View Full Version : How to seal off a neg-portal??

20th January 2010, 10:45 AM
I have a large neg portal in the west part of my flat. I do regular banishing work, but the portal has grown in intensity. It's like a dark oval behind my bookshelf. Sometimes I can even feel it's negative aura very tangibly.
I have had neg trouble for a long time, and even though I handle it better and better, how do I seal this nest off? It seems (so I've been told) to be related to a negative ley-line.
Installing a running water line might help here but that option is too costly for me at the present, also I can't afford to move either.

Robert Bruce
18th March 2010, 02:51 AM

Get some conductive cloth, or metal insect screening, and fix this over the problem area...hang off a pole or pin to wall.

Get alligator clips and wire and ground the fabric to a water pipe or the grounding socket of a power outlet.

Attaching some strong magnets to the cloth will also help.
