View Full Version : crystals in the mud

4th January 2010, 08:20 AM
I was riding my bike through the town I grew up. Kind of a scummy part of town by the middle school. There was a girl walking with me. She is someone I went to school with, but we weren’t friends, different social circles. (I don’t even remember her name. :? )

I had to ride slowly so that she could keep up with me, but I didn’t mind. I was telling her that I wanted to move again. Telling her about the places I have lived.

I looked down on the ground and saw crystals in the mud. They were small, but as we went farther along the road the crystals got bigger and bigger. They were all in the mud.

The girl I was with didn't see the crystals, only me.

4th January 2010, 11:06 AM
I was riding my bike through the town I grew up. Kind of a scummy part of town by the middle school. There was a girl walking with me. She is someone I went to school with, but we weren’t friends, different social circles. (I don’t even remember her name. )

This is where you feel you are now: in the scummy part of the experience, in the middle point of the lessons. If you go back to the age you were in the dream, you may find experiences that resonate with what is foremost in your experience now.

Think of what the girl most represents to you. She is that aspect within yourself.

I had to ride slowly so that she could keep up with me, but I didn’t mind. I was telling her that I wanted to move again. Telling her about the places I have lived.

She may represent a reintegrated soul-fragment. Alternately, this aspect of self hasn't kept up with other aspects and struggles to grasp certain changes.

I looked down on the ground and saw crystals in the mud. They were small, but as we went farther along the road the crystals got bigger and bigger. They were all in the mud.

Some clarity emerging from the murkiness. Something valuable emerging from the muck.

The girl I was with didn't see the crystals, only me.

So, this aspect of self needs to be retrained because it affects your ability to see the positives. Optimism is important.

4th January 2010, 12:24 PM
If you go back to the age you were in the dream, you may find experiences that resonate with what is foremost in your experience now.Yes! In my head, I keep relating my situation now with where I was then.

However, the situations are really quite different! But there is one person from that time period that keeps coming up. I have been reminded of him over and over the last little while. And last night I had two other dreams about him. Actually, they were about a different person that reminds me of him. I even called him by the other person's name at one point. :|

Think of what the girl most represents to you. She is that aspect within yourself.I still have no idea about this. I don't know anything about this girl except she was someone I went to school with. And that is not the time period represented in the dream.

She may represent a reintegrated soul-fragment.
Incredible. Just within the last week I did an exercise to release the person I mentioned earlier from my past. It must have done the trick if I am reintegrating.

So, this aspect of self needs to be retrained because it affects your ability to see the positives. Optimism is important.
I knew I'd have to deal with all of this some day... ugh! I guess the time is now.

4th January 2010, 08:52 PM
[quote:m0nao9n8]Beekeeper wrote:
Think of what the girl most represents to you. She is that aspect within yourself.
I still have no idea about this. I don't know anything about this girl except she was someone I went to school with. And that is not the time period represented in the dream.

Maybe that's your answer: an unknown part of yourself but one who's part of you so she has experienced all your "schooling". Just guessing here. I hope it comes to you so you can figure it out.