View Full Version : An Unusual Dream

14th December 2009, 05:39 AM
I had this amazingly striking dream last night. Unfortunately, I was too busy to write it down in my dream journal, so I only remember the most important parts of it. In this dream, that started out as me being myself, I was told by something or someone from above that they needed my help. This man that I didn't know was about to be hanged, but the man was so afraid of dying, that this someone from above wanted me to become that man, so that I could leap this hurdle for him, if you'll excuse the pun. In a sense, I must have died or something, as I could sense leaving my normal body, and a short while afterward, I was in someone else's. At first, I thought I may have been transported to a woman's body, but when I checked I realized otherwise, with a little disappointment. This man was quite different from myself; he was probably in his thirties, and of African descent (It might help to describe that I'm 18 years old, male, and of central European descent). I felt very nervous at first. A beautiful woman escorted me to a metal ladder, and I could tell from the look in her eyes that she knew that it was me inside this man's body, that I would be taking the fall for him. As I walked up the ladder, it shook back and forth quickly. The noose was placed around my neck, and I noticed it was rather thin. As I got to the top of the ladder and stood up, as the ladder shook rather violently, I decided that I would jump down to the right side. I saw the woman at the bottom, looking very concerned... I jumped off of the ladder, and as I reached a certain point, the rope snapped taught, and I heard "my" neck break. Interestingly, I felt no real pain. My sight instantly shut off, and it felt like I was laying horizontally. A second later, after the initial shock wore off, I counted upwards as I waited for death to come. It felt like the words escaped my lips verbally, and a deep darkness slowly engulfed me. I "died" just as I reached eight. I woke up immediately after this.
I could feel right away that this dream was important...but I'm not sure what it means. I don't want my emotions to cloud my judgment in interpreting this, so I'd very much appreciate any guesses as to what any of this may mean. I haven't had a nightmare in years, and I used to have plenty of dreams where I would "die", but they were really all cut off before the actual act happened. (Mostly falling dreams back when I was a small child, or one a bit more recently when I was mauled by a giant wolverine). This wasn't a nightmare per say though, I wasn't terribly afraid during any of it, though I was a bit nervous. Thank you all in advance for any help.

14th December 2009, 08:41 AM
This is an amazingly symbol-rich dream. There is a lot that can be said about it. I'll start with some observations and links for your consideration so that you can gain some insight.

I had this amazingly striking dream last night. Unfortunately, I was too busy to write it down in my dream journal, so I only remember the most important parts of it. In this dream, that started out as me being myself, I was told by something or someone from above that they needed my help. This man that I didn't know was about to be hanged, but the man was so afraid of dying, that this someone from above wanted me to become that man, so that I could leap this hurdle for him, if you'll excuse the pun.

Immediately this makes me think of the Prometheus myth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Myth_of_Prometheus_(Piero_di_Cosimo)), the Hanged Man (http://gypsymagic.wordpress.com/tag/prometheus/) in the Tarot deck and the archetypal psychopomp. (http://www.psychopomps.org/what-is-a-psychopomp.html)

In a sense, I must have died or something, as I could sense leaving my normal body, and a short while afterward, I was in someone else's.

Presuming this isn't some kind of soul retrieval, it could prefigure a type of death in your life and big changes ahead. Look up the meaning of the Death card (http://www.holistic.com/holistic/Learning.nsf/0/dc9696412bfb6b60872569fa00453eb5?OpenDocument) in the Tarot.

14th December 2009, 10:41 AM
Back now.

At first, I thought I may have been transported to a woman's body, but when I checked I realized otherwise, with a little disappointment.
This is probably referencing a desire to access the more intuitive, creative, nurturing and loving aspects of yourself

This man was quite different from myself; he was probably in his thirties, and of African descent (It might help to describe that I'm 18 years old, male, and of central European descent).

I find this more difficult to be certain about. You’ll need to break it down in terms of associations you make. The man is an aspect of you that represents the active self that uses the information it has obtained from the intuition or collective unconscious. The fact that he is dark skinned may be a reference to pulling up something of use from the shadow. (http://www.shadowdance.com/shadow/theshadow.html)

I felt very nervous at first. A beautiful woman escorted me to a metal ladder, and I could tell from the look in her eyes that she knew that it was me inside this man's body, that I would be taking the fall for him.

Your intuition is leading you towards an action that will help you access higher levels of consciousness and/or the achievement of status, power and success. Look up the biblical story of Jacob’s Ladder (http://www.clarion-call.org/yeshua/jacob/ladder.htm) for the archetype. That doesn’t mean that it will necessarily be a pleasant experience, especially if there is the need to encounter a shadow aspect. Of course, your willingness to participate in such an encounter may help you minimize the negativity you might associate with the upcoming experiences.

As I walked up the ladder, it shook back and forth quickly.
There may be times when accessing the higher consciousness will be jeopardized.

The noose was placed around my neck, and I noticed it was rather thin.
This augurs a restrictive and self-sacrificial event/experience. Thin or thick, the noose will confine you if you're willing to place it around your neck.

As I got to the top of the ladder and stood up, as the ladder shook rather violently, I decided that I would jump down to the right side.

You solve the problem in a right brain way, that is, with intuition and creativity. It may not be enough on its own because it precipitates a fall from the ladder.

I saw the woman at the bottom, looking very concerned... I jumped off of the ladder, and as I reached a certain point, the rope snapped taut, and I heard "my" neck break.

She represents that right brain side of you but she sees you snagged by the noose, nonetheless.

To see your neck in your dream, signifies the relationship between the mind/mental and the body/physical. It represents willpower, self-restriction and your need to control your feelings and keep them in check. Consider the familiar phrase, "don't stick your neck out" which serves as a warning against a situation.
To dream that your neck is injured or sore, indicates a separation between your heart and mind. Alternatively, it could represent something or someone is literally a pain in the neck.
To dream of a thick neck, signifies that you are becoming very quarrelsome and quick-tempered.

Interestingly, I felt no real pain. My sight instantly shut off, and it felt like I was laying horizontally. A second later, after the initial shock wore off, I counted upwards as I waited for death to come. It felt like the words escaped my lips verbally, and a deep darkness slowly engulfed me. I "died" just as I reached eight.

I’d look up a numerology meaning for 8 (http://www.spiritual-numerology.com/numerology-number-meaning/numerology-meaning-of-number-8.html) if I were analyzing this dream (and if I wasn't an 8 life path person fully cognizant of the number's meaning :wink: ). I’d also see 8 as a representation of perfect balance and also as the infinity symbol on its side. Since the Tarot seems very applicable in this dream so far, I’d read up on the meaning of the Strength card (http://psychicsensational.blogspot.com/2007/09/tarot-card-meanings-strength-card-8.html)

I woke up immediately after this.
I could feel right away that this dream was important...but I'm not sure what it means. I don't want my emotions to cloud my judgment in interpreting this, so I'd very much appreciate any guesses as to what any of this may mean. I haven't had a nightmare in years, and I used to have plenty of dreams where I would "die", but they were really all cut off before the actual act happened. (Mostly falling dreams back when I was a small child, or one a bit more recently when I was mauled by a giant wolverine). This wasn't a nightmare per say though, I wasn't terribly afraid during any of it, though I was a bit nervous. Thank you all in advance for any help.

Don’t worry, lots of us here have died in dreams. It is a very important dream, true.