View Full Version : Primedirective' daily schedule

17th December 2009, 09:49 PM
I will be reporting my progress in this thread.

Last week received the MAP book, and eagerly readi. On Day 0 had a brief sponatneous projection, as noted in an earlier post.

MAP Day 1:
did the energy body exercises. I have hard time imagining anything.. but, trying to work on it.
I traced routes from my fingers to my shoulders. Nothing remarkable happened.
I translated the texts, and the affirmations to South African Dutch (Afrikaans) because its easier in my subconsious. English just doesnt work for me. Translations are written in the book by pencil.
Listened to the Brainwave generator, after some time a few flash images appeared in my mind which i promply forgot what it was.

Dreams of previous night: none that i could remember.
Mood: relaxed.

Repeated day 1.

MAP Day 2, my day 3:
Started doing breathing excersice.
Listened to Brainwave generator for 20minutes. Couldnt really get a "fix" on its purpose, or what to concentrate onwhile listening -- to it sounds, or just on my 4rd eye, or what?
I then imagined brushing my right thumb at the joint, and cleaning it inside.
Didnt do the movement of index finger on thumb yet.

The next 2 days i repeated Day 2's exersices and think to progressivley get better at imagining my energy body.

MAP Day 2, my day 4:
Did day 2's exersices again.

Dreams of previous night: in my dream i was sitting in an grassfield, open area in a meditation posture. A tall middelaged man was approached me, about 5metres on 1 o'clock position, started walking clockwise around me mumbling something. Shortly after him was a shorter man who was about to do the same, when TRRRRRRING went my alarmclock :shock: .
i quickly wrote this down.

MAP Day 2, my day 5:
Did day 2's exersices again, added the index finger rotation thing.

19th December 2009, 06:23 PM
Today Idid :
* full body relaxation, energy work on thumb & big toes
* Breathing exersice
* Started reading Robert Monroe - Ultimate Journeys (far journeys was kick ass!!!! :D :mrgreen: )

* While doing bigtoe work, a tingling sensation started coming up from my righ foot which quickly had my whole right leg tingling, a feeling of little needles pinching. It then spontaneously went over to my leg leg starting at the foot and quickly (withing <>5 seconds) had also my left leg tingling at the same time.
I thought it to be a co-insidence, or maybe my imagination.. but, while this lasted
i though aaha well, what the heck, tried to get this tingling all across my body. Didnt work out. Nothing happened, Only my forehead between my eyes got a small itch.

* Couldnt remember anything.

21st December 2009, 09:57 AM
Today Idid :
* full body relaxation, energy work on thumb & big toes
* Concetrated listening to <>20 minutes brainwave generator.
* Breathing exersice, while combined listening to the brainwave geenrator
* Reading Dolores Cannon - Keepers of the Garden containing references to OBE, energy work etc.

* This morning, practised trying getting hypogotic imaging. I saw clearly a small hilly area, with a new road containing roadmarkers to hsow where you must stay to not fall of the road. Must've been a reference to my current snowboard vacation.
* While just sitting relaxing doing Big Toe energywork, some tingling sensations would start to appear at full in my legs.
* While walking in the street, i get tingling sensations also in my legs.

* I relaized subconsiusly i've been thinking alot about myenergy body. Not anything specifi. Just a thought (if u can call it that).

QUESTION to forum:
Are the tingling sensations maybe my energy body responding, somehow?

26th December 2009, 11:28 AM
been doing legwork brainwave of day 5. I'm not pacing the book, rather repeating every book-exersie 2days in a row.

* While doing Brainwave generator relaxation, a feather brushed about 2centimetres against the top of my foot. No real feather. Dont know what it was.
* While doing breathing exersice;
-- when breathing in very slightly -- getting dizzy, my upperbody slightly getting bigger .
-- My mobile fone audibly reporting a new SMS message. Afterwards checking, there was no SMS :?: .
* While doing legwork, throbbing feeling in my feet.

* Tingling sensation running trough my left leg. Mostly happens when i sit upright, for example when at my computer. This happens very randomly. I try to be sure its not my leg deprived of blood or such.

I'd like confirmation;
* That most of what i experience, is it my imganation? Have other ppl similair experiences as myself?

26th December 2009, 06:30 PM
* While doing Brainwave generator relaxation, a feather brushed about 2centimetres against the top of my foot. No real feather. Dont know what it was. This is normal. I got muscle fluttering when I did the relaxation presets. Many people report similar effects with them.

* While doing breathing exersice;
-- when breathing in very slightly -- getting dizzy, my upperbody slightly getting bigger . This is also normal. Your awareness is becoming 'altered'. Energy things are more noticeable when you start moving into trance.

-- My mobile fone audibly reporting a new SMS message. Afterwards checking, there was no SMS :?: . This may be due to what is known as 'astral noise'. In this case it's probably a 'sense memory' replaying in your head. This happens in trance also, making me think that you're one of the types of people who trances easily.

* While doing legwork, throbbing feeling in my feet. Perfectly normal.

* Tingling sensation running trough my left leg. Mostly happens when i sit upright, for example when at my computer. This happens very randomly. I try to be sure its not my leg deprived of blood or such. Bodily sensations become more noticeable as you move into trance, so once again, you seem to be doing it easily.

I'd like confirmation;
* That most of what i experience, is it my imganation? Have other ppl similair experiences as myself? I wouldn't call it 'imagination', I'd say you're moving into trance very easily and readily- and although this is good for projection (it means that you'll probably project before the program reaches the end), I'd suggest you read the article entitled "Your First Conscious Projection" in the OBE Research and Discussions forum, because you may experience all kinds of things that may spook you 'ahead of time', before you're 'ready'. So it's better to be educated at what you may experience and avoid being surprised.

1st January 2010, 05:41 PM
@CFTraveler, thanks for your inputs :)

been doing hand, arm energy work.

* Stimulating my left leg is difficult to imagine.

Experiences today:
* While listening to brainwave generator;
-- i heard sumthing like a woman' hairdryer, which continnued a few minutes until after finished listening to the BWgen.
-- i started distinguishing a sound of shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, maybe it was part of the MAP week02 brainwave generator?
* doing handwork;
-- Throbbing feeling in both hands, fingers, as if a heavy object stood on them for a while, youknow, that.
-- On back half of my head goosebumps spread out quickly to engulf my full face,BUT, it became itchy on my face!! Goosebumps disspates after a short period.
-- Goosebumpfeeling start on my ching then spread all over my face, and it becomes feeling of itchy.. :?
-- Slight feeling of dizzyness and left/right motion, though very slightly.
* After listening to the brainwave generator;
-- I can clearly hear jet airplanes flying overhead at high altitude. My neighbourhoud is in general peacful. I normally wont hear any such sounds.

* Random crackling/clicking sounds
-- While reading a book about OBEs, my computerdesk had a loud crackingling sound. Really, how it can do that? :shock:
-- Random crackling sound from say, my bookcase, or the watercooker would do CLICK. Thats even when i'm not doing any meditation, just reading a OBE book.
* Randomly tingling (feeling of getting goosebumps)
-- mostly starting on right upper leg, within <=2seconds quickly spreading all over my leg first downwards. It feels kinda like when one gets goosebumbs, but no goosebumps on my legs.
-- same goosebumps sensations starting at the back half of my head, or it would happen simulatenoeusly in bothback of my head, neck and right leg. Sumhow, my left leg and arm is excluded from this goosebump tingling.

NOW as i type this...
* my right hand to palm is goosebumpy
* right leck is goosebumpy, particular the calves.
* Hands throbbing, but moresoe the exact center of my hands is easier to perceive mentally.

OBE meditation environmet;
* I am in a room at comfortable temprature. Goosebumps therfore not possible, even though outside is -1degrees Celcius.
* Quiet environment.
* Sitting upright on my computer workchair, no headsupport.
* Quiet environment, no extrtnal sounds excpet hearing myself.

To ensure "not folling myself" i strive for an optimal environment,

* Why is my left side of body not getting any goosebumps?
* How come its easier to mentally perceive my hands?

Please, anyone with similair experiences comment here, so i can know if i imagine or, if its "real".

1st January 2010, 06:48 PM
The energy sensations are normal, they result from expanded awareness. Once you begin practicing expanded awareness, all kinds of things become more 'obvious'. Also, because your energy body is more active, more stuff is going on. So it's a combo of awareness and activity. All normal, and the reason we have all those warnings all over the place about what practicing all this stuff can do.
As to the 'popping' noises, there's an thread somewhere (you may have to search for it) called 'Things that go Bump in your head'. I believe there's a link to that in the AD pedia under 'Noises'.

26th February 2010, 06:04 PM
Small status update.

Due to work and related activites i was unable to properly devote time to AP. furthermoe, i realized that my lifestyle is too montonous. I needed variety, excitement, feel ups & downs of life.
I think, and thats my suspicioun, that one absolutley needs to have a emotional side. I closed of my emotions bcs of (precious) life experiences. now that those lacking compononents are coming back into my life so do i hope to have more luck on AP.

Ill be posting again soon.

26th February 2010, 08:59 PM
I think, and thats my suspicioun, that one absolutley needs to have a emotional side. I closed of my emotions bcs of (precious) life experiences. now that those lacking compononents are coming back into my life so do i hope to have more luck on AP. Hey primedirective. I don't know if having an expressive emotional side has any effect on the AP process, except for the recall part. If you're excited when you project it'll help with remembering the experience.
Don't worry, everyone has an emotional side. The problem is with labeling- most western people equate emotions with "female" and think anger is not an emotion, because so many men express that one. But everyone has emotions, they just don't always express them, or bury them (trying to not 'feel' them) which causes problems. Buried or not buried, they're there, and eventually they'll come out. Life has a way of triggering them, one way or the other.

4th March 2010, 04:01 PM
Thanks for your encouring words!

Status update.
I'm paused at Day 18 of the MAP-program, doing breathing exersices, listening to the brainwave generator each morning before work. Usually I arrive about 40 minutes earlier then sit in our meetingroom doing some MAP-exercises. Evenings at home are too distracting. I cant barely remember my dreams :roll: .

During my morning meditation i thought to read 2 e-mails received from my brother. Starting outlook i realized not to have read my mail and.. there were 2 mails from my brother with exactly the Subjects as in my precognition. Was the precog a dream?

4th March 2010, 04:05 PM
Could have been- it was definitely precognition. Interesting that precog is the aspect that is being developed in you. It's probably your natural 'talent'.

4th March 2010, 06:01 PM
The strangest of alln this precognition is, that it happened while i was listening to brainwave generator. It was as if i was infront of the computer, with Microsoft Outlook started showing the topic headers. I could saw the text screen as if it was REAL!! Weeeeird. Also, the past 3 months even more strange things started happening.. My thoughts manifest themselves into reallife, ususally when i strongly think about something it UNEXAPLAINABLY happens within a week or two.

For example:
1. I met a girl who can read my mind. REALLY.
1.1 She sais she thinks just to know me too well. How can that be? She usually stars talking about something which is on my mind. HOW the heck does she know?? I am really happy with her :D (she's in my previous lifetimes, read on..)
1.2 The other day i dreamt that she was my Yoga teacher in a previous life. In the dream, she was sitting in a Lotus-position in front of me, i only saw a siollouete. She was a man, and i was a female. I just cant know how, but i jsut had a "feeling" that she was the my Yoga/spiritual Teacher in my previous life. Now, she is my teacher too.. and my girlfriend :)
2. My job, many great thing happened the past 2,5months. Too numerous to mention but lemme keep it short.. i was promoted project manager. I am working in a small startup. I have inpsiring enthusiastic colleagues. Those were my "whishes" for a job. These were for me too many unusual circumstances.
3. Holidays. I had a perfect realxing holiday.
.. and other things, oo numerous to mention :) .
4. My girfriend. We know eachother now "5 months" in this life. Yet, i suspect we have been together for many many lifetimes. When i have AP and can visit akashic records or the like i wanna know where she fits in my life, was she really my teacher..?

My next desire is.. to have a concious Astral projection.

I noticed that WHISHING or WANTING anything has adverse effects.
I shoulndt want anything espcially money, but work towards achieving whatever.
I noticed that wanting money, or working for it always results in failure. I shouldnt want money is my conclusion. Money will find me when i need it.
I think, my life was predetermined.
30 years ago i already predicted my current life. I had that realization today.
I had minute flashback memory of my life seconds before my reincarnation. I asked my Guide to assist me in this life only in emergencys, but to come to my assistance eventually. I think... my current girlfriend is my Guide/teacher.

Anyways.. precog.. I dunno.. but, then again, I had too many "coincidences" for it not to be true.

6th March 2010, 10:16 AM
The topic of this post tells all.

Yesterday three things happened.
* While taking a coffebreak at my computer playing Mass Effect 2 a soft wind briefly blowed onto my right forehand.
* Lying in my bed before falling asleep, some crackling noises are in the room. Also, sounds if sumthing is brushing onto the computer keybord.
* BEST OF all :roll: I may have had an aboirted Astral Projection!!

After lying in bed not falling asleep, having Astral Projection in my mind,suddenly spontaneously I heard a sound of huge waterfallrushing in my ears. I felt lightheaded, and immediatly got SH*T scared.. and jerked my body which aborted the astral projection. It was not the second such happening the past 5 days.

Weird is:
1. I am taking a 4-weeks break of the MAP program, taking my time, doing brainwave generator only.
2. Yesterday i wasnt even trying to project. Sumwhere in my subconcious i had a though about being outside. i had a mindset of.. oke, projection would be cool but i will wait and maybe it happens someday.. Hopefully soon? :)

6th March 2010, 05:00 PM
Sometimes taking a break recharges your batteries. When I was doing MAP, I took a month off too, and the very first day I went back to official practice, I projected.

9th March 2010, 04:02 PM
I've been slack at practising MAP bcs of distractions.. my girlfriend, a new Roland TD-4K :roll: electronic drumset etc. And, therfore not getting much sleep.

After lying on my bed, within a few minutes i got a feeling of alcholic drunk-ed disorientation. It spread quickly to across my whole body. I felt as if i was gonna go upside down. I sorta drifted off into sleep which ended the experience.
Are disorientation a prelude to exiting? If so, then i get those nearly spontaneously.

LUCID DREAM question. I cant get them. I'm a heavy sleaper. An exploding bomb next to my bed wont wake me. I cant get lucid dreams, even with me murmuring lucid-dreams while i doze off.. Affirmations just doesnt work for me.

My falling assleep pattern is like this.
Usually i will lie down on my bed, fully aware, after a few minutes some stray thought will enter my mind.I would then shuddering awake, just to wake up the next day for work :shock: . FRUSTRATING. Maybe the brainwave Generator Part 3 mind taming can be applied to before sleeping? I triy but still fall asleep.

Any tips, for both getting lucid dreams & staying aware before falling asleep?

I want to fuly consous exit.
I want to fully awarely control my dreams!

9th March 2010, 04:44 PM
After lying on my bed, within a few minutes i got a feeling of alcholic drunk-ed disorientation. It spread quickly to across my whole body. I felt as if i was gonna go upside down. I sorta drifted off into sleep which ended the experience.
Are disorientation a prelude to exiting? If so, then i get those nearly spontaneously. Yes. I call them 'end stage vibrations'.

LUCID DREAM question. I cant get them. I'm a heavy sleaper. An exploding bomb next to my bed wont wake me. I cant get lucid dreams, even with me murmuring lucid-dreams while i doze off.. Affirmations just doesnt work for me. What are you saying as an affirmation? I like "I remember my dreams". If awareness is a problem, make it simple.

My falling assleep pattern is like this.
Usually i will lie down on my bed, fully aware, after a few minutes some stray thought will enter my mind.I would then shuddering awake, just to wake up the next day for work :shock: . FRUSTRATING. Maybe the brainwave Generator Part 3 mind taming can be applied to before sleeping? I triy but still fall asleep.

Any tips, for both getting lucid dreams & staying aware before falling asleep?

I want to fuly consous exit.
I want to fully awarely control my dreams! How far are you in the program? I notice your diary is in the 'Part I' section.

My general advice would be: Continue training until you get to the end of the program the way you are doing. Wait until you have finished the program- consider this training, not 'trying to OBE.' When you're done with the program and can do all the steps without needing direction, then change a few things:
Move your practice for early in the morning, and pick one day a week to try to project.
Do your energy work during the day, and do your routine early in the morning.

16th March 2010, 09:56 PM
Its now <>2,5months since starting MAP. I'm on Day 24 of the program.

So far i've experienced;
* ONE spontaneous projection with full astral sight, lasted <>10 seconds.
* Last week nearly had 2 spontaneous projections, my heart chakras went wild! but I got sh*t scared and chickened out.
* cracklin popping sounds at my computer. No reason whatsoever for it to happen!! :?:. Usually only happens in the evenings immediatly after my OBE practise session.
* When doing mindtaming, espcially fully body awareness i would get kinda drunk/dizzy.
* Feelings of little electrical needles pinching all over my face, its itching!!
* Sometimes a breath/wind blowing ever so slightly vriefly onto my right front upper palm, or onto my elbow.
* Precognitions. Totally random, no sci-fi predicatable stuff!!
-- I I get a flashthought about a song on the radio, then it starts playing a few seconds later.
-- i would think of my girlfriend then she calls me a few seconds later.
* My girlfriend reads my mind :shock: .
-- During conversations, she would recite words rfrom my mind, even though i havent said NOTHING, she claims to not know my thoughts. She's been doing it so often its not even "funny" anymore. She doesnt believe in new age stuff (precognition, astral projections, aliens/UFOs) etc,
* A freshcold Spiderweb thrown onto my face. Happaned only twice. Felt soooo nice!!

* Lucid dreams
-- I cant get lucid dreams. I fall asleep like a dead rock. Lucid dreams..? it wont happen in this lifetime to me anymore.
-- Brainwave gen for Lucid dreams. idem problem. no use. Might as well give up on Lucid dreams.
* Mind taming. I'm listening to the 45-second pulses but can manage about 5 cycles before my mind wanders off to fantasyland.

**What happened today?**
I got snap crackle pop on computer, itchy face, and one precog event.
Furthermore I did mind taming, tried primary and base stimulation but got carried off into fantasialand. I refocused with full body awareness. i noticed, that i can sumhow start "swinging" myself. Not much, but enought to feel it happening in my legs ~arms. Though cant feel anything of my torso swinging along. Something wrong there? As usual then my face itches like crazy.

The "swinging" motions.
I noticed that a wandering mind interrupts the swinging, so focus apparenetley is key. I tried swinging rocking chair style, then rocking horse both which worked. After a minute or 2 of full body awareness this swinging often happens spontaneously, otherwise i can start it by willing it.
The swinging is frequent say 2 pushes per second, so left-right-left in 1 second. After <>30 seconds i losse patients then the swinging stops too. How long must i persist with this swinging??

This is aloooong post.
All help, comments appreciated!

18th March 2010, 02:09 PM
Yesterday evening after doing BWgen i layed down to sleep.

My head had barely touched the pillows when, in the darkness of my closed eyes faintly lit plasma-orbs started zig zagged in a Z-form topright to bottomleft across my closed eyelids. My eyes were closed. After <>2minutes the orbs changed to a curtain falling down about twice per second. The orbs zigzagged their pattern twice per second.
After about 2 minutes of curtains falling it abruptly stopped. A few seconds later a loud handscratch across my Mastering Astral Projections sounded. HUH?? Someone, or sumthing knows about my MAP attempts?

I was FULLY concious, aware DEFINITLEY not dreaming.

18th March 2010, 02:42 PM
The visions are normal- you usually don't notice them because you're not looking for them. But this kind of practice opens up your awareness and you notice things you didn't before.
The noise sounds like Astral Noise, and it's a characteristic of trance. Perhaps you were more tired than you think.

19th March 2010, 07:41 PM
Regarding the astral feedback. Dunno. Sounds kinda strange. Yet, it's been following me since childhood. As a kid / teenager i dreaded going to sleep, for the click-clacking at night. In 99,9999% of the cases the sounds come from one specific object in my room / apartment.

For example.
* In my current apartment its always my computer keybord giving of a 0,025seconds cracking sound as if someone was stepping onto it.
* At my previous apartment, the kettle in the kitchen would clack often, like once per hour so loud that i could hear it upstairs!! Even disconnecting the kettle from the mains had no effect, it would clack regardless.
* in my childhood bedroom (back >=25yrs ago) it would eminate from a small bookshelf containing nothing but my children' magazines & books.

As kid i associated click-clack with sleep paralysis, arrival of shadowed hooded presences etc etc. I had many many a terrible night!!

Fortunely now i am in perfect mental happyness condition. Click-clacks dont scare me anymore like it used to.
Maybe it s Good Thing to have Astral Fedback, could it be that i am on the right track towards understanding the meaning of it all?

19th March 2010, 09:43 PM
There is a thread entitled "Things that go Bump in your Head" that you may want to read- I don't know where exactly it is, but it's interesting nonetheless. Try searching for it.

22nd March 2010, 04:02 PM
Now on Day 27, doing nergy work, and working my chakra's.

As I very young kid (<>8yrs old)i used to whish magic to be true, to speak words which become reality.. my greatest whish was to fly like superman.

Lately while ptractising OBE i express the same desire. I whish it was so easy!! I guess MAP teaches me that achieving results needs investment in patience, and dedication. I will get my first concsious projection. I just dont know when!

I whish i could project at any moment that its as easy as moving my hand. :cry:

27th March 2010, 10:40 AM
* Aborted exit.
* A breath assists my energy raising.
* Precog-event with my girlfriend.

Awaking at 4.30am with the intent on doin some early energy raising practise. I opened the curtains in my room to allow it to becomefairly lit due to street lighting. I had barely laid down in an upright position, when a breath (its all i can call it) srated moving across my right foot, then breathingg up to my thighs, then, it went to my left thighs and breathed to my left foot. Weird thing is, as "it" was doing that, my legs started pulsating.
This breath-action lasted <>10 seconds.
I wondred what the breath would do next, so a second or 2 later it was breathing on my right neck which failed to cause pulsation.Then i started breath excersices, while counting with each in-/exhale got breifly lost concentration resuming count at 90.

Astral feedback, again.
Then, a large CRACK happened on my computer keybord followed by sound of a shoe being dragged from the onse side of my room to the other. I was 100% awake, aware not dreaming, but very relaxed. I remembred CFtraveller said its astral feedback which didnt get me worried at all. Thanx CFTraveller :). The invisible breath stopped.
I though about my previous spontaneous exit, that waterfall rushing sound which preceded an exit, and said to myself it would be really cool project now. CLACK went my keybord again :o. I started counting again, at around 120 i srated getting waterfall! I was so excited, which casued the rush to subside. DAMN :(.

Precog-event with my girlfriend.
Earlier yesterday at wrk, i was compiling an SMS to my girlfriend about a random topic (a song reminding me of her) when i got a SMS containing the text from the same song from her. WTF?!? :). WEIRD is, my precogs are totally random, unpredictable, and 99,999% applies only with her. She thinks this astral projection is making me loose my touch with reality.

Later i had a dream which i related a RL financial situation to something in my dream. I cant get lucid no matter what :(.

So tonight in review:
* Invisible breath helped raise my energy body.
* Had 1 nearly exit
* The obligatory astral feedback.

1. Is the invisible breath + astral feedback somehow related?
2. Why are my (random) precogs ONLY related to my girlfriend?

My ULTIMATE purpose, is to project by merely thinking about it, like when sitting in doctors waiting room.

27th March 2010, 04:32 PM
I think they are related, because astral noises can sound almost like anything.
As to your girlfriend, I have found that certain people seem to amplify each others' senses- I used to have a friend in college who was psychic- she was clairvoyant, and got glimpses of what you were thinking, and it was very shocking, how accurate she was. After I started hanging out with her, I started getting premonitions, and I would blurt out things that would happen- it was as if I were psychic in another way (intuitive). Well, after a few years, when we went our separate ways (I went to graduate school and she moved while I was gone, and we lost touch) my 'talents' went away. I was psychic only when I was close friends with her.

So, *shrugs*

8th April 2010, 05:45 AM
I am on Day 30 of MAP.

Yesterday evening i was trying body bouncing, energy & breath work, but had trouble concentrating so i started counting from 0 to 100 which didnt help much. Within a few counts stray thoughts would enter my mind.
initially upstairs also distracted me a bit. As i live in an old building from the late 1800s' with very bad floor isolation my neighbours who never goes to sleep, they run around jumping and what not.

I gave it up and did other things, going to sleep later with the thought of trying to project.

Just as I was about to drift of to sleep, the usual zzzzziiihhhh which one always hears in the mind started to spontaenously speedup reallly fast, I knew: YES!! I am gonna project!!!! :D. I willed it, but then, a thought came to me.. "what if i fly too high without parachute?". Hrrrr, then that probably prevented the exit.

Anwaysy, nice that i got that far again next time NO bloody thoughts of needing a parachute!!! :oops:

27th May 2010, 09:40 PM
Due to coming home late from work, vacation etc i was a bit off from Astral projection practise. I havent gotten any firther than my last post.
If you read my posts, then one would know my g/f to be a "gifted" woman. Yesterday she told me, that she can continue a dream on a next evening, see her hands, and control (lucid) dreams etc. She thinks it common, that anyone :shock: can do it without any effort whatsoever .

Well. I can't control my dreams. I cant become lucid. At age >=21 i asked / prayed to loose this abilty coz it was drving me insane with fear.

I asked her yesterday, to come fetch me in a dream so we can travel together. She just canny smiled tjhat i should learn it myself. As per usual she's reading my mind. She *literally* completes my sentences, or speak my thoughts word-for-word. I've come to accept it as normal.. Just wonderin if me and her have had previous lives together?? She thinks reincarnation is a loada B/S.

Anyways, I havent given up on projection. Just takin it slow. The 90-day map program is too generlized. Maybe it will take me >=3yrs to project out of body ?

28th May 2010, 01:27 AM
Well. I can't control my dreams. I cant become lucid. At age >=21 i asked / prayed to loose this abilty coz it was drving me insane with fear. You don't have to control your dreams in this program. The object of obtaining lucidity in the program (which is not a requirement either) is to make it easier to be lucid in your projections, and to be able to do a WILD if you want to later on.

The 90-day map program is too generlized. I don't understand what you mean by this- the MAP program is designed specifically to help you learn the tools to have an OBE. That's what it's for, nothing else.

16th July 2010, 09:00 PM
2 days ago i had an out-of-this world spontaneous projection.

I had an SPONTNANEOUS out-of-space projection.!! :shock: :) :)

I went to bed earlier, and was woke up at 6.30 by my clock, then fell asleep. A fw minutes later i spontaneously got the trainrush feeling. Then i was outside my nody, all i could see was blackness,

I realised that i was projecting and was sooooo happy, then i remembred to just ask to go somehwere so i first thought: "let met get far far far away from earth into distant space". Next moment, the blackness was filled withtwinkeling stars and i was moving at Warp 9 away from earth. Millions of stars were flying past me just like in a sci-fi movie. So i thought, this aint getting me anywhere, i need to have destination. So, i decided to head back to earth to see my girlfriend. next thing you know the starfield changed to blackness with little blue ubbled twinkles in it and i was in a room with a 2years old girl. She looked up at me, and i thought, no this is wrong i need this current time period. So i prjected to 12-jul010 with my girl. Just stayed with her for about a few secs then thought, let me take flight above the city. Whoooops i go through the roof to see a City from about <>1,500m altitude all in PERFECT clear vision!
Then i dediced, hey i heard about life on mars let me go there. I looked around to see the planet Mars but didnt find it, so i thought this aint getting me anywhere. I stated floating downars. Weird, next thing comes a big Armt helicopter flying right at me. As if they knew about my location, the came right at me and flew right through me, then it turned around cam came right at me again. HUH?

At that moment i lost control and woke up.

OMG this was sooooooooooo cool. I actually was in outta space!!!!!!!

16th July 2010, 10:10 PM
Cool. :)

23rd July 2010, 07:43 AM
I'm not making any progress with Astral Projections. I've realized that learning Astral Projection is more than practising the excersices in Bruce' book. Something in my life, way of thinking, attitude or I-dont-know-what is blocking my progress.

In addition i need to learn / listen to the experiences of 1000s of projectors, so as to ascertain their life, their mental situation, their upbringing, their (religious)believes, failures & realizations. Amongst those note down the permutations, but even THAT wont be enough.. I need to find the perfect situation applicable uniquely to MYSELF for applying Astral Projection techniques. There are other ways but i believe not to reinvent the wheel.

Maybe i will never be projecting consiously of own free will in this lifetime? It would be nice if it was possible.

What I need is a real coach, a mentor, a physical person, or a nonphysical Guide who directs me to fully concious projections.

23rd July 2010, 04:21 PM
I don't think you need to study the lives of successful APers to learn to project consciously- learning yourself, yes- but I can tell you that I have been projecting for most of my life, and I didn't even know of anyone who also did this for years, and when I learned about it there was no information about the people that could induce it consciously.
I can say that years of self exploration led to a more open mind and control about it (or rather, the ability to handle the experiences themselves)- but the projecting happened first.

I find that when people do a lot of research regarding AP they find themselves to get bogged down with too many expectations, and when they don't get 'exactly' what they understand is the 'same' as others' experiences, they either get frustrated or decide that theirs wasn't 'real', and this is not a good thing. There are many similarly described experiences, but they are all personal and different. Sure, there is a lot of commonality as can be expected from visiting the same energy matrix, but the way the energy reacts has to do with the perceiver, and experiences will always be a little different.

Expectations can lead into 'beliefs' and those can ruin the experience.

Something you can do is get to the point where you feel comfortable asking your subconscious to show you what to do next, and then to release expectations, just see what happens. But don't stop learning the techniques, because they will be helpful when you least expect it.