View Full Version : During the middle of my projection, I get told not to.

6th December 2009, 04:25 PM

Its been a while since I last attempted to Astral Project intentionally. I couldn't seem to project after months of trying so I forgot about it.

Yesterday while I was asleep I could feel myself leaving my body spontaneously, I was completely scared and tried disrupting the process. Then I thought "Its either now or never" so I projected out of my body. Then in green letters on my ceiling it said "Don't get out! Stay back down!" and I did. I remember reading something about that this is normal and would just like to make sure that during the projection is if it is common to get certain messages telling you not to project. Also can you please elaborate why such signs tell people not to project?

Thanks a lot!

Robert Bruce
16th March 2010, 06:27 AM

Hearing voices telling you not to project, or seeing words or signs telling you same, is a test.

The idea is to be able to control your fear and to ignore such illusions.

This relates to the Dweller of the Threshold, which is another well known illusion test.

So, in future, ignore everything like this, get out of body, move away from your body, and start learning how to get around.

Also, you can use commands to move around, and to change things, during OBE.

EG, if you can't see or it is dark, say firmly 'Give me light!' and you will get light, or clearer vision.
