View Full Version : Most effective energy exercise I can do for my health?
12th January 2010, 10:15 PM
Hi all,
I'm 26 and have a few health issues. A very good natural doctor said my main problem is stress and heavy computer use from my work. I'm looking to change jobs but it won't happen overnight.
Before I started my job 7 years ago I read astral dynamics and practiced some of the OBE techniques. Although I didn't achieve many full OBEs, I did feel much healthier at this time than any other time I can remember. I'm convinced it was positively changing my energy. But then I stopped because I became so busy with work.
I'm no longer interested in achieving an OBE but thought I could once again try techniques to see if it will help my wellbeing and heath
Last night I tried lying down and imagining energy flowing into/up my body from the feet and then back out again. Can I just keep doing this daily for 20mins or so? or is there a more effective technique I could do? I'm also weary of causing any type of imbalance if I practice incorrectly
( By the way - I have done qigong and yoga and continue to do a little each day )
:) Kind regards
12th January 2010, 10:24 PM
Howdy there, quadrant 6.
First and foremost, I just want to say that there are no hard and fast rules for healing energy work, and I always encourage anyone to seek professional help first from a health practitioner, and then try energy work. I see you have done this, so I'll go straight into the 'meat and potatoes' of this.
I am almost sure that you can't become imbalanced if you are running energy up and down your body, but if you are concerned about losing energy, I'd do a full body circuit (, and store energy in your navel subcenter. That will relax you and keep your energy levels nice and high.
13th January 2010, 12:25 AM
Many Thanks CF. That's what I'll do! :D
13th January 2010, 09:32 AM
Quadrant6, don't underestimate the importance of taking care of your physical body. Overwork is not good for you and certainly becomes a problem with relationships down the track. Lack of sunlight will also effect your energy levels, your sleep and your feelings of well being. Lack of movement means constricted and weak muscles and damage to your posture, affecting your nervous system and organs. It's bad for circulation and metabolism and also prevents the appropriate excretion of hormones. Remember humans evolved using their bodies, outside in fresh air and sunlight and this is what we need to feel healthy and whole. Humans also evolved in tribes and convivial company is good for the emotional well-being, which is related to physical well-being.
Sorry about the lecture. :wink:
13th January 2010, 09:34 PM
Believe me I agree with you 100%. I'm looking for another job that involves little or no computer work. But it's the only thing I'm trained in. I almost took a gardening job at our city's botanic gardens last month. Would have been fantastic but I couldn't have survived on the pay (less than half of what i'm on now) without moving back with parents. So I'll keep looking...
I surf, do yoga, cycle sometimes to work and do bodyweight workouts (chinups, etc) regularly. My diet is also extremely clean and healthy, more so than anyone I know in fact.
However, I've come to realize that sitting in front of this screen for 7+ hrs a day is doing perhaps more damage than I can counter through my out-of-work lifestyle. It's nice actually to have someone here that is on the same page. Most of my family and friends think I over emphasize the negative effects heavy computer use has... but I know how I feel. I guess I'm trying to do whatever I can right now.. until I can find something else...
13th January 2010, 10:07 PM
Most of my family and friends think I over emphasize the negative effects heavy computer use has... but I know how I feel.
Well, you're the one living in your body. It's ultimately your call, no matter what others think.
I surf, do yoga, cycle sometimes to work and do bodyweight workouts (chinups, etc) regularly. My diet is also extremely clean and healthy, more so than anyone I know in fact.
You sound very aware.
Neil Templar
13th January 2010, 10:16 PM
maybe try wearing a q-link?
18th January 2010, 12:48 AM
Yes I was looking at something similar, like the pendants advertised here:
I was a bit skeptical about how much they will help but it's worth a try.
18th January 2010, 05:03 AM
Totally off topic: I like your avatar. I wondered why you picked a sheep, and then I saw you're from New Zealand. ;)
Back on topic: I've had slow but very sure physical health improvements for some time now. I do general body circuit energy work, and when I have some specific issue (such as my hands/wrists are troubling me, as sometimes is the case), I do more concentrated work there. I like the "wrapping" technique, where you imagine the energy as a kind of cloth bandage which you wrap around the sore body part (works great on knees!), and I sometimes do a kind of "massage" with energy, where I just feel the energy moving up and down and around the painful area in "fingers" like a massage.
Blue eyes
23rd February 2010, 06:46 PM
Hi quadrant6
I work at a computer all day and am very aware of my health. I also go to the gym and do yoga. I would backup the recommendation to try the Q-Link. I have been wearing it for around a year now and know that it does me good.
I can feel energy and was doing healing on my wife and kids but stopped as it would deplete my energies. I then tried the Q-Link and quickly saw how it strengthen my energy body, immune system etc and now am able to do the healing work without getting drained.
It should also have a bigger impact on your energy body then just practising energy work alone.
Good luck
3rd March 2010, 08:58 PM
There's an exercise in one of Bruce's books. It's based in ascending energy from your feet to your heart chakra (through Susuma), and to redirect that energy through your arms/hands and collect it in your navel. I've experimented really strong sensations in my whole body after a session.
You might also try some reiki. Look for a master to be initiated (better for free), and try in yourself.
I know what you're going through. I'm also a computer scientist and I had to give up my job to start over in another thing. Nowadays I'm soooooo happy! ;-)
Good luck!
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