View Full Version : Dismantling the Belief System

21st January 2010, 04:12 PM

Energized and inspired by your Catch Basket Concept, I have begun confronting my current beliefs. I am focusing solely on my ‘spiritual’ belief system. However, and though I have not completed my list, I have found myself burdened by the following questions: please forgive the formatting, I have been trying to formulate this into a concise question, but keep running in circles. Hence the random thoughts…

Once I have an honest and disciplined list and all items in their proper category… what then is the procedure? Do the remaining beliefs based on my experience become stronger and the ones I cannot validate become obsolete and open?

How then do I build on the ones I can say are real - if my experience has proven these ideas to be real (and in some cases based on as few as 1-2 experiences) would I not then be limiting development possibilities by assigning them basic memories?

What then of the ‘probable’ category, do I stop thinking I have any knowledge of these things altogether, or do I simply contemplate them with no preconceived notions about their nature? For instance, Telepathy will not make the final cut. If I can no longer think about Telepathy in ‘certain’ terms, how do I think about it? I guess my question is: where lies the difference in claiming an idea sure or not-sure? Because, though I will now consciously make an effort not to assign a false reality to the nature of Telepathy, I cant say contemplating its nature will be any different… unless the point is just that – don’t contemplate, build on what you know.

Im quite certain I am very much over thinking this, and I have probably missed the point by now… so, any suggestion or direction in this matter would be most appreciated. If I have jumped the gun and ran for help rather than realizing this is part of the process… I will take the following quote from your article as the answer.
“actually realizing how this works and applying it to one's own foundation belief system in pursuit of higher truth and knowledge is an entirely different matter.”

Thank you very much, and thanks for being where you are! ☺

Robert Bruce
2nd March 2010, 07:26 AM


Its not quite as easy as it sounds. I see you are getting this.

Your letter projects the same energies I felt when I did this. I went into something like spiritual shock.

A clean belief system is your compass. This will guide you into the greater reality.

Put everything not of your personal experience to one side.

Continue your exploration of life and the spiritual.

Put the question out there that you want to experience more.

Build on what you have.

Of all the things you fight to reinclude in your 'real' list, ask each one 'what personal experience do I have with this?

If you accept one thing that is not real into your belief system, this will weaken your foundations and confound your quest.

The words and the thinking shape many beliefs that get in the way. They block us from the greater reality.

read the books by Ruiz, The 4 Agreements and The Voice of Knowledge. If not already. They will help.

We all start with so many false ideas and beliefs, its amazing we get anywhere.

Do it yourself. Then you know for sure.
