View Full Version : Vision Screen and the Third Eye Strobe

26th December 2009, 09:57 PM
So whenever I do energy work (I'm now on Day 22 of Mastering Astral Projection), I almost always get the camera flash strobe that goes on and off a few times and stops right about the time I stop. I know this camera flash third eye strobe can be developed into a sort of mirror you can see into with your mind's eye, as well as that it is an indication your brow center is higher developed than average, but I don't know how exactly I can turn this flash (which I started to see on Day 21 of MAP) into something more, like the mirror a.k.a. vision screen. So how do I develop the flash into a vision screen?

Robert Bruce
16th March 2010, 06:52 AM

This takes long session energy work to do.

Work from a sitting position. Put by two or three hours for each session.

Do what you have been doing until you start to get the strobe.

Relax and pull energy up your legs into your chakra system.

When the strobes stop, restimulate all your chakras, from base to crown.

Do extra stimulation of your brow center.

continue doing energy work until the strobes repeat.

repeat during other sessions.

Use affirmations 'I am clairvoyant' 'my brow chakra strobes' 'I am the great eye' 'I see energy' etc.

This will develop your clairvoyance and your strobing will get stronger until the vision screen appears.

Once it appears, relax and gently pull energy up your legs.

This is an amazing phenomenon. It is 'the great eye'.
