View Full Version : YOU HAVE 2 YEARS!!! (Dream)

3rd December 2009, 10:01 PM
I had some odd experience a couple years back. I seem to remember a deadline before but then I forgot about it and then 2 years ago I had a dream that specifically hit me while I was in a half awake/half asleep state where I heard a voice saying "You have two years" in a stern voice. I thought it was just a dream and to forget about it. The next year about the same time of the year the SAME THING HAPPENED!! Ok so now I freaked out and revisted my original diary/blog of the event. Here it is.

When I had this, one year later about Jan 17th I had another half asleep even where I heard the same door closing really loudly and waking me up. They said "1 year left" and now I am down to my final 2 months. I'm starting to get nervous what the bonk this means...

Here is my blog about it..

Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:06 pm

I had a dream it was very vivid, and I was able to remember ALL of it, except the actual POINT of it all!! I was then woken by a loud door slamming, like it actually happened. I got up wife was not up I went outside nobody was nearby. But I heard it clear as day. The loud door slam was meant to wake me up, so that I'd remember this part of my dream.

Every have those dreams you KNEW what it was for but you couldn't remember the message no matter what? It was like they selectively wiped your memory when it came to one the part you needed to know.

It all started 2 years ago. I had a dream and now that I had time to think about it last night. I woke with a loud voice like it was someone talking to me in the room. "You have 2 years." in a cold stony voice. I freaked not having a clue what it meant. I soon forgot about it.

Last night I had a dream in a place that seemed familiar. Everyone was planning for some event all around us. Closing off streets, getting ready to watch an event in the sky. We all knew it would be very very dark for a while. Then they would come. But nobody was afraid. It was like we were expecting them.

Finally I drove around until we got home I remember seeing people putting objects in the streets to block people from driving adn shut everything down for this event.

I got home and the lights went out. There was no power. It was dark and I felt fear. I knew they were here. They were aliens moving around and I was getting ready to kick their ass as they approached us. Then my eyes went dark. I couldn't see in the dream. Then poof people were there.

Some short woman was there who looked at me coldly and said your 2 years are up.

I seemed to remember something about something I needed to learn, and it had a time limit. They said I had failed. But what did I fail to learn? What was it? They told me. But I can't remember what it is that they wanted from me! Eventually I woke up and remembered all details except what exactly it was the whole time I was supposed to do in the last 2 years.

They said I blew all that time I was given. Then they said that they gave me the gift of my wife, and made me feel guilty that I didn't achieve my goal. It had nothing to do with our stillborn child. I knew that.

It was some personal growth that they were trying to make me learn or this life was done.

They decided to give me 2 more years. This time you only have 2 more years. There is no more time. I thought to myself - do I get to go back in time and start over with the knowledge that I know? I could make a bunch of money! They were like no.

"You have 2 more years."

Then the sound of a loud door slamming woke me up.

Then I moved from the couch back to bed with my wife. I was shaken. I never have been slapped like this before. Well once before I had tried Salvia Divinorum and instead of gleaning some useful information about my situation I was told "Stop thinking about yourself". Meaning to stop being so selfish.

This time I was given hell, given 2 years to do something and then given a final 2 years for WHAT?HuhHuh??

I couldnt' think of it so then a song popped in my head. Usually I will get obscure songs popping in my head at times I am really looking for answers.

All they ever do is give you clues!! Never the answers!

What is it that I have 2 years to accomplish??

This is the song that popped in my head. I looked up the lyrics and I never really knew the lyrics but when I read them I was shocked....

So many questions... anyone else feel like they are going to school in the dream world and there are so many classes and you keep missing them or forgetting about them etc? In my dream world I was short about 2 classes I never finished. I wonder if it had anything to do with it.. anyway here is the song.


Revelations - Audioslave

You know what to do, you know what I did
Since you know everything just clue me in
I am such a wreck, I am such a mess
I know what I know, why don't you fill in the rest?
I will bring you down, I will make it bad
While you're feelin' proud, why don't you help me?

Such a shame that I wouldn't know by now
Your revelations
Cut me in, I don't wanna live without
Your revelations, revelations

You know what to say, you know what I said
You know what I dream sleeping in my bed
You hold all the keys, you know all the roads
Why don't you guide me in, if I'm such a lost soul?
I'm spinnin' 'round, I will make you ill
Since I'm so broken down, why don't you fix me?

Such a shame that I wouldn't know by now (I wouldn't know by now)
Your revelations
Cut me in, I don't wanna live without (Don't wanna live without)
Your revelations

I am haunted when I am sleeping
Try to give without receiving
It's in the applebite (It's in the applebite)
It's in the days and nights (It's in the days and nights)
In the afterlife we'll reap

Such a shame that I wouldn't know by now (I wouldn't know by now)
Your revelations
Cut me in, I don't wanna live without (Don't wanna live without)
Your revelations
Such a shame, such a shame that I wouldn't know by now
Cut me in, I don't wanna live without (Don't wanna live without)
Your revelations

4th December 2009, 02:33 AM
wish i could say more.

but i'm not sure the thoughts i had while reading this were about me or about you.

but here they are:

survival skills. not wilderness survival skills, but urban survival,,, i.e. like during an extended power outage, over a large area, during the winter. (think like the ice storms in the northeast US a couple years ago).
then, 'listen to the words in the songs' (which someone told me a little while ago, that doing that was something i was NOT doing, but should)

the 'revelations' song, got me to thinking, not soo much about the 'prophecies' in the Book of Revelations, but more like the 'predictions' or 'expected events' surrounding 2012.

which got me to thinking about some of the stuff David Wilcock has written, and some stuff on the 'emerging earth angels' site.

and then, i though, hey, the paint in that dining room really clashes with the color of the woodwork...
but,,, that has probably something to do with watching house hunters on HGTV.... so disregard that.

love and light.

4th December 2009, 08:24 AM
It may simply be a dream simulation to frustrate you to the point that you wake up in the dream. I'd suggest you try developing your lucid dreaming and meditation skills and see if you can more consciously access information. Also, keep a dream journal going and give some time to analysing them.

4th December 2009, 02:21 PM
Last night I dreamed I was dead (or had a projection and in a dream thought I was dead, not sure), hee hee.

5th December 2009, 03:50 PM
I'm pretty sure this is a decision about greed. Almost everything in my life I do has to benefit me in some way. I have to learn to be more giving and think of others. When I had been reminded that my time was running out I've been really down and almost afraid something was going to happen. I sort of want to hide in my shell and stay home when I've got committments to go watch friends at a concert playing or to help someone with something and I really don't want to. I have to say screw it and not sit home being depressed or worried and go do something.

So I went out and supported my friend and then we went to a bar where we play every week and we played a crapload of songs but this one song by REM "losing my religion" well this morning the lyrics were stickign in my head for some reason. I find that the "other side' likes to communicate with me via song. The repeating lyrics over and over were "That was just a dream.. just a dream".

So whatever it is, they were trying to reassure me of something..

5th December 2009, 03:55 PM
wish i could say more.

but i'm not sure the thoughts i had while reading this were about me or about you.

but here they are:

survival skills. not wilderness survival skills, but urban survival,,, i.e. like during an extended power outage, over a large area, during the winter. (think like the ice storms in the northeast US a couple years ago).
then, 'listen to the words in the songs' (which someone told me a little while ago, that doing that was something i was NOT doing, but should)

the 'revelations' song, got me to thinking, not soo much about the 'prophecies' in the Book of Revelations, but more like the 'predictions' or 'expected events' surrounding 2012.

which got me to thinking about some of the stuff David Wilcock has written, and some stuff on the 'emerging earth angels' site.

and then, i though, hey, the paint in that dining room really clashes with the color of the woodwork...
but,,, that has probably something to do with watching house hunters on HGTV.... so disregard that.

love and light.

Yes we are all worried about 2012 and the "end". I am far from ready for it. I don't think any one of us could be ready. I've had dreams of things beyond imagination growing up well before I knew anything about 2012 or planet x or pole shifts or solar flares or any of that. When I read into this and the texts and they describe my dreams exactly it freaks me out and I realize no amount of preparation is going to help. Only the rich and powerful in their bunkers can survive, and from there the rest of us who survive it will be God's will and us being in the right place at the right time probably.

But who cares about surviving. I just want to learn the lessons we need to learn and use this opportunity in life to do whatever our purpose is. Discovering the purpose is the hard part. That is what the years of deep meditation are about. Problem with all of this stuff called "Astral Dynamics" is that when you get into it you open doors sometimes you are not ready to handle or find out about. I thought I was ready.

But I do think they are right.. we are running out of time.

5th December 2009, 03:57 PM
Sounds like your Higher Self was reminding you of something- Just think of it this way (and I know you already know about this) if we are all a part of the One, and you do some good in the world, (whatever the good is, sometimes holding someone's hand is more valuable than giving money, we never know about this) the 'good' becomes a part of the 'all', and as part of this 'all', you benefit.
So maybe instead of greed, you can think of it as 'some part of you' realizes this is a 'law', and you mistakenly think that it's something that must be experienced (as a payoff)- but the more selfless the act, the more payoff you actually receive.
You dig?

5th December 2009, 09:45 PM
Yes we are all worried about 2012 and the "end". I am far from ready for it. I don't think any one of us could be ready. I've had dreams of things beyond imagination growing up well before I knew anything about 2012 or planet x or pole shifts or solar flares or any of that. When I read into this and the texts and they describe my dreams exactly it freaks me out and I realize no amount of preparation is going to help. Only the rich and powerful in their bunkers can survive, and from there the rest of us who survive it will be God's will and us being in the right place at the right time probably.

Maybe your dreams were foreseeing the collective fears rather than future realities. Even if what you saw are probabilities, probability is only probability. Add to that that visions are filtered through our perceptions and these are distorted by emotions. Also dreams work in highly symbolic ways that may represent things that are personal as though they are global.

5th December 2009, 11:13 PM
Yes we are all worried about 2012 and the "end". I am far from ready for it. I don't think any one of us could be ready. I've had dreams of things beyond imagination growing up well before I knew anything about 2012 or planet x or pole shifts or solar flares or any of that. When I read into this and the texts and they describe my dreams exactly it freaks me out and I realize no amount of preparation is going to help. Only the rich and powerful in their bunkers can survive, and from there the rest of us who survive it will be God's will and us being in the right place at the right time probably.

Maybe your dreams were foreseeing the collective fears rather than future realities. Even if what you saw are probabilities, probability is only probability. Add to that that visions are filtered through our perceptions and these are distorted by emotions. Also dreams work in highly symbolic ways that may represent things that are personal as though they are global.

Well I do honestly think that things will fall apart BEFORE 2012. 2012 it the culmination of many things. The world will continue to spin and life will go on.. Maybe possible the return of the "son" that incarnates in cycles on this planet. The pure manifestation of God on Earth... I hope that is true.

5th December 2009, 11:22 PM
Sounds like your Higher Self was reminding you of something- Just think of it this way (and I know you already know about this) if we are all a part of the One, and you do some good in the world, (whatever the good is, sometimes holding someone's hand is more valuable than giving money, we never know about this) the 'good' becomes a part of the 'all', and as part of this 'all', you benefit.
So maybe instead of greed, you can think of it as 'some part of you' realizes this is a 'law', and you mistakenly think that it's something that must be experienced (as a payoff)- but the more selfless the act, the more payoff you actually receive.
You dig?

Not really heheh. I always thought the more you give the more you get in return maybe in spirit but I also have a huge distaste for people. I avoid them at all costs as most are greedy and you give them an inch and they take a mile so to speak. They remember you do this for them and they just use you as a tool in the future for their needs. I hate people for their greed and mentality especially where I live. This whole feeling of entitlement and union sort of mentality. That they are better than everyone else. I work in a technical environment so I help people with their trouble with networks and solve problems. But most people don't want to pay. I find myself giving all the time and not getting in return so I have become a very selfish person most of my life as well. I'm no better than all the scum out there trying to eek out their existence.

But I know being a "giving" person is the best you could be. I know so many people who carry this aura about them that would do anything for anyone and I strive to be like that but its just too hard.

I've done salvia divinorum a few times and I can never get any visuals or anything. But I hear voices. I've been told bluntly "Stop thinking of yourself" meaning stop being greedy. I didnt tell my wife what happened and when she tried it next.. after she came out of it she said "they told me to tell you they still love you" etc.. it was quite freaky. Long story though :)

I keep thinking that I must learn that final lesson of being anti-greedy before the 2 years are up.