View Full Version : Doctors and Journalling

28th December 2009, 09:45 AM
It started out with me opening my journal to look up a dream from earlier. I didn't realise I was dreaming that, I read the page and it all came back to me. And I thought "I nearly forgot that!" which I have, neverthless. :P The dream was about a female doctor and her patient, something odd about it, and that's it. But I remember that something stuck out on the journal page, and it was even written in bold black: The enemy's here. :?

Couldn't make sense of that, even in the dream. But I think I had similar reasoning faculties as when awake, only that I was not realising I was dreaming. I wondered what the dream meant, trying to figure that out.

Every time I would lose focus now I would shift over to a dream, and the dream would be along similar lines, all with doctors. It's as if the thoughts drift of, you don't pay attention, and then there's a dream.

Next one was with a character from "Ocean's Eleven", "Basher" (Don Cheadle) - he seemed to be a doctor, but at first he was eating something in an unappetising way, then he had the most Hendrix-like hairdo held together by a headband and dark sunglasses, and finally his face was covered with pimples all over, that was weird. At the same time he seemed to be really concerned about a patient while describing the situation to another doctor. It seems like he had tried all he could do.

Next I know I seem to write something in my diary, concentrating on each word as it comes up, as I try to describe something. All the words seem to have come to me from somewhere, and I was trying to write them out. I write down a sub clause and get stuck - that sentence seems grammatically wrong. I try to get back to the rest of the sentence, but the words have disappeard. I drift off into a dream:

Matt Damon appeared (I really watch too much "Ocean's" movies lately ;) , bought myself all 3 recently), being a doctor, too. He was instructed by another doctor - possibly "Hawkeye Pierce" from "M.A.S.H." (Alan Alda) but old like Alda is now - how to spot a certain condition on a patient - either a hernia or something to do with the hip. To describe it he uses a little German children's rhyme - "Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich[, fertig ist das Mondgesicht]" - it describes how to draw a smilie face - two dots as eyes, a comma for the nose and a line for the mouth.

He walks into the operating room, starts to assist the head surgeon (could have been Dr Cox from "Scrubs"), they operate and the assistant actually finds the condition formerly described. He tells the head surgeon, who tries to ignore it in some way, but the assistant insists and the head surgeon looks again. He agrees, but says that this is not the condition they are really out to cure here, which is more critical. He has a long telescopic tube in his hands which is stuck into the patient, and starts to make motions with it. I assume this is some sort of micro-surgery. Then he starts to use another, similar but thinner telescopic tube on the patient.

Then I watch an assistant at a computer screen. He seems to direct another piece of surgical equipment with the computer. It seems to be some sort of flexible, rotateable rope/tube he starts to move through some of the body's "plumbing" ;) . I think from the way it looks it's like a colonoscopy. As he moves forward, he sees the colon walls as pink from the side, and some red lines are there two. When he cannot see properly or there is a twist, he rotates the picture until he can see clearly and moves on. It looks like a computer game.

I wake up - for real. I notice I have no journal entry about the first dream, and dreamed the journal itself. Damn! Wrote down what I remembered. Almost nothing compared to what seemed to be there. I wonder about the sentence written in bold style.

I lay there, trying to think how I could reaccess that original dream journal in a dream - wondering if I could contact its energy? After a while I let go of that as it seems to yield nothing and soon I drift off. Another dream starts, but I'm not quite asleep. It unfolds as I'm in the state in between:

I start to write into my journal, but it is hard to focus, but I manage to write something out and read part of it back to me before I forget it again. The fragment is "of how these things are done" - I think this is about dream recall and recording or something like that.

I find myself in a strange dream that is only vaguely visual. I'm aware of being in the presence of another doctor, but I think it's a guiding spirit. He seems to agree that we can do what I've asked for, some kind of hypnosis therapy. He says that I however lack knowledge of (the theory of ?) "the variable personality" - as I start to wonder what he meant I'm losing the dream and wake up.


30th December 2009, 11:28 AM
I "accidentally" read my dream journal about this one and there was part of it which I completely forgot:

I dreamed about my son, a one-year-old. He moved his head forward as if he was trying to headbutt me. (He sometimes does that IRL, too.) But the oddest thing happened - our foreheads passed into each other. I remember joking once when he did that IRL that maybe he wanted to do a "mind meld." Funny dream, maybe it picked up on that idea.

Some things related to the dream imagery from the days before and after:
* Don Cheadle as Hendrix - I had (tried to) play Hendrix songs on the guitar for the first time in years the day before.
* Ocean's movies characters - I had started to rewatch the Ocean's movies over the Christmas holidays.
* Surgeons and the treatment of hip, hernia and possibly colon: Not only did I do abdomen and hip energy work that night before going to bed, I also got a flareup of the hip and abdomen muscles, like everything is rearranging itself since then.
* Reference to therapy and "the variable personality": I got into contact with someone and learned two days after this their job is psychologist with a focus on therapy.
* I clearly watched an enormous lot of M.A.S.H. and quite some Scrubs in my time. ;)

I had asked a question in my dream journal the night before, but either it got ignored or the answer was "healing" - the flood of doctors here.
