View Full Version : Finding time for NEW

21st January 2010, 02:48 PM
G'day, Mr. Bruce,
I've been reading Astral Dynamics a few short snippits at a time, and it's been very tantalizing and a little frustrating. I have a one year old and a job and between those things and all other obligations and distractions, I have an extremely difficult time fitting in energy work, meditation, and many other of your techniques that I consider extremely important. By the time I lay down to bed at night, I am exhausted! I feel so excited to delve in and explore, but I feel like the only time I'll finally be able to develop those abilities is when I'm lying in my grave. Any words of encouragement for a busy little bee?

Robert Bruce
18th March 2010, 02:59 AM

Fit the energy work into your day and make use of travel and waiting times.

Do energy work on the train, busy, or while driving.

While driving, you may not be able to use altered states, but you can do some basic energy work.

Trains and buses are easier. Wear dark glasses so you will have some privacy.

Also make use of other times, like while watching TV with your child. Again, wear dark glasses.

I had to do similar. I got a part of dark wrap around glasses. I cut the eyes from a magazine and fitted them on the inside, so it looked like my eyes were partly open. I cut a small hole in the iris so I could see if I needed to. Don't tell anyone about this and you'll gain a significant level of privacy.

Children grow up so fast....blink and your child will be off at school, or married with children. Spending quality time with your child is more important than anything else you might do.
