View Full Version : Spirituality requiring group work

16th January 2010, 06:03 PM
Dear Mr. Bruce,

I've been researching Kabbalah after an intense experience I had this past summer, and am facing a few life decisions. One of the core ideas I've run across while researching Kabbalah is that a person needs to study in groups in order to achieve spirituality. I was wondering if you have any insight or experience you could offer on whether or not this is true. I'm curious if you consider the astral planes you travel in spirituality, and if you have experience with Kabbalah in any fashion, either here or there.

Also, are you capable of projecting while maintaining any sort of activity here in this world?



Robert Bruce
18th March 2010, 01:20 AM

Kabbalah can be studied and practiced solo, but this can be more powerful in a group.

Hermetics is based on Kabbalah. See the works of Franz Bardon.

I have some hermetic experience in my background.

I approach the astral planes more as an explorer, with more of a scientific than religious attitude. However, the spiritual aspects of the astral and other planes are not wasted on me.

It is possible to project while maintaining some level of activity in the physical body. See 'Remote Eye Projection' in Astral Dynamics.

Many people claim to be able to astral project while fully conscious and active. This can be possible if persons have an independent astral double (a double that stays out all the time and is independent), but to actually project out of body and still be able to function normally in the physical...this is doubtful.
