View Full Version : Spirit power animals

7th January 2010, 12:32 PM
Dear Robert,

When I was about 12 I had one of those dreams where you feel like you wake up in your own bed and it seems totally real. When I "woke up" I saw two tigers walk inside my room through the door, they jumped on my bed, went under my cover and inside me. When I woke up for real I felt extatic! Do you have an explanation to that. In your opinion are there such things as power animals? If so, is it possible that those animals leave you and if so how can I reconnect with them, because they were very benevolent and soothing. I have loved tigers ever since.

Robert Bruce
17th March 2010, 01:23 PM

I think the power animal concept is real, in that certain animals will appear in dreams and obe's throughout life, and that important messages and advice concerning life can be involved.

Beyond this, there's not much I can tell you. You should ask a shaman this question.
