View Full Version : Dream of killing and revenge.

15th December 2009, 10:26 AM
Had a dream just now. I was in my house, and a child hood friend (now grown) came over to demand a tribute. So he had me wear a big chain until I paid him. I am not a subservient person, so I choked him with the chain and he died. I threw his body into a dumpster in my neighborhood and then later was so worried I was going to be caught. Was going over all the ways I could not get caught. Then a little girl comes to my door selling beads. Then there is a giant rally in my neighborhood with gangs of people and police. Then this guy I killed, his friends come over and they were huge and had leather jackets like bikers. I knew they were going to kill me. I made my way to the roof of the house and made a scene to get the crowd angry, so I could escape these guys.

Then a csi like team was going through my house, they started to ask me questions, and I told them I wanted an attorney. I couldnt find my brother who was living with me. I was talking to a cop counselor and she was nice to me but thought my name was will and not john, she kept trying to fill out my paperwork with the name Will. I told her that we have to find my brother in the house so we looked around and we walked into a back bathroom and she said oh John, and there was my brother murdered in the bathtub underwater with his throat slit. It was so real I could feel his rubber skin and smell the urine on the floor.

Its 4 am. I never write on these boards like this. God I hate dreaming.


15th December 2009, 12:39 PM
Hello, John.

I am just freely associating, only you can know resonates right or wrong for you, okay? Just trying to spell some things out without saying it is the right thing or anything. Obviously dreams about killing someone are always a slightly touchy subject.

Names are about identity, and you are referred to as "will." So this might indicate an issue about your identity in regards to will, willfulness or something similar.

A child hood friend might indicate this is an old issue coming back to you (like in "we go way back"). Dropping his body into a dumpster expresses your wish to get rid of this issue and forget about it, but it keeps on coming back up in various forms (the mob, the people in biker jackets, the CSI).

You have a feeling that somebody tries to bond you, chain you, and even represent that as a chain. You react with an act of aggression, so maybe this overreaction is pointing to what is the issue. Asserting oneself would not require killing someone, but this was your reaction in the dream.

I don't know what the beads are about, but first chain and then beads - there might be some connection. Maybe it represents a need for different reactions to different situations that only superficially similar.

In general you are here afraid of the consequences of your actions, especially about the reactions of people to what you've done. Maybe in trying to find a balance between asserting yourself (not seeming subservient) and not overreacting you sometimes anger people or even provoke people when trying to deal with the situation.

The CSI and everything might denote that there is no real escaping your actions, that that will not work, that you will be "found out." This could denote that maybe a present strategy your are applying to an issue in your life is not working, and the consequences are being made apparent, visible.

There is an interesting relationship between being named "Will" and the fact that this comes from a counselor, and also that you associate being nice with her. This might be a friendly pointer to the root cause. If the reason for this is will, you could work on that. This idea is also present in the paperwork.

Your brother might have been present either because this issue is between him and you or maybe your brother is representing a certain idea or feeling to you. He is living with you in this dream, so this is "close to home." Also everything starting out in "your house" might denote something about this being an issue of self and being "close to home."

Note that you have no recollection of having murdered your brother, but since you did murder another person you are suspect. Maybe this means you did not act towards your brother in the same way, but others might think so. It strongly depends on what you feel towards your brother, what you think your brother stands for and if you have any open issues with your brother.

Just some ideas about this.


17th December 2009, 12:21 AM

Thank you for your ideas. I agree with you. I have very vivid dreams all the time. There are issues from our "home" that have never been resolved. And I do assert myself in an extreme manner in some situations.

I will reflect on your words. I did not see the connection between the chain and the beads. Very interesting. VERY interesting. Like the feminine version, a little girl selling "offering" beads, instead of the masculine version of wrapping chains around someones neck and killing them.

Thank you very much for your wisdom and reflection, it is very appreciated.

This dream was very real. And very emotional. But just one of thousands. I dont report them all here, because I am not a big forum person, but after your input, you just might see me around more.

Thank You.


17th December 2009, 12:24 AM
I wrote that at 4 am and didnt get it all in. In my dream, my brother was murdered by the guys in the leather jackets, for revenge for me killing their friend, but not sure if it makes much difference in the meanings.

He is involved with a woman with a crazy ex, so I called him and told him to be carefull :)

Once again Thanks!


17th December 2009, 08:04 AM
John, you're most welcome. :D

By the way - very good dream recall! That was really a detailed, long and rich dream.

Be well,