View Full Version : Q-Link

5th December 2009, 06:51 PM
Hello Mr. Bruce,

I saw this week's 30 Odd minutes show and happened to notice you weren't wearing your q-link. I'm not a critic or anything, I'd just like to know why you wouldn't wear a product you believe in so passionately about during all hours and days of the year.

5th December 2009, 08:03 PM
I just saw it- how can you tell? It was kind of dark.

11th December 2009, 06:15 AM
I insist I haven't noticed anything special with it, and I've been wearing it for about 6 months. There are so many variables involved in someone's life that it's nearly impossible to determine which one has more weight.

Neil Templar
11th December 2009, 01:14 PM
at the reconnection seminar, one of the concepts that was discussed was this - YOU ARE 100%.
meaning, we don't need anything external to be what we already are.
relying on crystals, or q-links, or any other external device, only suggests that we believe we aren't 100% right now.
this is a limiting, and fear-based belief.
we already are everything we'll ever need. we just have to allow ourselves to know it.

after the seminar i took off my q-link. i feel exactly the same.
now i will say that when i put it on, i did feel a change in my energy levels. an equalization of sorts. every day i'd wake up with the same level of energy. and hang-overs became a thing of the past.
this hasn't changed since i took it off. :D

11th December 2009, 03:05 PM
Robert answered the copy you posted in the 'Ask Robert' section. He was wearing his Qlink. It wasn't visible because it was inside the shirt he was wearing. He was also wearing his magnetic necklace, which was somewhat visible.

He was asked not to show them, to avoid any cross-promotion.

As to our being 100%, of course we are. The thing is, that objects such as talismans, etc. put us in touch with that creative/protective 'higher' aspect that reinforces that truth.

Neil Templar
12th December 2009, 07:42 AM
Robert answered the copy you posted in the 'Ask Robert' section. He was wearing his Qlink. It wasn't visible because it was inside the shirt he was wearing. He was also wearing his magnetic necklace, which was somewhat visible.

He was asked not to show them, to avoid any cross-promotion.

As to our being 100%, of course we are. The thing is, that objects such as talismans, etc. put us in touch with that creative/protective 'higher' aspect that reinforces that truth.

so, do we really need them?

12th December 2009, 07:51 AM
I agree that the best amulet is to trust yourself, and to avoid blocking thoughts. A healthy diet, some exercise, a bit of introspection/meditation, a fulfilling job and some spiritual schedule (as NEW) will work to ensure the trip along the golden path.

Neil Templar
12th December 2009, 08:05 AM
if we can live without fear, we need nothing else...

i understand this isn't as easy as it sounds...

12th December 2009, 09:25 AM
Neil, the suggestion that we need an outside agency to reconnect us is also a statement that we're not 100%. That it should cost $333 is also somewhat suspect.

12th December 2009, 09:37 AM
It is true, and I'm talking from the school teaching perspective, that a child can improve some ability, or lessen some problem through some physical means in which is known as the placebo effect. With that technique the child can bear with a problem until he develops better strategies to cope with. After that, the means must be suppressed in a step-by-step way, so he realizes he can function without it, and with complete excellence.

Of course, the problem could be not to be able to suppress the means itself, and a second-layer would be created in that case. It's as when you take pills to fix something in your body, and you develop a necessity to take those pills, not to heal the illness, but to believe you feel better with them.

Something similar happens with other devices, which provoke a healing effect not because of they having such power, but because they act as a key for the subconscious to give way to the process itself.

Anyway it's true that some magical "weapons", as they are named in several esoteric books, work as a context-linked keys to activate certain mind-patterns. That impedes the activation of them in inappropriate contexts (as to enter a trance state while driving).

12th December 2009, 04:02 PM
so, do we really need them? Only if you do.
Think of it this way- if you break your leg you don't ask yourself if you *really* need a splint- sure, we all have the power of manifestation, but the situation in which would require a bone to set is not necessarily within everyone's practical abilities to set a bone within a time frame that can bypass the whole healing time concept, most people would prefer to go to a doctor and get it done, and then pray for the healing or do energy work on it, or whatever.
Since something like an energetic problem may be 'no sweat' for a lot of us, you apply whatever technique you have mastered and you're good to go, some people will require constant reinforcement of this idea of 'healing' that for this or that reason, they need, then they probably need the constant reminder of a talisman, or a ritual, or some other external thing.
So in all, it depends on what the problem is, and on the person itself.

Neil Templar
12th December 2009, 06:07 PM
Neil, the suggestion that we need an outside agency to reconnect us is also a statement that we're not 100%. That it should cost $333 is also somewhat suspect.

hehe, indeed!
but as i have no idea how to go about realigning these meridians they're talking about myself, i'll still go pay the money to have it done.
foolish?, gullible?, or just too damn curious for my own good? :wink:
and afterwards, what will i be? 100%, but a rewired 100%?
i mean, a machine can have all it's parts but not run properly. we need a mechanic to fix our cars when they break down don't we?

anyhoo, i've well and truly derailed this thread. oops! :P
my original point was - i've taken off my q-link, and i still feel the same "regulation" of energy that putting it on allowed.
so, did it work? was it placebo effect?
i obviously don't need it, i still feel the same. so i can only assume that my belief in my 100%-ness is allowing me to remain in this state.
could i have manifested these changes myself? i'm sure i could. if i believed that i could at the time. so what's stopping me from manifesting all the other changes i want to see in myself?
can't i just set my strong intention on having the reconnection done, and make it happen myself? do i need to know the procedure?
how can i set my intention on creating a certain outcome, when i'm not sure what that outcome is gonna be?
i've been successful in manifesting stuff when i can imagine the outcome.
but how do you manifest growth in yourself, when you have no idea what you'll grow to become?

12th December 2009, 06:22 PM
I think you said something similar than what I said. Everyone has the same capability from a 'potential' point of view, but each one of us has a different perspective on getting it done. So, whatever works.

12th December 2009, 10:53 PM
hehe, indeed!
but as i have no idea how to go about realigning these meridians they're talking about myself, i'll still go pay the money to have it done.

Isn't the process supposed to be somewhere in the book of Enoch? I went looking for it online but couldn't find it.

foolish?, gullible?, or just too damn curious for my own good?

You know I had a reconnective healing done, so if you're foolish and gullible, so am I. I prefer the word "curious" myself. :D

and afterwards, what will i be? 100%, but a rewired 100%?
i mean, a machine can have all it's parts but not run properly. we need a mechanic to fix our cars when they break down don't we?

Only if we're convinced they're broken.

anyhoo, i've well and truly derailed this thread. oops!
my original point was - i've taken off my q-link, and i still feel the same "regulation" of energy that putting it on allowed.
so, did it work? was it placebo effect?
i obviously don't need it, i still feel the same. so i can only assume that my belief in my 100%-ness is allowing me to remain in this state.
could i have manifested these changes myself? i'm sure i could. if i believed that i could at the time. so what's stopping me from manifesting all the other changes i want to see in myself?


can't i just set my strong intention on having the reconnection done, and make it happen myself? do i need to know the procedure?
how can i set my intention on creating a certain outcome, when i'm not sure what that outcome is gonna be?

Well, what have they told you to expect? My understanding is that the benefits would be the same as having safely raised kundalini. Why not set your own expectations?

i've been successful in manifesting stuff when i can imagine the outcome.
but how do you manifest growth in yourself, when you have no idea what you'll grow to become?

I guess there's a belief system thing going on here for me. I believe we set goals before we incarnate on what direction we'd like to develop in and life then throws up all the circumstances that allow the potential for these developments.

Neil Templar
13th December 2009, 01:23 AM
you know what Bk, i'm gonna try to see what i can do with this.
i was doing reconnective healing in a dream the other night, to someone else. if i can set my intention right, maybe i can tap into the energy and start the process while i'm in the dreamstate.
maybe i'll give my practitioner a call, have a chat about what to expect from it... 8)

14th December 2009, 12:25 PM
but how do you manifest growth in yourself, when you have no idea what you'll grow to become? :?

You don't need to know the outcome to ask for something. If you intend to grow, things will align to enable growth. Then it depends on you again, how you react.
