View Full Version : picking on the little guy

Neil Templar
14th December 2009, 09:13 AM
i was with a group of friends, when this "new guy" appeared. he was really small. child-like in size, but obviously an adult, full facial hair etc.
i went to say hello, and extended my hand to shake his.
he put out his hand, but then flicked some ash from his cigarette into my hand. asshole!
so i started being an asshole to him. poking and flicking his beard, really trying to annoy him.
then i realised i was being an asshole, and i didn't like it, so i apologised, and he apologised, and everything was fine.

i went and sat down.
next thing i know, 1 of my friends and the little guy are pushing each other around. they're almost fighting, shoving each other around the place.
then 2 more of my friends get involved.
they're all picking on the little guy.
it seemed like almost no words had been spoken, like there was no reason for this behaviour.
i got up and got in between them.
i grabbed the little guy and pulled him aside, asking what was going on.

i looked down at him, he really was tiny. then i understood.
it was only cos he was small, and vulnerable, that some part of us (ego?) that knew we were bigger and stronger, wanted to pick on him.
i took him to each of my friends, 1 at a time.
i asked them why they'd been picking on him. was it cos he's so small.
each of them ashamed, said yes.
i felt ashamed that i too had had that kind of reaction to the little dude, but i was pleased i'd recognised it for what it was.

14th December 2009, 10:37 AM
Hello, Neil.

In the beginning of the dream the little guy provoked you first. There's always a chance that people trigger the behaviours that later on make them seem as victims. Yes, he's small, but still that's no reason to provoke you.

While your friends were picking on him because he was small, you did not join in (not give in to peer pressure) and you resolved that.

Can you see anything of yourself in the behaviour of your friends or of the small guy?


14th December 2009, 09:11 PM
i was with a group of friends, when this "new guy" appeared. he was really small. child-like in size, but obviously an adult, full facial hair etc.

You're aware of familiar self aspects when you meet something new in yourself. Even though he appears small/new, he's fully developed and has been there long enough to have matured.

i went to say hello, and extended my hand to shake his.

An attempt to fully integrate him into a well developed Self.

he put out his hand, but then flicked some ash from his cigarette into my hand. asshole!

Trouble integrating him. Remembering that he is part of you, perhaps you're not happy with the "little guy" part of you at some level. This makes perfect sense to me. It's hard to reconcile being a thoughtful person with being assertive about your needs as well. So, he acts like a shadow and displays behaviours that could be considered offensive socially. Shadow aspects will pop out in our behaviours in life if we totally suppress aspects of ourselves that we believe are too unsavoury.

Driving son to school. Will finish this soon.

15th December 2009, 03:13 AM
Back now. Some hours have passed. :D

so i started being an asshole to him. poking and flicking his beard, really trying to annoy him.
then i realised i was being an asshole, and i didn't like it, so i apologised, and he apologised, and everything was fine.

Okay, so you are starting to accept him now and he feels validated so he no longer needs to be an asshole to get some attention.

i went and sat down.
next thing i know, 1 of my friends and the little guy are pushing each other around. they're almost fighting, shoving each other around the place.
then 2 more of my friends get involved.
they're all picking on the little guy.

Now the suppressed, stunted little guy has to be accepted/integrated at other levels. This entails a bit of a psychological struggle in each instance ...

it seemed like almost no words had been spoken, like there was no reason for this behaviour.
No need for words, the subconscious mind prefers images and feelings. You recognise that there is a necessity for this part of you in your overall psychological makeup so you see no point in continuing to "pick on" this part of yourself.

i got up and got in between them.
i grabbed the little guy and pulled him aside, asking what was going on.

i looked down at him, he really was tiny. then i understood.
it was only cos he was small, and vulnerable, that some part of us (ego?) that knew we were bigger and stronger, wanted to pick on him.

He's the shadow and, therefore, represents vulnerabilities we don't want to acknowledge.

i took him to each of my friends, 1 at a time.
i asked them why they'd been picking on him. was it cos he's so small.
each of them ashamed, said yes.
i felt ashamed that i too had had that kind of reaction to the little dude, but i was pleased i'd recognised it for what it was.

Clearly a good piece of internal work was carried out in that dream. Every time we do such work, we change what we need to manifest externally in order to resolve some conflicts.

Neil Templar
15th December 2009, 04:35 PM
Clearly a good piece of internal work was carried out in that dream. Every time we do such work, we change what we need to manifest externally in order to resolve some conflicts.

yep. when i woke from it i felt quite satisfied. i knew i'd done something good. :)

i don't know if it's relevant, but that night before sleep, i started trying to initiate the reconnection, like i was talking about in the q-link thread.
i set a very firm intention to start the process. i asked for help from a few of my "teachers", including Roberts Bruce and Monroe. (Robert Monroe's appeared to help me out before. 8) )
i also requested help from Eric Pearl and Kryon, just in case anyone was listening, lol. no such thing as too much back-up eh? :wink:

seems like i got some work done. :D

Neil Templar
15th December 2009, 04:37 PM
Mishell reminded me -

Reading Beekeeper's last post about your dream reminded me that you have dreamed about this little guy before.

Neil wrote:i was in some huge school-like hogwarts.
i was in a stairwell, and i heard Korpo on the phone, talking to someone, one flight down.
someone on my floor said something to me, and i responded. my voice was quite loud, and Korpo shouted up at me to be quiet. i apologized, and went thru a door into the hallway. there i met someone who took me thru another door, into a small hallway, where there was another door. outside, thru the window, i could see the roof. the guy told me there was a tree growing on the roof i had to see.
he opened the door, and was right in front of me, so my view was blocked.
then, from the roof, in came this long haired little man. he was gross. repulsive.
it was almost like his features were indistinguishable.
i felt such a strong impulse of revulsion, but not really fear. he ran at me, and i grabbed onto his shirt, or whatever he was wearing.
then i yelled get out, get out GET OUT GET OUT!!!
then he dissolved, and i was back in my body in bed.
in that moment, i felt a surge of energy pulse outward from my core. it felt like when they hit the EMP in the matrix, you know. a shockwave pushing outward. repulsing this being...

I think it’s great that you have made enough internal change that you were able to make peace with him in the recent dream. Compare that to the way you were repulsed by him before. In the previous dream you did not approach him to say hello. You screamed at him to get out. You even encountered a force of energy that prevented you, at that time, from coming into further contact with him. This time you tried to shake his hand!

Progress. :D

15th December 2009, 09:50 PM
Something about your post remided me of something. I have to look if there's anything to the *ding* that just went off in my head.

15th December 2009, 10:04 PM
This (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1609&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=165#p99306) is what I thought of when I read your post. Not sure why, you're not old. Yet 'ding' it did.