View Full Version : Beautiful dream!

27th December 2009, 04:40 PM
Wow !Yesterday,I was really angry about some things that are not working out and have come again to bite me in the butt and that also has a lot to do with how some people are out to screw other people in this case me at all odds and have no compassion for anyone because money and corruption rule their world.I have asked my HS yesterday why do I have to go through so many things ,such unfair,unjust things and it all has to do with other people's drama not mine.This morning I had this really beautiful dream.I dreamed about my almost 22 year old daughter as a 2 year old.She looked just as she was as a child and she was wearing a dark blue skirt and a very light turquoise shirt with a window pane design and it was very shiny almost transparent.She had dk blond hair and green eyes and she told me that she wanted to eat something so we went into this store and she chose this packaged honey cake cut into bars.The price was $.99 but there was also another price of $.87 and I gave the woman at the counter$1 and we left.As we went outside she wanted one of the cakes and I opened the package and so much honey spilled out of that package and onto the ground that I couldn't believe it and then I woke up.In the dream we were walking somewhere where I didn't recognized the neighborhood and it was a warm sunny day.

27th December 2009, 05:50 PM
Overflowing with amber honey...nice :)

28th December 2009, 09:05 AM
Seems like your daughter has brought a sweet abundance to your life. :)
