View Full Version : 40-hr workweek & week 3 BWgen, when do you practise?

21st January 2010, 11:37 PM
When do you practise the MAP program?

I'm working fulltime 40-hrs per week, excluding commuting to/from work, and other related activitys.

1. how do you divide your day/week so as to get practise? I practise 1hr every day. Its tough coz i wanna do so many other things in my spare time too!!
2. I loose focus on week 3Meditation 15-seond pulse, after about the third cycle. How important is development to 60-seoncds cycle gonna help me in projection? on a side note, my mind has a tendency to wander off even in important workrelated management meetings where i could even be chairing the meeting... :oops:.

22nd January 2010, 12:04 AM
I answered a similar question here: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=17787 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=17787)
Are you reading the book, or just doing the CDs? The purpose of the pulse thing is to teach you to train your mind to focus, and that is only one of many other exercises that teach that. If you find that you're getting stuck on it, go on to the next one, you'll eventually find one that helps you.

Kevin Bridges
28th January 2010, 11:29 PM
Well, finding time to do something is almost always a matter of priorities. It's either a matter of, "All this OBE stuff is taking up time where I could be fixing the toilet," or it's "I wish someone else could fix this toilet, because I haven't done my OBE stuff today!"

How important is development to 60-seoncds cycle gonna help me in projection?
It's there to help, but keep in mind that people have been having OBEs for centuries without the help of CDs (or MP3 files).

Having a wandering mind certainly doesn't help in doing work like this (I'll be the first to tell you) but it's still possible.

10th November 2010, 10:26 AM
My work schedule is difficult ( I am making changes and hope to see some improvement) it's 12 hour shifts two days and two nights and a few off in between. I find the best way to deal with the very tight times on my work days is to do energy and mind clearing practice before work. I also do a few exercises on my breaks. Night shift the first night anyway the day before is a down time. I have to take it easy to have the gumption to go through a 12 hour shift on my feet. Very good time for meditation and trance work. The night shift itself if it's slow can provide some opportunity to observe and mess with the semi dream imagrey which tends to happen when it's quiet between 2 and 3 am. I do energy raising and mind taming exercises on my break ... by myself if I can find a quiet spot to work. Days off I have to do chores but I spend rest times working on this stuff. Your fixing the toilet I'm sure your going to have to go to the hardware store for something practice mind clearing. Raise energy while your turning the bolts. :D