View Full Version : using healing energy efficiently / not being wasteful

5th January 2010, 05:25 PM
Recently I have been asking for a lot of healing energy: reiki, Pleiadean healing energy, and also a third kind I haven't identified yet (though the reiki master I see says it seems to come from my higher self.) I'm grateful that I always recieve it when I ask. Recently, however, I had a thought....when you do the microcosmic orbit, it's common practice to use the "spiral method" to seal energy in your lower tan tien when finished, according to Mantak Chia. This keeps the gathered energies from just running out of your system again. I wondered if the same thing applied to healing energies; if I don't take measures to keep them from just dissipating into my surroundings, will I have wasted some of what my guides and higher self have sent me? Since I've been asking for so much, I feel it is incumbent on me to try and use what I'm given as efficiently as possible, and not just channel it to my heart and then let what happens happen. What can I do energy-wise to make sure the healing energies sent to me are able to do their work to their fullest potential?

5th January 2010, 07:21 PM
I will not really answer your question but instead give you different advice than that: The Huna teachings (or some of them, lol) speak of a way of breathing that the practicioners use: you breathe in healing and vital oxygen, and you offer the CO2 (which is waste energy for us, but 'food' for plants) to the universe to feed the plants.
They had the idea that everything is usable for the right purpose; when you accept healing energy you also offer the excess to heal whoever or whatever needs it around you, even if it's plants or microorganisms.
So what I'd do is offer any excess for healing for the universe, and let the universe decide where it goes. A sort of different take on the law of circulation.

5th January 2010, 07:43 PM
Storing energy is like trying to bottle the wind. It is still air, but it is only wind when it moves, and when it is trapped in a bottle it can start to go stale. The closing exercise in chi kung is to keep the energy from being stuck in sensitive places like the heart and brain where it is most likely to cause side effects.

6th January 2010, 06:14 AM
In my mind, it is up to the healer to let you know what your participation in process should be. Also, there is no single answer to holding or not holding the energy. Are you soaking, washing, or rinsing? Each has its purposes. Many simple energy healing methods are extremely wasteful of energy. They rely on pumping lots of energy and assuming that enough will stay where it's needed. A healer can be way more efficient with energy usage if they direct or contain the energy where it's needed. However, actually determining where it's really needed is very difficult.

As to the spillover, one things excess is another's food; is another's pollution.

Probably the best thing you can do is set your intent to make best use of what you are given. Trying to reason out what to do with the energy is greatly limiting the options and thus the potential. After all if you knew what was needed, likely you wouldn't have that problem anymore.