View Full Version : What or who was that?

Red Arrow
17th January 2010, 11:54 PM
I'm not sure if this is the right section, mod's please move this post if not...

So last night I had an interesting event occur, and darn if I can really discern what it exactly was happening. Its as if the event was a weird blend of lucid/astral, with a split between what my etheric body was feeling astrally, and my mind having a lucid dream, if that makes sense. I've experienced astral and lucid aspects since a child, but never something like this from what I can recall. Being that I'm using R Bruce's techniques to fine tune my astral journeys and make them more conscious, I'm not surprised! :wink: For clarity, I'll put in bold my etheric body, and my physical self in colored font.

I was having a hard time going to sleep, and as I often do I was running energy, stimulating secondary aspects, doing a 'bounce' through my body, etc. This went on as I kind of faded slowly into a state for an hour.
As time went on, I realized that I was in a trance state. Not yet asleep, but body relaxed and mind floating - excellent! At one point I realized that something was shifting (the memory of what exactly is hazy now, but it felt like a shift in planes and energy, though not in my body but in the atmosphere around me), and I decided to begin envisioning that I was climbing a rope out of my body. I had also just that night been reading more about this in AD, so the suggestion was fresh.

There's a blank from there until I realized I - again, it felt like my etheric self now- was standing in my kitchen. I did not feel to be in a physical body, much like I was a ghost, no form, a small bit of consciousness floating there and observing? As I'm becoming aware of what is going on, I'm feeling that I'm bouncing myself up and down rapidly. It was intense sensation of an imminent lift off, and I was thinking "Here I go!" I was certain that I was about to project at any moment and shoot upwards.

As my etheric body is feeling this sensation, again it seemed as if my mind (?) was watching the environment in my kitchen. Suddenly, in physical form I came walking around the corner! (And oddly, I looked more like I did a few years ago) My etheric self for some reason had this compulsion that if I could only communicate with ...me?...it would better enable the projection. I reached out and touched her/me as she/I walked past - in a hurry to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I gather? A sense again of a dam about to break and that I would 'push through' was building as I still felt I was 'bouncing.' But it felt...creepy, in terms of that I was attempting to touch myself (somewhere in me, my mind was jarred by this).

Suddenly, my youngest across the hall cried, and I was jolted awake and into my body. After checking on her, I walked out and through my kitchen to go to the bathroom, and had the uneasy feeling of a sense of 'something' there, though like a residue.

What the heck? Looking over this, I would think hadn't I already projected? Is it possible that I had and was lingering in my home? Was the bouncing pressure/release I was feeling that I was about to leave the RTZ? And oddly enough, this felt almost like... traveling moments into the future, for lack of a better way to explain it (This sounds wacky, but then again I truly believe time is non-linear). The one odd thing was that I looked like my self from a few years ago and the aspect of seeing "me" had felt very much like a lucid dream waltzing into the astral plane. Overall, there was a distinct sense of astral atmosphere here, mingling with flow of lucidity as well, as if to rivers crossing paths?? (The differences for me are sometimes very subtle, but this was clear. they are two sides of the same coin, in essence...)

So, I'm curious as to what others here think occurred.
Red Arrow

18th January 2010, 01:37 AM
So last night I had an interesting event occur, and darn if I can really discern what it exactly was happening. Its as if the event was a weird blend of lucid/astral, with a split between what my etheric body was feeling astrally, and my mind having a lucid dream, if that makes sense.

Your experience makes sense to me, as I've had similar.

and I decided to begin envisioning that I was climbing a rope out of my body. I had also just that night been reading more about this in AD, so the suggestion was fresh.

There's a blank from there until I realized I - again, it felt like my etheric self now- was standing in my kitchen. I did not feel to be in a physical body, much like I was a ghost, no form, a small bit of consciousness floating there and observing?

It's possible the etheric body has gone off with its consciousness but the experiences you've "downloaded" have come from another consciousness like that remote-viewers experience (clairvoyance).

As I'm becoming aware of what is going on, I'm feeling that I'm bouncing myself up and down rapidly. It was intense sensation of an imminent lift off, and I was thinking "Here I go!" I was certain that I was about to project at any moment and shoot upwards.

Well, since you'd already projected consciousness, a couple of things could have been happening here:
1. Mind split effect. You're mixing feedback from the consciousness in the kitchen and the one in the etheric body that was about to project when you were using rope.
2. The consciousness in the kitchen was about to move into the next body. I'm uncertain if the consciousness in the kitchen was still etheric, ready to go astral or astral, ready to go mental. Probably the latter if you've been consciously projecting for many years. Is it possible it was bodiless because it was already mental and having trouble maintaining itself in what is essentially an astral/etheric environment?

As my etheric body is feeling this sensation, again it seemed as if my mind (?) was watching the environment in my kitchen. Suddenly, in physical form I came walking around the corner! (And oddly, I looked more like I did a few years ago)

Some possible explanations are you may have been perceiving the kind of energetic imprint that happens with ghost sightings or, indeed, as you state, a mind-out-of time experience that was forward-looking, or both blended, that is, past and present as a simultaneous moment. Or, it could have been a production of a dreaming consciousness imposing itself.

My etheric self for some reason had this compulsion that if I could only communicate with ...me?...it would better enable the projection. I reached out and touched her/me as she/I walked past - in a hurry to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I gather? A sense again of a dam about to break and that I would 'push through' was building as I still felt I was 'bouncing.' But it felt...creepy, in terms of that I was attempting to touch myself (somewhere in me, my mind was jarred by this).

This is interesting. It suggests to me that the disembodied consciousness was at a higher level than the other and therefore able to adopt a mentoring role if the other consciousness had been receptive. I'm sure this occurs often when we get gut feelings and sudden insights.

What the heck? Looking over this, I would think hadn't I already projected? Is it possible that I had and was lingering in my home? Was the bouncing pressure/release I was feeling that I was about to leave the RTZ? And oddly enough, this felt almost like... traveling moments into the future, for lack of a better way to explain it

Yes, all likely.

Overall, there was a distinct sense of astral atmosphere here, mingling with flow of lucidity as well, as if to rivers crossing paths?? (The differences for me are sometimes very subtle, but this was clear. they are two sides of the same coin, in essence...)

Well your experience encompassed both aspects, didn't it? For example, you didn't feel the exit, which is technically a lucid dream, but you were in the RTZ, which is an out of body zone.

Cool experience. 8)

Kevin Bridges
28th January 2010, 11:48 PM
Wow! That's very interesting. I, of course, wasn't there, but my guess would be that you may have jumped ahead a few minutes, and then seen yourself a few minutes later. Do people usually look younger when you OBE?

It would make sense, though, that if you jumped ahead you would sense an energy aspect of yourself in the kitchen when you were in the physical later. I wouldn't call it far-fetched. Thanks for your experience.

Red Arrow
29th January 2010, 03:02 AM
Wow! That's very interesting. I, of course, wasn't there, but my guess would be that you may have jumped ahead a few minutes, and then seen yourself a few minutes later. Do people usually look younger when you OBE?

It would make sense, though, that if you jumped ahead you would sense an energy aspect of yourself in the kitchen when you were in the physical later. I wouldn't call it far-fetched. Thanks for your experience.

Hi Kevin,

I did not look 'younger', but I was distinctly attired in a way that I was more likely to be well over a year ago now, when I was still up at night with my youngest a lot. BUT when I did actually wake up directly after this event and went through that very area to go to the bathroom, I felt a 'presence'. So, who knows?

(btw, FWIW, there was a post I made in response to Beekeeper discussing this more, but I gather it was lost when the forum went funky. )

Thanks for commenting!
Red Arrow

29th January 2010, 03:07 AM
Probably. We lost about a day and a half of posts.