View Full Version : energy stimulation

26th December 2009, 10:18 PM
im on my first week and im really confused ,when im doing energy stimulation what kind of sensation im looking for i mean how do i know that its working and im doing it right especially after reading some post about others experience all of them talk about tingling yet i don't think i experienced that at all,also is it a problem if you space out i noticed that while im concentrating i only do it for a short time then i space out or a thought coming distracting me . i have a last a question but when should i exercice ,should i do it before going to bed or i will be too tired .

26th December 2009, 10:29 PM
im on my first week and im really confused ,when im doing energy stimulation what kind of sensation im looking What type of stimulation are you doing, is it the brushing on the feet or fingers? If so, any type of sensation that lets you know where the target is should be helpful, usually I feel very slight tingling if it's in the feet or hands, but this varies. Any sensation (except pain) is a good sensation, but it may be very slight, just enough to know you've done something there.

for i mean how do i know that its working and im doing it right especially after reading some post about others experience all of them talk about tingling yet i don't think i experienced that at all It's too soon to expect anything specifically, since you're just staring to learn the techniques. If you follow directions (and of course, ask if something is not clear) don't worry about 'not doing things right'- there is more than one way to do the exercises.

also is it a problem if you space out i noticed that while im concentrating i only do it for a short time then i space out or a thought coming distracting me If this is the case, do it for only a short time, and space it out throughout the day, so you don't lose your concentration.

. i have a last a question but when should i exercice ,should i do it before going to bed or i will be too tired . Whenever you have the time and feel like doing it, provided it's quiet and you have a space to do it comfortably.

26th December 2009, 11:10 PM
energy stimulation on toes ,up until now no matter if it was thumb or toes i didn't ever felt those tingling and all .

26th December 2009, 11:29 PM
energy stimulation on toes ,up until now no matter if it was thumb or toes i didn't ever felt those tingling and all .

Give it some time :) How long do you usually work on a toe?

Kevin Bridges
29th January 2010, 12:07 AM
Keep this in mind about energy stimulation, yuuchhi, it is not delicate.

It doesn't need a trance, or a certain state of mind, or even that you do it on an empty stomach. When you get good enough at it, you don't even need to be a little relaxed.

One thing that struck me when I was learning these energy methods, is that its so much like doing physical exercises. You're moving this back and forth, or rubbing your legs with the energy, but at the same time you're not actually doing anything, besides what you're doing with your mind.

It's not something to overthink, and it's not something to worry about. It's something to try, try, try, and then you'll realize, some day, that this easy thing used to be hard. It's like playing a piano, but so, so, so much easier! :wink: