View Full Version : “really extensive sweating” at night time

8th January 2010, 01:36 AM
I would like to get a prospective/your ideas on what has been happening to me for the past month….

Basically in the begging of December I went to see my friend to talk about spirituality, but the conversation ended up being a hypno-session… my friend is a hypnotherapist (in training) and he offered to help me understand what is happening in my mind by clearing the view with an altered state of consciousness- hypnosis (getting onto a hypnotic state). So I agreed. We did hypnosis thing (it wasn’t an actual session as there were other beings around talking, and my friend would (from time to time) swear or make a silly comment).

Basically I laid flat on back in the kitchen floor and started making loud exhaling inhaling sounds (what he asked me to do-he said ancient shaman technique). After a while i pictured a sequence of environments which I created at will (sort of places where I felt were good for me to stay). I literally graphically freestyled there, me myself being part of that harmonic freestyle looking as a formless genderless deep blue energy.
That night I came home and ever since that night I keep sweating extensively in the middle of my physical body’s sleep…
There might be a possibility that this “really extensive sweating” is connected with me wanting or actually am disconnecting with a physical body… I know Robert’s theory that there is a double that leaves every night… I myself don’t know if that’s true or not
By the way for about 2 years now I have been doing different techniques to achive an OBE: relaxing once or with music; I tried rope pulling, Monroe’s, or silvia brown’s, or buhlman’s and Albert Tyler’s techniques to consciously get out of the body but it doesn’t seem to work for me…
Maybe this “extensive cold sweating” is somehow connected to these any of these facts…
Not sure to blame my friend and his silly hypno session or my obsession with having a self induced OBE… or maybe something else… like other beings(non physical) somehow interacting with me causing my physical body to sweat…
I don’t wake up from sweating, I usually wake up to go to the washroom… the temperature in my room is 23.5 dergress wich is not hot or cold… but I do wake up in a cold sweat

My questions are:

What is this cold extensive sweating a product of?
What is my body trying to tell me?
p.s. usually I eat almonds, hemp seeds, pecans or other nuts before bedtime could that be the factor… possibly?

Robert Bruce
17th March 2010, 01:29 PM

Extensive nocturnal sweating can involve a variety of disorders, all of them relating to trauma. It can also be related to psychic attack, and even possession. But you do not have other symptoms I would expect, so this is unlikely.

You would be well advised to speak to a psychiatrist or psychologist about this.

It would appear that something went wrong in this hypnosis session. Something happened. You need professional advice to check on this and put it right.
