View Full Version : little confusion

31st December 2009, 08:49 AM

1.is it necessary to first practice energy work for few weeks before even attempting to astral project.

2.in book 'astral dynamics' the exercises mainly energy exercises, i couldnt figure for how much time to do the exercise,which to do,which is next level of exercises, when to move to it, do i have to do all exercises daily, does some exercises become obsolete after you level up, i mean no schedule on which,when,how much etc. is given in this book. still i love this book. ex.- when we do gym, we select few from many exercises and after sometime move to advance levels and even change exercises. i cant progress without this info.

3.energy centers (primary,secondary,tertiary). can they be unlimitedly meditated,charged or is there any limit to how much u can meditate(develop) these chakras mainly primary. it is unwise to develop higher pri chakras for ex.third eye. i have methods on psycokinesis,psycopathy,levitation,teleportation etc. but before i can even attempt these i must be well developed in energy work (chakras).

4.book ' energy work' by robert bruce, is it novice to advance level or just for beginners. pls tell me some good books on aura so i can read,feel,influence auras ,chakra so i can develop my energy centers to much higher levels. books should be novice to advance level.

i love ur books, most complete books on their subjects. if u recommend any book, pls recommend like urs books

Hi soul. Since some of the questions are answerable by me, I duplicated your post, put the copy in the 'Down Under' forum (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=17250) and answered them. The original remains here for Robert to see and answer when he gets to it.

Robert Bruce
16th March 2010, 07:14 AM

1. No, you only need to deeply relax for obe. Energy work helps prepare for and develop obe, but is not totally necessary.

2. Get a copy of my book, Mastering Astral Projection, the 90 day guide. This is more specific in these areas. Also, the 2nd edition Astral Dynamics.

3. Unlimited, so long as Golden rule is followed (if you get any uncomfortable sensations or bad side effects, stop and take a break until you feel completely normal again, then go back to energy work).

4. Energy work (my book) is for all levels. This is the best for energy work practices. My other books only have bits of this.
