View Full Version : another second-hand store

3rd December 2009, 07:36 AM
I had another dream that I was shopping in a second-hand store. Wish I could figure this symbol out, as it has repeated many times in the last year or so.

I had the baby on my hip and my mother was with me. I was looking for things for our new place, but every time I found something that I could use my mother would criticize me for wanting to spend my money, to the point that I would feel guilty. Even if the prices were really good.

Despite my mother's objections, there were a couple of things I would have bought. Things i really could use, but upon looking them over, they both had something weird about them that rendered them useless to me. One was an stove/oven. Good price, but the oven didn't have a real heating element in it, it was just a coil of light. Another thing that looked good was a microwave, but the door wouldn't open. :?

Most things I looked at were appliances, but I also remember a table of hand-bags and a big pile of board games. The games were like a mountain in the middle of the store. I looked at them, but didn't find anything I was interested in. The bags interested me more. I found one I would have bought if my mother hadn't been there. As it was, I left the store without getting anything (but frustrated).

Frustrated maybe at what i think I need, but really don't? I don't know. The dream took a very strange turn from there...

3rd December 2009, 07:54 AM
I don't know if this helps:

MOTHERS : Mothers tend to relate to our emotional concern for both ourselves and for the people around us. As far as yourself is concerned the mother maybe symbolises your wishes for reassurance, your own worries and concerns about the way your life is going. The mother may symbolise your own wish to take a cautious and safe approach and not wanting to make hasty decisions(a wish not to be pressured). The mother can also symbolise our behavior towards others. They may be symbolic of our worries and concerns for others such as coworkers.

The symbolic meaning of mothers in dreams

Obviously mothers play an important role in our lives. They try to influence us and persuade us to do what they want. In many cases the appearance of a mother in a dream is literal and links to there involvement in the dreams issue. But in many other cases mothers play a symbolic role and link to our own need to show concern for others in a motherly way. They also link to our need to have others show concern for us or for us recognising that we are feeling upset.

Mothers can also be symbols for a need for closure. They are saying that enough is enough. They recognise that some direction we are moving in is not right and we need to just accept things. Often we will not accept that a relationship is over and the appearance of a mother maybe shows that we are beginning to accept the need to bring an end to a disastrous relationship. Its really not doing us any good emotionally.

Often the mother appears as a symbol of our own need for reassurance or support in some issue within your current life.


3rd December 2009, 08:06 AM
Actually, that really helps. I guess there was a lot to seen from just that one element of the dream.


3rd December 2009, 08:37 AM
More now...I like to take my time and ponder.

I had another dream that I was shopping in a second-hand store. Wish I could figure this symbol out, as it has repeated many times in the last year or so.

Sometimes these stores are referred to as “opportunity shops” or “op shops.” It seems to me it may suggest that you’re looking through things discarded to see if there is anything of value there for you.

I had the baby on my hip and my mother was with me. I was looking for things for our new place, but every time I found something that I could use my mother would criticize me for wanting to spend my money, to the point that I would feel guilty. Even if the prices were really good.

Money in dreams can be money but I’d be inclined to see it in terms of function, that is, it purchases the things you want and need. So, in this sense, it can symbolize your power, efforts and energies. So, some part of you is inhibiting you from/cautioning you about full expression of these things.

Despite my mother's objections, there were a couple of things I would have bought. Things i really could use, but upon looking them over, they both had something weird about them that rendered them useless to me. One was an stove/oven. Good price, but the oven didn't have a real heating element in it, it was just a coil of light. Another thing that looked good was a microwave, but the door wouldn't open.

This is your fear about things that look good falling short in terms of real value. Consider the expression, "I don't buy it." You say these are things you really could use. I think we tend to be most anxious and most cautious on those things that we most desire or need, in case they turn out to be disappointments. The second hand context also suggests a fear of repeating patterns: getting more of the old and familiar rather than something new.

Look at the two objects you wish for but that are defective in some regard. One provides only light but it’s warmth/heat you require. The other could heat up (from the inside out) but it won’t open up and so you cannot access the heat. Both provide for cooking, that is, sustenance.

Most things I looked at were appliances, but I also remember a table of hand-bags

Bags become the receptacles of our wealth. Your interest may reflect your present considerations of ways to make an income. “Baggage”, of course, is also the metaphor we use for the emotional burdens we carry around. A table of handbags may be a representation of closely examining such issues, however, these aren’t your bags, they are the former bags of other people.

Then there’s Austin Power’s, “It’s not my bag, baby,” use of the word bag. This may suggest looking at life in general and deciding on what is your “bag”.

…and a big pile of board games. The games were like a mountain in the middle of the store. I looked at them, but didn't find anything I was interested in.

Perhaps there’s a rebus at work. You are bored with games.

3rd December 2009, 09:03 AM
Wow Beek, that was brilliant. Everything you said was spot on!

I guess this is what happens when I do self-healing right before bed. :wink:

So much to sort through... Thanks for the help. :)

3rd December 2009, 09:30 AM
You're welcome. :wink: