View Full Version : Solar plexus

24th December 2009, 03:44 AM
Mine has been feeling particularly strange since staring to raise energy again. I've been having intense automatic openings of the main chakras- heart chakra is pumping away like a mo-fo and it's all a-rockin.
The tops of my stomach muscles have been constantly tensed right in the middle of my body and I've noticed an itchy, red little spot directly opposite on my back. I just know that it's my chakra.
I've been wearing a citrine(yellow) stone round my neck for a month now and am wondering if this could be having an effect too?
Also I've been strangely constipated and I'm very very rarely stuck that way. Sorry if this too much info!
It kinda feels like I'm being pulled from that point in my body.
I'm wondering if it has anything to do with my career. I can feel great movements coming towards me. That's why I started to wear the citrine as it's meant to attract good business opportunities.
Is there anything I can do to help it along or dyu reckon it'll sort itself out naturally? I'm not phased, I find it very interesting to have such a physical effect.

24th December 2009, 04:06 PM
Frankly, I think these sound like Kundalini symptoms. Like "she's awakening, cap'n." (sorry for the bad Star Trek line)
The citrine is actually protective, so I wouldn't take it off.

26th December 2009, 03:36 PM
Watch out below Kundalini Rising!
Mmm ya know I think you may be right there CFT.
Well it's all good under my hood!
I'm all for Star Trek quotes any time of day!

Happy Boxing Day!

26th December 2009, 08:14 PM
I'm going to throw out some thoughts, though ultimately I do not claim to have any level of certainty as to what is going on. So, just some thoughts. (-:

It definetly sounds like you have some significant energy development/changes taking place. When one part of the energy system shifts, so do others, as a way to either balance or compensate. I susepct that with your heart chakra activating heavily, it is either healing the solar plexus, or it is trying to draw forth more energy from the SP than the SP is used to. This could explain the tension there.

The chakras all have rear pathways near the spine, and the SP activity could be causing a clearing back there, and thus the itchy spot.

I'm not a stone expert at all, though I do have some experience, and I do use citrine. My experience with citrine is that it draws out negative energy and processes it away without re-emitting negative energy into the environment. It is the only stone I know that can do this. THAT said- all stones should be charged regularly, and if they are dealing with a lot of energy (which yours might be right now), they should get charged near-daily. I'd recommend daily: pulling out negative energy from the stone, and sending it somewhere like into a back yard, or into the ground (where it can dissolve naturally; just keep it away from humans), and then recharging it. I'd also say that it is better to wear no stone than to wear an uncharged stone.

To help things along- I'd recommend any one (or a combo) of the following: grattitude meditations, prayers- of thanks or of requests, or clarifying with a level of exactness what it is that you want and why- very similar to "The Secret".

26th December 2009, 09:48 PM
I wanted to add one last thing. There's a system of thinking that the body works in direct, semi-literal, parallels to your emotional/mental state of being, and that each body part/ailment corresponds to an internal issue. For instance, someone who is having ear/hearing problems might not "be able to hear any truth but their own" or if their knees are sore are "inflexible personalities". I don't really subscribe to this system, as I think it's too literal, and too "that sounds good- it must be true!"

That said, I have noticed that at one point when I was purging a massive amount of emotional issues from my lower three chakras, I stopped being able to have bowel movements as well. Checking within myself, I found that my emotional self was having trouble "letting go" of these old emotions, and was desperately clutching on to these old emotions. That same sort of "clutching" seemed be applying to my physical body as well.

On a less literal level, I would theroize a likelihood that you are undergoing healing/purging/development for your third chakra, and since that chakra does affect a good bit of the digestive track, it could be impacting your digestive efficiency and regularity.

Anyways- I just wanted to mention all of this in case you wanted to go within, and check out if you're struggling to release the old as you move on to something new in your journey.

26th December 2009, 10:31 PM
I had some similar problems as you, Rayson, some years ago, but in reverse. At the time my dad realized the correlation of my physical ailment to my personal issues, and remarked on it. It was like a light went off in my head (thanks, dad) and the problem resolved itself.

27th December 2009, 10:48 AM
Rayson thank you for the comments and suggestions.
I stopped energy work over Christmas and have just begun again while reading your posts.
It feels good and it's a beautiful day here.
I don't know about the emotional issues, but it definitely makes sense to me. Maybe it will come out.
The spontaneous energy moves right through me from ground out my head. I'm a conduit. It's wonderful, I love the power of it. I'm ready now.
It's so good to talk about real things here. I think you're all great!
Thank you again guys.

27th December 2009, 11:48 AM
This is definitely kundalini rising.

27th December 2009, 09:01 PM
Well I wish you a beautiful set of experiences with it!!