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21st January 2010, 08:17 PM
Me and my brother, a group of other people with him and a group of people with me very likely at a shore with ride(s) at it a ride where you are strapped to your seat, it takes you all the way up, you are up high as you are facing down, it takes you down quite fast perhaps, and your body & face are near the ground - I was at a place where the waves are big, perhaps two waves at one time, and I think the sand seemed thick - I think I was cold amongst the big waves, I think the water was cold - and I thought something like “I don’t have a favorite in regards to two different shores. …I like the shore.” I think - light blue sky, huge waves (perhaps two at a time in certain instances) - I think each piece of sand was quite thick for its size um - there was no unfriendly activity I’ve noticed amongst acquaintances - My idea is that there was something like an amusement park on the shore or/and rides spread throughout the shore.
My theory is that I COULD have been in the astral realm in my “sleep”.
I wonder if ALL dreams are most definitely our souls visiting the astral realm.
Is there any instance when a dream is NOT a person visiting the astral realm?
Such complexity MAY be the result of an actual cause, it may start to seem this way to me. (complexity in regards to the “big picture” so to put it, and whether it was the result of an actual cause or chance (or/and mere chance).

21st January 2010, 08:46 PM
Hello, View578.

Kurt Leland suggests we always go to the astral plane when we dream, but if we do so without lucidity and emotional control of ourselves, we are limited to what he calls the "Dream Zone." You experience many aspects of the astral plane (emotions interacting with your environment, less linear time, the possibility to manifest things, etc.), but you are limited to your own "dream bubble" until the former conditions are met.

Be well,

21st January 2010, 09:10 PM
Thanks Oliver.

Any thoughts you might have in particular in regards to that dream?

28th January 2010, 03:55 PM
Hello, View578.

It seems like that the topic of up and down or waves is repeated. Everything that moves in a circle is actually also describing a wave of up and down over time. Also you describe wave overlay - when two waves are overlaid they can create a bigger wave (depending on the two waves).

This sounds like changes in intensity or ups and downs or rhythms of energy in general. Flows, water and waves I would usually associate with energy. Maybe you were experiencing such energies and representing them to yourself as rides and the sea - symbols to represent to yourself what was going on in that state of consciousness.

Also a difference in degree of immersion - you are strapped on the ride and experience the ups and downs yourself - you are immersing yourself in that energy to a high degree, you are influenced by it. On the other hand you observe the waves on the ocean and the ups and downs still happen, but not to you. That is the difference between the participant and observer, and also determines your degree of immersion.

Another form of immersion happens through the manifold sense impressions you had about the environment you were in - observing all kinds of attributes, like the cold or the granularity of the sand.

It might be that during this dream you were training different inner senses (the degree of immersion, perceiving changes in energy) in perceiving various attributes of non-physical reality.
