View Full Version : What could/does this dream POSSIBLY mean?

10th December 2009, 01:23 AM
I had a dream Monday night that I cannot stop thinking about. In the dream, I was with my best friend and a tall, thin man in his early twenties who had light, wavy brown hair, light blue eyes, and an average build. I have been dreaming about this man for about the past week-and-a-half or so, but this is the first time I've seen him in the same dream as my best friend, who I have not dreamed about for about a year or so. This is my dream as I have it written down in my dream journal:

I was with Perry and Jacob. We were in the middle of a desert highway on our way into some huge city (maybe Las Vegas?) I was kneeling down before the rear of our red convertible. I finished changing the tire and hopped back into the driver's seat. We made it into the city just before sunset.

Jacob is the man with the brown hair and blue eyes who I have been dreaming about for about two weeks. I still don't know exactly what his role in my nightlife is. I remember clearly in another dream he was speaking of his job as an astral guide, so maybe that's what he really is. *Shrugs*

I wish I could just AP now. Unfortunately I'm still working on that. So, any ideas about why I was seeing my best friend and alleged 'astral guide' in the SAME dream? Ugh, I feel guilty suspecting this 'astral guide' and not believing that he might just be that. After all, every one of my dreams I have of him are always surrounded by a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

Oh, and I just counted the number of dreams in my dream journal in which this man appears. Nine so far. So why does he appear so often? And what could this mean of seeing him together with my best friend (who I've known for almost a full 4 years, by the way)? Sorry for the long post, but I feel it would have been more confusing if I had kept it short. :oops: :P

10th December 2009, 09:16 AM
Hello, LadySegesta.

Hmmm. You were with two men, but you were the one changing the tire. So either you "have to change something" or there is a change for you. You were also the driver - so you are in charge of this situation.

I had dreams where cars are "vehicles of consciousness". If this guy is your astral guide this makes sense. Helps you learn to drive this vehicle, is along for the trip, is in your travel company for this journey.

In the middle of a desert highway - you might be finally "getting somewhere", but are not quite there yet. There is a "dry patch" or "dry spell" before you finally arrive at your goal. Seems to match with your wish for wanting to "just AP now."

Changing a tire - maybe a pun on changing your sleeping habits, so that you don't feel as tired. Then maybe red denotes the physical aspect, that your body needs a different sleep pattern.

Or maybe you were just manipulating your astral body a bit, fixing something up. If the car is really representing your astral body, note it is a convertible - either a symbol for openness or a pun for flexible, changeable.

So, what's so unusual about dreaming about your best friend? Might just denote that you are in good friendly company, or that Perry is on this side as good a friend as Jacob is on the other side. Denoting a closeness.

Jacob as a name makes me think of Jacob's ladder, which makes me think of the different planes.


10th December 2009, 08:45 PM
That makes sense. I was the one who decided to learn how to/achieve AP. =

As for the car being the "vehicle of consciousness", I knew from me being in the driver's seat that I was in control of the situation. However, your connection to its color and the car being a metaphor for my body... I would have never thought I needed to change my sleep pattern. I usually go to bed around 9 or 10, and wake up around 5 or 6. So that right there is about 9 or so hours of sleep. Maybe I need less? More? I dunno. *Shrugs*

I also figured the highway had something to do with a goal. You know, like being on the right track and getting closer to something and all.

Uhm, I suppose it really isn't all too unusually to see my guide and best friend together in the same dream. Now that you say it like Perry being as good a friend in my waking life as Jacob is as good a friend in my astral life, it makes sense now.

Thanks for that Korpo. It's starting to make more sense now. :)

Another question though. Has anybody else ever had their guides appear to them in their dreams a number of times while they were trying to learn how to AP? I wonder if this is my guide's way of trying to tell me he's "around"...

10th December 2009, 10:22 PM
I have, but not in dreams. When I was trying to control where I went (you know, I want to go 'here' and 'there' I would sometimes go off and get lost and end up in an astral locale, where the same group of people (around three people) were there. I usually would explain what happened, and they would just comment on what I did, but didn't really 'help'. I did this countless times, to the point of going to this place and finding them there after not being able to get to where I wanted (for various reasons.)
So this one time, something important was happening and I needed to go to a specific place. So instead of doing what I usually did (which was trying to geographically orient myself and then get lost) I actually asked to be taken to this specific place, this specific time- And instead of the usual, I had two of these people I saw occasionally take me (in a different way, more like 'phasing from an astral point', vs. trying to traverse distance) and lo and behold- there I was, where I needed to go. After that, I realized that all I had to do was ask before separating, and a couple of other times I did it, and every time they took me. All it took was for me to ask, and to accept their help when they appeared.
So it's 'sort of' like what you are asking but a little different, because it's not in dreams, but in conscious projection.

11th December 2009, 08:54 AM
And instead of the usual, I had two of these people I saw occasionally take me (in a different way, more like 'phasing from an astral point', vs. trying to traverse distance) and lo and behold- there I was, where I needed to go. After that, I realized that all I had to do was ask before separating, and a couple of other times I did it, and every time they took me. All it took was for me to ask, and to accept their help when they appeared.

Seems like the change that happened to Monroe in "Far Journeys" - as soon as it occurred to him to ask and be guided, he was. :)
