View Full Version : Pop noise in lucid dream

19th December 2009, 08:52 PM
Earlier today during a snooze I slipped into a lucid dream.
It was accelerated by the presence of strong sexual energy within a normal dream. This happens quite a lot and can be distracting, but this time I didn't obsess and I reckon it's because I've been doing the exercises in Week 1 ( saying that I've been spreading it over 2 weeks). My dream recall is getting really strong. It always was, but now I can remember not just the last dream but ones before too.
I noticed in this particular lucid dream that everything was super-real. I was really conscious of everything. Colours especially were super vibrant and alive. I've been lucid in dreams before but this was different. Things looked and felt so intense, so solid, so super-real, but also so fluid and psychedlic, constantly changing.
I was watching a girl with blue hair and bright orange and pink clothes dancing up close to me and heard a pop. I heard it a few times but on the last POP I woke up bathed in sweat and feeling particularly strange.
I must've run out of energy, but I'm pretty sure that the pops were me coming out of my body. I've never heard pops before. I've heard buzzing and frequencies of all kinds and voices in my left ear. The POP was from the left too.
Is there any significance with it being heard from the left do you think?
Also why is it that the intensity of the memory fades so quickly even though you're conscious during it?

Anyhoops just wanted to share it. :)

21st December 2009, 04:02 AM
Hi TA. I have heard pops like that, at the onset of projection, and also in the room. There is a post entitled "Things that go bump in your head" (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1985&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a) that talks about that.

16th January 2010, 03:40 PM
I am not sure about pops in lucid dreaming, but when you are about to astral project, you will hear all sorts of funny sounds...well, some of them can be scary. Could you have been astral projecting in lucid dreams?

Kevin Bridges
28th January 2010, 11:57 PM
The fact that you hear these things in your left ear just might be an idiosyncrasy of your body. I get hiccups whenever I eat hot peppers, for instance. When it hit me at some point that the OBE is an actualy physical process, and that the physical and energy body are not two different things, it made me realize that you don't just experience what you expect to experience, you experience things according to solid, external circumstances.