View Full Version : Cant exit

2nd January 2010, 08:17 PM
Hi i have been meditaiting for relaxation for about 4-5 months and am very successful at it. but i decided to try astral projection i get my self in a meditive state in my centre then bring myself up through my chakras and try to exit through my crown chakra i get the vibration all over my body very strong were my i can feel my whole body shaking, i then feel s strange and almost feel myself just coming out my body by this stage the vibrating is very strong then calm out of the vibration and feel nearly floating thats it i can't get any further it does not frighten me i wounder if anyone has any advice or do i just need more practice. i also wanted to ask though should the vibration really feel very very strong as it does in my case.

2nd January 2010, 08:30 PM
What is the routine you follow when you want to have an OBE? (If you have one).
And, when you feel the vibrations, what do you do to try to exit?

2nd January 2010, 08:35 PM
I do a inner silence meditation breathing and concentrait on sounds then through meditation become aware of my internal sounds. i then in my center and try to bring my innerself up though my chakras then i get the shaking and vibraiting really strong i have tryed it sitting and lying down i visualize all my chakras then i reach my crown chakr try to visualize me exiting and i do feel a floating sensation slightly but this is as far as i can get. but should te vibrating feel as strong as i get it.

2nd January 2010, 08:51 PM
Vibration can be strong or slight, and can be energy or exit sensations. It seems to me that you are forcing your energy inwards and outwards at the same time, which makes me think that in this case the vibes are actually caused by the stress you are feeling, which is causing you to tense up when it's time to exit. Yes, usually exit vibes are very strong (and energy movement sensations can be very subtle), but that's not the only reason they happen.

I would suggest that you adopt a few more strategies-
First, do some progressive muscle relaxation to relax your body-
Then do some breathing exercises to clear your mind, and some trance routines to bring yourself to a liminal state.
Then do your meditation and centering routine, the way you usually do it-
When you get vibrations or any other 'consciousness change', then do some energy body loosening exercises, and then try an exit technique.
The energy body loosening exercises and exit techniques are stickied in this forum.

You want to be completely relaxed, with almost no body awareness (or none at all) when you're at the point of exit- if you are centering and directing yourself at a chakra, you are forcing yourself to direct your attention to your physical body, and you want to do the opposite- have no awareness of the physical and be all 'consciousness', be all 'mind'. Then it's just a matter of externalizing this 'you', which is what the loosening and exit techniques do.

2nd January 2010, 08:58 PM
Thank you for the advice i'll try this tomorrow thank you for the advice makes alot of sense i have only been trying today so i'll give it ago. i thought i would try to see if i could do it naturally but i obviously needed help
thanks again

3rd January 2010, 01:43 PM
hi still cant exit i feel as if i'm almost out my body a mix of light and dark in a transe state i've tryed lots of diffrent techneeks just cant manage to get out i've done the enegy bounce all seems to be working except i just cant fully exit i feel like my enegy pulling back into my body. any ideas thanks

3rd January 2010, 05:53 PM
Yep, do more energy work. There's lots of possible reasons it's not working. Here's a list of possibilities:

1- You may not be deeply in trance enough. There has to be some sort of consciousness change before you're ready to exit, or you have to force the exit.
2-Timing- if you're trying too early, you won't exit. If you decide too early anyway, and force the exit, you must do a violent exit technique (like rope) and keep trying until you pass out from exertion or wake up completely. If you wake up completely get up off the bed and walk around.

3- You may not have enough energy- if you are doing some kind of energy work, try to do it sometime during the day (not right before an exit technique) to avoid sleep disturbances. Learn how to raise and store energy in your lower tantien (hara) before every attempt. This is not the same as 'doing energy work', it's one technique that helps you store it, but you have to develop your energy body at another time to get control of it for the exit.
4-If you are not doing energy work you need to start, because it's possible that too many attempts and not enough practice are draining you.

5- You may be doing too many attempts with not enough energy or information, setting up a cycle of failure that will negatively impact your association with practice.
If you follow the MAP schedule, do the practices for at least two weeks without trying to exit, as shown.
Then, I recommend you practice every day, and try an exit attempt once a week.

3rd January 2010, 06:06 PM
Thanks for that i think maybe i'm trying too often thanks again