don't understand what you are asking. Whether an OBE happens during the day or night is irrelevant- what makes it significant is having the exit while awake and aware.

while having obes this way(using exit technique immediately after waking up from dream), i dont feel any heavy exit sensations like heart throbbing, vibrations and the experience seems like a lucid dream because of many reqality fluctuations. this makes me doubt whether its really an obe

I am confused by this question. Secondary centers are not the main chakras, they are the energetic insides of your legs and other body parts (like arms or torso). If you are sponging the legs, it is expected that the base chakra would be stimulated, being directly connected to the legs- however I don't know what you consider to be 'good' sensations.

i dont feel any sensations while working on chakras except the base center. what to do?

26th January 2010, 05:35 AM
I don't recall anywhere in MAP that requires you to do these things simultaneously- there are parts in which you do color breathing, there are others in which you do other things. But simultaneously? No, the only techniques that combine disciplines are optional.
in the book, it is written that in obe breathing technique you combine all previous exercises like color breathing, valving, expanding, pacing.

You haven't actually described your present progress, so it's hard to tell.

i dont know if i made any progress but i will describe. when i practice trance, i reach a point where i feel heart pounding sensation and a little vibrations and then they stop and nothing happens. and i can have obes by using an exit technique immediately after waking up from a dream.

False awakening are real-time short and not often lucid OBEs, and in a classic false awakening you usually realize you're not awake when you try to work something (for example, I tried to turn the toaster on, and my hand went right through it). So whether they 'look' like your house or not depends on your level of lucidity. So if you are not lucid they are better described as short astral projections, because your subconscious is somewhat in charge, but your conscious mind is starting to become aware.
i am always very lucid during these false awakenings. and i am intersted in proving real time obes by the method given by robert in astral dynamics i.e using cards and trying to see in obe which card it is. but regarding my present level of reality fluctuations, i dont think it is possible. any advice?
thanks in advance

26th January 2010, 02:09 PM
in the book, it is written that in obe breathing technique you combine all previous exercises like color breathing, valving, expanding, pacing. Please give me a chapter and page- I need to read what he said to make sense of it.

BTW, it is very difficult to do this with cards, because you don't always 'see' consciously- the subconscious may reinterpret what you saw symbolically, but eventually, if you do it long enough, you will get validations.
I know Robert has said it is possible to get validations (and it is) but they are not often repeatable or predictable.

26th January 2010, 02:18 PM
ok, hope you will answer my other questions. i made two posts after your first reply

26th January 2010, 03:57 PM
Here's the questions I didn't answer the first time around:

what kind of mental changes happen in trance? i am wide awake, even when my body feels heavy. i think robert decribed mostly about body sensations while explaining trance like heaviness, loss of heat. after waking up from a dream, my mind is in a different state compared to the one in which i am during the trance induced during the day.after waking up from dream, mind activity seems to slow down, how to induce this during trance practice? You may start to hear sounds or voices; you may see through your eyelids, or see vision screens in front of your closed eyes. You may catch yourself talking to 'someone else'. Those are a few. You may also just 'feel different'- there's no way to explain that one, until you just 'feel' different.
Here's more info: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=13544 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=13544)

while having obes this way(using exit technique immediately after waking up from dream), i dont feel any heavy exit sensations like heart throbbing, vibrations and the experience seems like a lucid dream because of many reqality fluctuations. this makes me doubt whether its really an obe Please realize that heart sensations or vibrations don't always happen, to everyone in the first place, so you might be better advised to give up on the need to feel it's 'real', and think differently about it- it is an excellent practice to get to know how your subconscious mind works, get to know parts of yourself you didn't previously. The validations will eventually come, but if you don't see the value of this experience for what it is- a tool for exploration- your motivation will not improve.

i dont feel any sensations while working on chakras except the base center. what to do? Stop 'expecting' sensations, and observe what happens when you work on them.
Or read this: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9980 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9980)

12th February 2010, 04:17 AM
hey, i made it, finally. i had a consciously induced obe. i woke up at 6 am. then for 1hr, i did, relaxation, obe breathing, trance practice, energy body loosening and the exit technique. i did no energy work except for full body bounce. even after energy body loosening practice, i didnt feel any exit symptoms. then i stopped the practice and got up from the bed. after 5min, i wanted to sleep in order to have a lucid dream. i allowed myself to relax and fall asleep. but i was awake and i imagined falling from a very tall building(building shown at the end of max payne game). this seemed to deepen the trance. then i imagined climbing up the same building by visualising a long rope adjacent to it. this action immediately loosened my astral arms.
then with those arms, i strugled myself to pull out of body. it was very difficult and then sat up on my bed. there was no energy either to stand up or move by will. i began crawling on floor. then i reached our balcony, then i was pulled back into body. why did i feel so weak?
i understood one thing, generally, when i do trance practice, i lay wide awake, often counting numbers. i count numbers for everything...for trance, for energy body loosening, for energy work (for me, a count of 200 is nearly equal to 15 min, this way i do trance upto a count of climbing down 200 steps). but, this time, without conting, i allowed myself to relax and fall asleep (but i was awake), and then, when i felt my astral arms loosening, i did the exit technique. but i rely on counting a lot because it helps me from falling sleep and maintain focus. how to maintain balance between wide awake state and falling asleep even while counting ths way?
why did i feel very weak while trying to exit out of body and after the exit? is it because i didnt do energy work during that session?
and one more question, during trance practice i feel energy surges or little faling sensation (i dont understand how to describe them exactly). but these seem to alert and tense me, i expect that something wud hapen later but nothing happens. i strugle myyself to stay relaxed when these hapen, but i somehow get tense. what to do?
thanks in advance

16th February 2010, 02:36 PM
I had answered it but it got lost in the restore.
So here I go again.
The falling sensation and sudden movement is a sign of trance. There is nothing to do, other than try to stay relaxed. Consider it training. With practice you get used to these sensations, and stop being startled by them.

15th March 2010, 03:15 AM
Really? Usally when I am lying down to go to sleep, and my body is relaxing, I get these.... twitch like motions. Like, a spasm. This happens mostly in my legs, when I can feel the energy in my room, but I try to ignore it. So, should I use that the same, and try to relax through it?

15th March 2010, 03:25 PM
The twitching could be the normal muscle twitching that happens when you are falling asleep- most people don't notice them until they start cultivating trance states- or it could be a 'myoclonic jerk', which has a neurological explanation, however, it can also be explained as a 'reorganizing of your location' (that is, you started separating and woke up suddenly and fell in, jerking you awake) however, the important thing is to ignore these body sensations and go back to your mental relaxation and consciousness observation. (i.e. trance cultivation).

25th March 2010, 03:32 PM
I remember about a year ago, they used to wake me up. It felt like someone had a vise grip on my leg, it would hurt to the point of me crying and could last up to about an hour. That happened twice in a row, then about a week later... It hasn't ever been that bad since.