View Full Version : Dream Purpose?

28th December 2009, 09:35 PM
Do you believe every dream has a kind of deep spiritual meaning that one can learn from or you think some dreams truly have no point and are just nothing?

28th December 2009, 09:45 PM
Do you believe that every waking experience has a deep spiritual meaning, like when you scratch an itch, or do you think that some regular waking experiences are just meaningless? Same idea, really. How much do you value your life whether you are experiencing it while you are awake or asleep?

29th December 2009, 03:10 AM
I'm not quite sure; there have been a few times where I thought my dreams were trying to tell me something, or give me a heads up on future events. Sometimes I would listen to those dreams and nothing would come to fruition; I felt stupid afterwards for making such rash decisions that put me in bad situations.

It would be nice to believe that dreams can be meaningful, or even our waking consciousness, but so far no luck.

29th December 2009, 08:53 AM
Do you believe every dream has a kind of deep spiritual meaning that one can learn from or you think some dreams truly have no point and are just nothing?

Most dreams I experience have a direct bearing on my life as it happens. Sometimes they also tell me things about my spiritual side. And sometimes they are jumbled messes that fail to make any sense at all.
