View Full Version : Is killing always wrong?

22nd December 2009, 05:15 AM
Dear Robert
I hope you are well. I know that generally speaking killing is wrong but...is it always wrong or are there exceptions. I live in a area that has recently been infested with Racoons. They have attacked humans and severely hurt domestic animals, mainly cats. I have borrowed a bb gun and so far killed 8. I do not particularily enjoy doing it but cannot deny a certain rush of "the Hunt". I have hunted big game in the past and always "dutiful" eaten what I killed, but still the "joy" of the hunt was and is there. Is that wrong? If it is then what about fishing something I also enjoy a lot. I live on a sailboat and subsist of the sea, but sometimes just fish for fun...inflicting pain and suffering you might say :-) to pass time. I seem to remember you did a lot of spearfishing as well.

I lived many years in India and understand the reincarnation, (Jain style), theory, but it seems flawed. Is there in your opinion a time to kill like the wise Solomon said.

I do believe that something changes inside a person when they kill another human being, do you think the same is the case with animals, just in smaller increments.

Regards Mustardseed

Robert Bruce
16th March 2010, 06:47 AM

Nice to see you again.

Wow, that is 'some' BB gun you have. A Racoon is not a small animal...like a small to medium sized dog.

I love Raccoons and like to see them in the wild. But, if they were endangering my family then I would probably do the same as you, or move.

"Nature red in tooth and claw"....Kipling

If Raccoons are causing such problems, it is likely due to overpopulation and unnatural conditions in their environment. So, reducing their population would help everyone, including the Raccoon population, reducing demand for resources, etc.

Most people would be vegetarian if they had to kill their own food.

See http://www.meat.org

I do not, however, think it is wrong to kill for the food you need to live.
Fishing is also like this. So long as the catch is eaten, it is not unethical to do.

Where does one draw the line. I mean, its okay to kill billions of creatures, if your home is invaded with Argentine ants.

As for the thrill of the hunt...we have this in all of us. Legacy of millions of years as hunter gatherers....nature's way of giving us extra energy and strength when we need it most.

I think we need to think about these things. There are some times when killing is necessary. It is up to the individual to decide what is ethical and what is not.

A lot of vegetarian pacifists would stand and say 'no killing for any reason' but these same people would, under some circumstances, also kill.

EG, get Argentine ants in your house and it becomes unlivable and unhealthy. If you have a family and cannot afford to move, what would they do? Most would call the exterminator.

Need, common sense, and ethics.....this works.
